Sunday, October 05, 2008

How to Monitor Paranoid Schizophrenia

How to Monitor Paranoid Schizophrenia by Ronen David

Paranoid Schizophrenia is a disorder that terrifies those suffering from it. Those suffering from this disorder can have both visual and auditory hallucinations. They are also subject to extreme feelings of terror for no reason such as thinking that someone is trying to hurt them or that something horrible is going to happen to them.

The news is full of stories that portray paranoid schizophrenics as being murders or having a severe level of mental illness. These stories make people weary of being around people suffering from this particular disorder. There are treatments available and the disorder can be monitored.

When it comes to monitoring paranoid schizophrenia there are some things that should be watched for. When someone expresses constant suspicions of those around them this is a sign of paranoia. These people are always guarded because they feel like others are conspiring against them.

There will be strange claims made by a paranoid schizophrenic that you should be aware of. They may think they have supernatural powers resembling those of a movie superhero such as super hearing or the ability to see through walls. They may even have delusions such as having a lover that is known around the world. They will think that someone is trying to poison them or cause them harm in some other way or even that the police are part of a conspiracy against them.

How to monitor paranoid schizophrenia has a lot to do with paying attention to detail. Those with this disorder can show signs of being self centered meaning they only think of themselves and what they want. When you know someone that used to be extremely generous and now just thinks of them this is a sign of paranoid schizophrenia.

Monitoring this condition requires a familiarity with the signs in order to recognize when the one suffering from this condition is need of assistance or could pose a danger to themselves or others. There are a ton of symptoms that you can watch for without the help of a medical professional to determine if the treatment for paranoid schizophrenia is working for you.

Those that are constantly voicing conspiracy theories that involve complicated plans against them are showing signs of paranoid schizophrenia. Hallucinations may be a part of these conspiracy theories such as people hiding behind bushes and people talking about them as they walk by.

Their speech may not be easily understood. Where they were once excellently groomed they are now skipping showers and neglecting to brush their hair. Hygiene habits that were once a top priority are no longer a priority and this is usually the easiest symptom to notice.

There is a lack of emotion from those with paranoid schizophrenia. The reactions they have are either non-existent or completely inappropriate to the situation. Such as laughing at tragic news such as a death in the family or when a horrible accident hits the news.

When you monitor paranoid schizophrenia you might notice they anger easily. The anger is in sudden outburst that there is no visible reason for. The slightest thing can set them off which can cause them to be a danger to themselves or those around them.

The symptoms of schizophrenia can be mild or terrifyingly extreme. Clumsiness due to a lack of coordination or isolating themselves socially can both be signs that you should watch for when monitoring paranoid schizophrenia.

How to monitor paranoid schizophrenia requires a familiarity with the signs and help to care for those suffering from this illness. There are some that maintain the ability to function at a level that allows them to cope with daily life and others that have the need for continuous care as the disease progresses out of the control.

When you monitor paranoid schizophrenia it is important to remember that the progression can be slow and gradual or it can appear to come out of nowhere causing problems overnight for those afflicted by the disease.

Ronen David is the chairman of "Malam" (an Israeli organization supporting and representing those dealing with mental disabilities). He is the author of the "How to Cope With Psychosis & Schizophrenia Self Help Handbook".
Visit his web site and learn aboutParanoid Schizophrenia

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