Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Lets Look at Finances

Lets Look at Finances by Jessica McGregor Johnson

Whenever you are looking to make a career change it is really important to address your finances. Many people can be rather ostrich-like about this, but if you analyse your situation at the beginning then it will certainly smooth your way later.

The first step you can address is budgets. Whenever you move from one career to another that includes a time for retraining, you need to have a close look at your budget. Often it means a time of pulling in the belt and cutting back in some areas. It is always best to identify this before you set out so you can make plans.

Take a piece of paper and create two columns.

In the first column write down all your main monthly living expenses, the ones that are not avoidable; mortgage payment/rent, utility bills, insurances, basic food bill, car payments/costs, health care, anything that is a fixed, unavoidable, cost.

In the second column write down all the other payments you make in a month, health club subscriptions, meals out, holidays, clothes, luxury foods, hobbies, movies, luxury goods payments, everything that is a choice rather than a necessity. If you don't know what these might be then keep a note of all expenditure in a month, everything, even that cup of coffee. It is quite revealing.

It is always good to see where the money you're currently earning is going and it helps you to see where you can implement a change of priority. What could you maybe spend less on, for example taking lunch to work rather than buying it every day. Or maybe there are expenses that you can simply drop for a short time till you are earning full money again.

Sometimes retraining does require us to change our lifestyle, if only temporarily, however the final outcome, the new career is always worth it. One word of caution, do not budget out all the fun stuff in life, you also need to be able to enjoy your life whilst you retrain and so identify some of the less expensive (or free) things or activities that you can keep in your life.

Once you have got real about your current and projected finances the next step it is to work out the shortfall. This is obviously something you will need to do with your partner if you have one, as it will affect him or her too. Is this shortfall an amount that you can supplement with part time or evening work? Could you see yourself doing a full or part time course and working enough to fill this shortfall?

If yes, then you have the next step - identify the part time work that you could do that would pay enough. This is a matter of research, the wider the window, i.e. you being willing to do a wide variety of work, the easier it will be to find part time work. Make a list of all your usable skills and of the type of work you'd be willing to do - for ideas go to a job website like monster and search different skills.

You might also try talking with employment agencies; they are a good source of ideas. Once you have some ideas start contacting those types of companies. Another thought is perhaps your current place of work might consider a part time position; often companies do not want to lose good employees.

If however you realise that part time work is not going to address the total shortfall then it is a rethink that is needed. Is your only option a full time course? Could you re-look at that element of the puzzle? Given your financial picture what would be possible? Maybe a longer, less time consuming course? Investigate if there are any grants available or maybe student loans that have a low rate of interest. This can help pay for the course as well as supplement your part time earnings.

Sometimes you do need to finance a retraining through loans, but the main thing to do is to have a debt repayment plan before you go down that road. In this way it feels more attainable and can't get out of control.

Another option if you do not like the idea of large loans is to see if you can save some of the necessary money before leaving your current job. Once you have identified possible cuts your current budget this may seem more possible than right now and may not delay your progress too much. Finances are a juggling act, look at different variations of ideas and see which one looks the best for you.

Most importantly be real about your finances. You need to approach your finances without rose tinted glasses, be creative and open to any (legal!) idea or way that makes it possible for your dream to come true. When we come from that space, with a determination to make something happen, we cannot fail.

Jessica works internationally as a Life Fulfilment Coach empowering people to create the life they choose and gain fulfilment in every area of life. If you would like to arrange a time for her to call you for a free introductory session please email Tel +34 958 639 593 or click here to email me For more information visit her website by clicking this link

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Monday, October 27, 2008

Gas Saving Devices You Should Avoid And Why

Gas Saving Devices You Should Avoid And Why by Gregg Hall

Most gas saving devices available in the market may actually save gas but on the other hand may adversely affect the quality of gas emission. The EPA describes these devices as below: "Indicated a very small improvement in fuel economy but with an increase in exhaust emissions. According to Federal regulations, installation of this device could be considered illegal tampering"

Let's now look at a set of products that you should ideally stay away from.


In June 1981, EPA tested this device manufactured by Fuel Injection Development Corporation. This is an air bleed device. The EPA test results showed a mere increase in mileage in the range of 1.6% to 4.0%. Although the product showed decrease in carbon monoxide emission and also considerable reduction in hydro-carbon generation, it showed substantial increase in the emission of Nitrogen Oxide, which eventually brought the product down.

Waag-Injection System

In Waag Injection system a reservoir of a 50% mixture of water and alcohol is used in the combustion chamber. The EPA conclusions are as follows:

"In summary, throughout all three phases of the test work reported on the W/A Waag-Injection system, significant increases were found in fuel economy; however corresponding increases were found in regulated emissions, both as measured from the vehicles manufacturer's specifications.

It should be noted that although the fuel economy increases observed were statistically significant under controlled laboratory conditions, the magnitudes of these increases were small. The magnitudes of the corresponding and also statistically significant increases in regulated emissions were larger and require further development to eliminate."

ACDS Automotive Cylinder Deactivation System

Finally, the ACDS Automotive Cylinder Deactivation System was meant to deactivate 4 of the 8 cylinders in an eight cylinder engine. It was tested by the EPA in 1981.
The EPA conclusions are as follows:

1. "The operation of a vehicle on four cylinders through the use of the ACDS hardware did cause a substantial increase in vehicle emissions to levels exceeding the applicable 1979 standards. Co-emissions were typically increased several times to levels near or above the standards.

2. NOx emissions were typically twice the standard. These emissions violate the tampering provisions of the Clean Air Act."

3. "The operation of a vehicle on 4 cylinders through the use of ACDS hardware did improve fuel economy 5 to 16% for FTP and 3 to 20% for HFET for those 8 cylinder vehicles tested, but with the associated emission increases described above."

4. "The vehicles had poor drivability when using the ACDS to operate on 4 cylinders.

5. Vehicle acceleration times were substantially increased when the vehicles were operated with 4 cylinders using ACDS. The acceleration times were typically double the comparable times for 8 cylinder operation.

6. The operation of a vehicle on 4 cylinders cause a serious loss of breaking power assistance under some driving conditions.

The EPA website provides comprehensive information on what product to use and what not. It is important that as a consumer you do not get fooled by the long drawn testimonials that all promotional material include.

Gregg Hall is an author living on the Emerald Coast of Florida. Now that you know a little more about gas saving devices be sure that you get gas saving products by going to

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Friday, October 17, 2008

What is a Mutual Fund

What is a Mutual Fund by Tarun Jaswani

The core of the money market consists of banks borrowing and lending to each other, using commercial paper, repurchase agreements and similar instruments. These instruments are often bench marked (i.e. priced over and above) to the London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR).

Finance companies, such as GMAC, typically fund themselves by issuing large amounts of asset-backed commercial paper (ABCP) which is secured by the pledge of eligible assets into an ABCP conduit. Examples of eligible assets include auto loans, credit card receivables, residential/commercial mortgage loans, mortgage-backed securities and similar financial assets. Certain large corporations with strong credit ratings, such as General Electric, issue commercial paper on their own credit. Other large corporations arrange for banks to issue commercial paper on their behalf via commercial paper lines.

Financial institutions provide a service as intermediaries of the capital and debt markets. They are responsible for transferring funds from investors to companies, in need of those funds. The presence of financial institutions facilitates the flow of monies through the economy. To do so, savings are pooled to mitigate the risk brough to vide funds for loans. Such is the primary means for depository institutions to develop revenue. Should the yield curve become inverse, firms in this arena will offer additional fee-generating services including securities underwriting, and prime brokerage.

Money market funds, also known as principal stability funds, seek to limit exposure to losses due to credit, market, and liquidity risks.Money market funds in the United States are regulated by the Securities and Exchange Commission's (SEC) Investment Company Act of 1940. Rule 2a-7 of the act restricts investments in money market funds by quality, maturity and diversity. Under this act, a money fund mainly buys the highest rated debt which matures in under 13 months.

The portfolio must maintain a Weighted Average Maturity (WAM) of 90 days or less and not invest more than 5% in any one issuer, except for government and repurchase agreement securities. Eligible money market securities include commercial paper, repurchase agreements, short-term bonds or other money funds. Money market securities must be highly liquid, and have a stable value.

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) is an international organization that oversees the global financial system by following the macroeconomic policies of its member countries, in particular those with an impact on exchange rates and the balance of payments. It also offers financial and technical assistance to its members, making it an international lender of last resort. Its headquarters are located in Washington, D.C., USA.

A mortgage-backed security (MBS) is an asset-backed security whose cash flows are backed by the principal and interest payments of a set of mortgage loans. Payments are typically made monthly over the lifetime of the underlying loans. However not all securities backed by mortgages are considered mortgage-backed security (MBS).

Housing Bonds (Mortgage Revenue Bonds) are backed by the mortgages which they fund, but aren't classified as mortgage-backed security (MBS).
In the United States, a municipal bond (or muni) is a bond issued by a city or other local government, or their agencies. Potential issuers of municipal bonds include cities, counties, redevelopment agencies, school districts, publicly owned airports and seaports, and any other governmental entity (or group of governments) below the state level. Municipal bonds may be general obligations of the issuer or secured by specified revenues.

Interest income received by holders of municipal bonds is often exempt from the federal income tax and from the income tax of the state in which they are issued, although municipal bonds issued for certain purposes may not be tax exempt.

In the United States, a money market deposit account is a deposit account that is considered a savings account for some purposes, but upon which checks can typically be written, subject to certain restrictions. Like a Negotiable Order of Withdrawal account, it is structured to comply with Regulation Q, which forbids paying interest on checking accounts. Thus money market deposit accounts are accounts that bear interest, and on which checks can be written, but, due to various restrictions, are not legally checking accounts, and thus do not run afoul of Regulation .

Typical restrictions are that a fairly high minimum balance must be maintained in order to avoid fees. With the advent of online banking, many banks are able to pay a high interest rate on a low balance, sometimes as low as $1. A debit card is often issued for making withdrawals. In theory, the restrictions allow the bank to invest the money with more discretion, allowing a higher return. The return is often competitive with money market mutual funds, although nothing requires a bank to invest deposits in these types of accounts into the money market.

Residential mortgages in the United States have the option to pay more than the required monthly payment (curtailment) or to pay off the loan in its entirety (prepayment). Because curtailment and prepayment affect the remaining loan principal, the monthly cash flow of an MBS is not known in advance, and therefore presents an additional risk to MBS investors.

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Thursday, October 16, 2008

Is Online Advertising Cost Effective?

Is Online Advertising Cost Effective? by Chris Simpson

If you are planning on advertising a business, there are a variety of different methods of advertising that you can consider. You can consider advertising offline through magazine ads, billboards, radio ads, and more. However, many people today are choosing to go with online advertising.

If you are looking for the best method of advertising for your business, you may be wondering if online advertising is more cost effective than other forms of advertising. The answer is yes, and here are the reasons why.

You Can Reach More People Online

One of the main reasons that online advertising is cost effective and a great way to advertise your business is because you have the ability to reach more people online than you could with any other type of advertising out there. If you really want to reach as many people as possible without using a huge advertising budget, then the internet is the way to go.

It provides you with advertising that basically can reach people all over the world. With magazine ads, you only target people who read the magazine, with billboards you only target people that drive by; however, with online advertising, you'll be able to target all the users on the web, which includes people from all over the world.

The Cost of Advertising Online is Usually Cheaper

You'll also find that the cost of advertising is really much cheaper than most other forms of advertising. There are actually some free methods of advertising online, and one of the best inventions ever was the Pay Per Click form of advertising that only charges you when people click on your link and visit your site. This is a very cost effective method of advertising that really works, so it is a great idea to use for your company.

Most People Go Online for Information Today

Last of all, you'll find that online advertising is more cost effective and has a better effect all around because most people go online for information today. While people used to take a look in phone books for information when they needed to find a business or service, today most people just fire up their computers and look online.

Since people are going online for information, then it makes sense that advertising online is going to be the best idea. For the lowest amount of money you can reach the most amounts of people, meaning that the best option for advertising is going to be to advertise your business online.

Chris Simpson is dedicated to helping people find honest and legitimate work from home opportunities and home based business ideas. Find a legitimate online paid surveys and many other great work at home careers today at:

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Friday, October 10, 2008

Is Dragon's Den The Answer To Banking Crisis

Is Dragon's Den The Answer To Banking Crisis by Shaun Parker

The banking crisis is occupying the daily news reels as a matter of utmost importance. Those with savings in any bank are becoming increasingly worried about losing it all and those without are also being affected with a lack of confidence in all monetary systems and even manufacturing and job security. Therefore, this global economic crisis is on the minds of most thinking men and women of today. So what help is at hand?

One idea that has been forwarded is a Dragons Den type of solution. It has been suggested that the part-nationalisation scheme that saved Swedish banks from a similar crisis in the early '90's is what is now needed. It would see British banks approaching the treasury and touting for a share of a multi-billion pound hand out to rescue them from sure and certain death.

The idea is to avoid complete nationalisation and still be able to offer taxpayers money to banks in the form of a loan, effectively allowing the taxpayers to take a cut of the banks profits, if there are any and we don't lose that too!

The only certain thing at the moment is that the banks need stabilising and the government are looking at all ways of achieving this, the Dragon's Den idea is just one in a chain of possibilities but not one to be overlooked. Helping banks out one at a time is a system that is running out of steam as one after another crash so an idea with a wider reaching affect is being searched for.

There have been several options in the pipeline to help out the growing banking crisis and overall economic troubles around the world at present, yet just as one is being looked at another problem crops up. It seems unreal to most hardworking people that the government could allow this to happen, that there are not some sort of fail-safe measures in place to protect savers. It seems unreal that we can be so advanced when it comes to technology yet be so backward when it comes to safeguarding our monetary systems.

At the end of the day, much of it comes down to the greed of the people in the hot spots of running these organisations and it understandably infuriates people, especially those who have lost money, to see the fat cat businessmen taking vast pay offs just before and even just after the collapse of the exact same system they are supposed to be looking after.

Banks have also been short-sighted and greedy over time and this has also added to the issues that we see today. Not so long ago, you wouldn't get a single day go by without some sort of advertising offering loans and credit cards from all types of banks desperate to lend money and rake in the profits from interest rates. Recently released prisoners and those out of work were able to take out unaffordable loans and obtain credit cards. Mortgages were offered above and beyond what people could realistically expect to pay back long term.

Yet, this was seen as affluence and people were loving the easy access to all the money. Well, it would new seem this has all backfired and we are all feeling the brunt of it, so who will be held responsible.

Shaun Parker is a leading financial expert with many years of experience in the banking industry. Find out more about Dragon's Den at

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Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Make A Fitness Workout Program Just For You

Make A Fitness Workout Program Just For You by Nikki Davila

Fitness workout program is very helpful in reducing the plateau effect of dieting, which usually happens within a few weeks of going on a dietary plan as the body adapts to the lower calorie consumption. It can also be worked out on its own to achieve your fat loss goals.

Without a doubt, the best fitness workout program should be the one that suits you most. People have different physical conditions and therefore their fitness needs vary. This is why you should check out your needs first. You can do so by having your pulse and blood pressure measured by your doctor and talking to him about what exercises are best for you. If you have no special medical conditions, you may simply follow the instructions by a fitness coach or a fitness guide. At this stage, what you are doing is learning the basics and come up with your own version of fitness plan which you believe will produce results for you.

Then, what are the features of a good fitness plan?

1. It needs to be realistic, otherwise you will not be able to stick with it in the long run. There is no point in exercising your butt off if you are only going to do it for a few weeks - you will eventually gain all the weight back and more this way.

2. Do not be overly ambitious with your plan and aim at improvements at slow paces. Keep a diary as you move on, as this will help you understand your regimen better and improve it when necessary. It is also a good idea to record any achievements along the way - this will give you sufficient motivation.

3. A good fitness program should consist of varied forms of exercises to maintain your top interest level. For example, you can start each workout by doing a 30-minute cardio exercise, such as walking, jogging, running, cycling and aerobics. Cardio exercise can always prepare your body for more intense activities. You may then spend another 30 minutes with strength training, such as weight lifting, crunches, sit-ups, etc. When you finish, you can cool down yourself with some stretches or de-stressing exercises. It is a proven fact that this type of exercise will grant you huge emotional benefits as well as physical wellness.

Aside from fitness workout program itself, there are a few other things you can do to maximize results. For example, you may like to find yourself a fitness buddy to have more fun and motivation. You may also get creative and come up with variations of your version of exercises and rotate amongst them to keep your highest interest level.

Click here to read more reviews and resources about how to lose belly fat the quickest way . Click here to read a related article about fitness programs for women.

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Sunday, October 05, 2008

How to Monitor Paranoid Schizophrenia

How to Monitor Paranoid Schizophrenia by Ronen David

Paranoid Schizophrenia is a disorder that terrifies those suffering from it. Those suffering from this disorder can have both visual and auditory hallucinations. They are also subject to extreme feelings of terror for no reason such as thinking that someone is trying to hurt them or that something horrible is going to happen to them.

The news is full of stories that portray paranoid schizophrenics as being murders or having a severe level of mental illness. These stories make people weary of being around people suffering from this particular disorder. There are treatments available and the disorder can be monitored.

When it comes to monitoring paranoid schizophrenia there are some things that should be watched for. When someone expresses constant suspicions of those around them this is a sign of paranoia. These people are always guarded because they feel like others are conspiring against them.

There will be strange claims made by a paranoid schizophrenic that you should be aware of. They may think they have supernatural powers resembling those of a movie superhero such as super hearing or the ability to see through walls. They may even have delusions such as having a lover that is known around the world. They will think that someone is trying to poison them or cause them harm in some other way or even that the police are part of a conspiracy against them.

How to monitor paranoid schizophrenia has a lot to do with paying attention to detail. Those with this disorder can show signs of being self centered meaning they only think of themselves and what they want. When you know someone that used to be extremely generous and now just thinks of them this is a sign of paranoid schizophrenia.

Monitoring this condition requires a familiarity with the signs in order to recognize when the one suffering from this condition is need of assistance or could pose a danger to themselves or others. There are a ton of symptoms that you can watch for without the help of a medical professional to determine if the treatment for paranoid schizophrenia is working for you.

Those that are constantly voicing conspiracy theories that involve complicated plans against them are showing signs of paranoid schizophrenia. Hallucinations may be a part of these conspiracy theories such as people hiding behind bushes and people talking about them as they walk by.

Their speech may not be easily understood. Where they were once excellently groomed they are now skipping showers and neglecting to brush their hair. Hygiene habits that were once a top priority are no longer a priority and this is usually the easiest symptom to notice.

There is a lack of emotion from those with paranoid schizophrenia. The reactions they have are either non-existent or completely inappropriate to the situation. Such as laughing at tragic news such as a death in the family or when a horrible accident hits the news.

When you monitor paranoid schizophrenia you might notice they anger easily. The anger is in sudden outburst that there is no visible reason for. The slightest thing can set them off which can cause them to be a danger to themselves or those around them.

The symptoms of schizophrenia can be mild or terrifyingly extreme. Clumsiness due to a lack of coordination or isolating themselves socially can both be signs that you should watch for when monitoring paranoid schizophrenia.

How to monitor paranoid schizophrenia requires a familiarity with the signs and help to care for those suffering from this illness. There are some that maintain the ability to function at a level that allows them to cope with daily life and others that have the need for continuous care as the disease progresses out of the control.

When you monitor paranoid schizophrenia it is important to remember that the progression can be slow and gradual or it can appear to come out of nowhere causing problems overnight for those afflicted by the disease.

Ronen David is the chairman of "Malam" (an Israeli organization supporting and representing those dealing with mental disabilities). He is the author of the "How to Cope With Psychosis & Schizophrenia Self Help Handbook".
Visit his web site and learn aboutParanoid Schizophrenia

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Saturday, October 04, 2008

A CPA Explains Why Tax Return Extensions Often Don't Make Sense

A CPA Explains Why Tax Return Extensions Often Don't Make Sense by Stephen Nelson

If you file a tax return extension to move the due date for your tax return to October 15th, you've got lots of company. About forty percent of the populations extends by using the simple 4868 form available from the web site.

But while extending is very easy, good arguments can be made for not extending.

Reason #1: No Delay in Cash Outflow

You can't delay the payment of any tax you owe--only the filing of the actual return. And this rule means that, technically speaking, when you file your extension, you're supposed to pay any tax you owe.

Of course, paying the tax you owe means you need to do (or should do) most of the work required to file anyway.

And all this makes you wonder what extending really gets you. You're supposed to pay the tax on time anyway. And, shoot, you go to much of the preparation work anyway. Why not go to just a bit more work and file on time?

Reason #2: Lost IRA Deductions

Another reason not to extend concerns taking regular and Roth IRA deductions.

Lots of taxpayers like to decide at the very last minute, right before they file their return, whether or not to make an IRA contribution for the year the tax return is being filed for. And that makes sense. By looking at the tax return, you'll often know how much an IRA saves you in tax or whether an IRA provides a nice boost to your refund.

Oftentimes, people need to wait until filing to contribute to an IRA because they may not know if they're eligible until they tally their income.

But extending creates a problem here. IRA contributions need to be made by the original due date of the return, or April 15. As a result, taxpayers who extend their return to October 15 often lose the opportunity to make a last-minute IRA contribution.

Reason #3: Late Input to Current Year Quarterlies

Extending a tax return deadline and then filing late creates another headache for taxpayers (like business owners and investors) who need to prepare estimates of their tax liability and then make quarterly payments.

Here's why: You can use information from the previous year's return to make quarterly payments for the current year. In most cases, for example, you can make quarterly payments equal to one-fourth of the previous year's tax liability. If you owed $20,000 in year 1, making $5,000 a quarter payments in year 2 will typically mean you avoid penalties for underpayment.

If you don't know your year 1 tax liability until close to October 15, however, you can't use that information to make your first three year 2 quarterly payments (due on April 15, June 15, and September 15).

And another point needs to be made about using the previous year's tax return information to help set the quarterly tax payment amount. If for the previous year you're going to get a refund, you can use that refund to reduce your quarterly payment for the current year.

For example, if you will owe $20,000 for the current year, but are entitled to a $5,000 refund for the previous year, you can use that refund to make your first quarter payment. Or at least you can if you file on time.

Note: If your income is high, you may be required to make quarterly payments equal to 110% of the previous year's tax liability in order to avoid underpayment penalties. Consult your tax advisor for more information.

Reason #4: Delayed Refunds

While we're on the subject of refunds, let me a quick observation. In many cases, extenders receive refunds.

That means that by filing late, a taxpayer delays their tax refund. And no way does that make economic sense. Why loan the government your money interest-free?

Reason #5: Greater Chance of Error

One final, big reason exists for not extending a return and then filing late if you use a tax return preparer.

If you force your preparer to do your return very late in the extension season--say in September or, heaven forbid, October--you greatly increase the chances your return will contain a preparation error. And, sadly, you are almost assured of suffering from poorer client service.

At the end of the extension season, your accountant will be feverishly preparing returns for clients who haven't been able to get themselves organized earlier. Automatically, that last-minute rush means the taxpayer supplies in incomplete information, that the return preparer and taxpayer communicate more poorly, and that deductions get missed.

Seattle tax CPA Stephen L. Nelson is the best-selling author of QuickBooks for Dummies and the editor of the popular do-it-yourself business incorporation kits web site.

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Friday, October 03, 2008

Your Dog Tips: Should You Get a Puppy Or an Adult Dog?

Your Dog Tips: Should You Get a Puppy Or an Adult Dog? by Dee Power

Are you considering a canine companion, a hound to have around, or a puppy pal? There are pros and cons to considering puppies vs. adult dogs. Puppies are great fun, but plenty of work. Puppies need a great deal of attention, much more care and training and lots and lots of play time. Puppies cannot be left alone as long as adult dogs. They must be watched at all times or kept in a secure place such as a crate when you can't watch them. They need frequent trips outside to relieve themselves; they eat several times a day. An advantage of having a puppy is you train and socialize the dog right from the beginning. A puppy will quickly bond with family members.

Your house will have to be child protected with latches on cabinets where potentially dangerous things like cleaning supplies are kept. Puppies are curious and explore everywhere, often by chewing. New pups often have difficulty adapting to being away from their litter mates and your sleep will be interrupted for the first days after you bring him home.

Housebreaking a puppy can be a messy chore. You have to be patient when the puppy makes mistakes. The good thing about a puppy is he is a blank slate: he can be trained and socialized so he is a perfect fit with your family. You don't have to worry about breaking him of bad habits.

An alternative is adopting an adult dog from a shelter or foster home, or breed rescue organization. An older dog is usually already housebroken and can be left alone for longer periods of time. With an adult dog, you know right away what you're getting in terms of: the size of the dog, the temperament, the activity level and personality. What you don't know is the dog's past, what may have happened that led the dog to be in a situation of being rescued or abandoned. Adult dogs sometimes have developed behavioral issues because of past neglect or abuse. It may take time for you and your new adult dog to develop mutual trust. Some adult dogs can be nervous or have separation anxiety when introduced into a new home. Treat an adult dog with respect and affection. Talk softly and don't move suddenly until you know your new canine companion and he knows you.

Don't make the mistake of treating adult toy dogs, like Miniature Schnauzers, as puppies. They're not. Some small dogs don't realize they're little (just like some Great Danes think they're lap dogs). Toy dogs should be house broken and well behaved just like their bigger cousins.

Many well-trained, sociable dogs are available for adoption, however, and you can certainly find one that will fit right into your household with minimal stress or period of adjustment. Just remember to give the dog extra care, attention and love when he first comes into your home. If he feels completely welcome and loved, he is bound to make a smoother transition.

Dee Power is the author of several nonfiction books, and the novel Over Time. She's the proud two legged companion of Rose and Kate Read their blog Find out more about Miniature Schnauzers

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Thursday, October 02, 2008

Beginners Guide To Choosing A Fishing Reel

Beginners Guide To Choosing A Fishing Reel by John Tasher

Fishing reels are, for obvious reasons, the most important equipment in your fishing arsenal. Whether you are just starting out in fishing or have been fishing for years, knowing how to choose a fishing reel that is right for you and the type of fishing you will be doing is essential. Using a fishing reel that is beyond your skill level will make for a miserable fishing experience. Using a fishing reel below your skill level will not make the fishing adventure as satisfying as if you had the right equipment. There are several things you should take into consideration when you are choosing a fishing reel. Before we go any further, lets look at the types of fishing reels available.

Essentially, there are 5 types of fishing reels; closed face spinning reels, open faced spinning reels, bait casting reels, fly fishing reels and electric fishing reels. Here we will not be discussing fly fishing reels and electric fishing reels. Neither of these reels are used by a broad group of beginner fishermen. Both are very advanced and designed for very specific situations. So, here we will be sticking to closed faced spinning reels, closed faced spinning reels, and bait casting reels.

Choosing a reel that is right for you is primarily based on your skill level. Fishing can be a wonderful hobby and a highly satisfying hobby. But, if you do not have the basic skills to match your equipment, you will spend more time fixing your equipment than actually fishing.

The closed faced spin casting reel is meant for those that are either new to fishing or are just looking to do some leisurely fishing. The skill level necessary to use this type of reel is minimal. This type of reel is fairly easy to operate. The spindle holding the line as well as the casting mechanism are encased in a covering. There is a button on top that you depress when you start your cast and then release at the end of your cast. This type of reel allows the user to concentrate solely on casting. Using a spincaster you do not need to be concerned about line bunching or releaseing line etc, like you would other reels.

On the other hand an open face spin caster requires a little more skill. Once you have become more skillful at casting and have mastered smooth casting and release timing you are ready to move to the next level. The major difference between a closed face and open face reel is obviously that the open face is not completely encased. It has a greater line capacity, and the release mechanism is more of a lever. The lever itself enables you to use your thumb to determine the amount of line that is let out during the cast. This allows for more accurate casting. Unlike the closed faced model the skill your are looking to develop with the open faced model is accuracy and control. With closed face models you are looking to casting from strength and open faced models you are casting with skill.

Once you have mastered the skills of casting with an open faced model you can move onto using bait casting reels. Bait casting reels are some of the most difficult types of reels to learn how to use. The expectation with these types of reels is that you have a clear understanding of the purpose of the cast and the relation ship between the cast and control of the reel itself. You are expected to understand how different weights will affect you cast and the operation of the reel. If you do not have the proper skills necessary to use this type of reel it will be an exercise in frustration.

So, choosing the right type of reel for you is by the most part based on your skill level and your knowledge of reels and how they work. Could you start fishing with a bait casting reel right from the get go? Sure. But, no matter how much instruction you might get on how to use it you will be frustrated and stymied using it. It is all about whether or not you have the right skills for the reel. If you are honest with yourself and choose reels for your skill level fishing will be a much greater experience for you in the long run.

John Tasher writes on a wide variety of subjects. If you are looking for Fishing Reels For Sale For Sale,or Cheap Fishing Reels

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Wednesday, October 01, 2008

1934 Ford Coupe Hot Rod

1934 Ford Coupe Hot Rod by Ronald W. Firquain

The 1934 Ford Coupe is a great tour car when properly restored and balanced. It is one of the most collected cars in the United States. The very rare Flathead V-8 is also on display, as well as the Midnight Pontiac that was driven to victory many times by Rusty Wallace. And is typical of the time, money and sheer hard work that goes into making a work of art on wheels. At first glance, this car did not look all that different than the 1933, and ads even boasted that There is nothing experimental about this new car. It is featured a reshaped grille with a thicker surround, a more pronounced V, straight bars, and a new V-8 emblem.

This 1934 Ford Truck, adapted to run on rail, started life as a Berkshire Valley Models kit. Registered in NY state, this fiber body reproduction represents the very best in classic reproductions. As a finishing touch, Cowl lights were converted to stop/tail/directional lights using red lenses. You Build Yourself one puts you in the driver seat, with you calling the shots on just how to build, customize and accessorize your version of the American Dream. Spun aluminum fuel tank and custom fabricated grille, electric and mechanical radiator fans 1937 / 1934 dash board custom fabricated tech instruments quad series, wiring PIONEER Stereo sound with two other types of insulation/custom interior design by owner / application.

A gorgeous 1934 Ford street rod driven regularly by Jim Groves was selected as Cruiser of the Month at the July 3 cruise in of the Roaming Oldies Car Club. How many times have you wished you had an extra seat in your street rod so that you could enjoy cruising with the family, the grand kids or friends. Using a 34 roadster body to build a custom is not the most popular choice and most people probably never even think as anything but a hot rod. From on special at first glance it is a clean, classy, but then you notice the five header pipes on both sides. The most popular steering gears swapped among speed and hot rod enthusiasts was the 1934 steering gear units.

1934 Ford and need to source some spares parts for the car And it modified to fit master cylinder and new clutch system. 1949/50 Retro Rod, newly built on a nice clean 1993 T-bird, with the 3,6 liter large V6 500k Special Roadster with a title, new crate 350 V8 motor, one of the nicest one we have ever had. With this in mind, I decided to build a new car, even lighter than my trusty coupes. At first glance, the Deluxe Ford did not look all that different than the 1933, and Ford ads even boasted that there is nothing experimental about this new car. This hot rod with chopped top would be a great addition to any collection. Hot rod project pictures and information are also included, as well as info on how to build your own rotisserie.

Ronald W. Firquain is a auto mechanic, musician, Arabian horse owner for 20 years, writer, marketer, entrepreneur, webmaster and has 18 years of computer experience. car tips

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