Thursday, August 28, 2008

The Big Bang And The Start Of The Universe

The Big Bang And The Start Of The Universe by Patrick Omari

"In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth." This is how the Bible kicks off, and for almost two millennia was the accepted theory for how the Universe and the Earth came into being. A tricky subject and something that takes a great deal of thought to even contemplate, the origin of time is not an easy thing to study. Up until modern technological advances and the advent of space telescopes it would in fact seem logical to credit a divine being with the creation of the Universe, simply for lack of a better explanation. However what this simple sentence does not explain is how the Universe was created, it merely says that it was done.

In the late 19th century and early 20th century scientific thinking began to overtake religious ideas as men such as Darwin and Einstein began to publish their theories. Many of the new scientific ideas would look to explain the laws that govern the way things are and the way that they came to be. While Darwin would upset a great number of religious people with his ideas on the origin of life on Earth, Einstein and his contemporaries' ideas would cause relatively less stir in those circles due to the vagueness in the description of the start of time in the Bible.

While Einstein would lay the foundations for modern scientific thinking with his theories of special and general relativity his work would be expanded on later by numerous scientists, physicists and astronomers. Through the 1910s and 1920s it was discovered that the Universe was expanding, the term 'big bang' was actually coined as a derogatory term for the theory by Fred Hoyle while speaking on BBC radio. The genesis of the modern big bang theory started in the 1960s and has come on massively in the last ten years with additional data from the Hubble Space Telescope and NASA's Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP).

Big Bang theory states that the Universe was created in a single event 13.7 billion years ago. The initial condition of the Universe is still not fully known, but it is widely thought that it began as a singularity of infinite density and temperature. The first stage of the Big Bang is known as the Planck Epoch, lasting just a couple of trillionths of a second. At this tiny interval in time gravity was thought to have been as strong as the other fundamental forces, suggesting that everything was united as one single force. Understanding of this phase of the Big Bang is still limited, but experiments are planned in the future to gain a better knowledge of what happened. The Large Hadron Collider at CERN will enable further research to be done into the earliest phases of matter but will not allow research to be done directly into the Planck Epoch.

Still during the initial fractions of a second the Universe would undergo several major changes in its infant state. The main things being a cooling and then exponential growth through cosmic expansion. At this stage the Universe consisted of a quark-gluon plasma, which is essentially the building blocks of matter as we know it. As particles such as photons continued to form over the crucial first few seconds of the Universe the matter that was coming into being started to become more recognisable. After three minutes the temperature had dropped to the level where protons and neutrons can begin to combine into atomic nuclei. After 17 more minutes the temperature and density fell to a point where nuclear fusion was no longer possible.

For the next 70,000 years matter continues to form. Following this hydrogen and helium atoms start forming as the density of the fledgling Universe starts to fall and photons are free to travel, resulting in the cosmic microwave background that we can see present. This radiation gives us a picture of what the Universe was like at this point in time.

Over time the Universe starts to become transparent and structures begin to form due to gravitational forces. The Universe loses its homogenous nature as matter starts to clump together. After approximately 100 million years the first stars begin to form, eventually generating the heavy elements that will start to give life to planets. Even larger groups of matter will collapse and form galaxies. After billions of years the Universe begins to resemble that which we see today. Around 8 to 9 billion years after the Big Bang our own solar system is formed, with life evolving just one billion years after the formation of the Earth.

So while we have a fairly decent idea of how the Universe came to be it is quite apparent that there are a large amount of unanswered questions. Undoubtedly these will be solved in time. The Universe does however give us a lot more to work with in regards to how our solar system was made, and what the Universe was like to begin with than you might think. If you take into account the speed of light when we look out at the systems outside the Milky Way it is effectively like looking back in time as it has taken light millions, if not billions of years to reach Earth. The further out we look, the further back in time we're looking.

As scientific theory advances and experiments are more detailed it'll be interesting to see if there are any significant advances in the Big Bang theory and if any questions on the origin of our Universe are answered. When the Large Hadron Collider is switched on at CERN we may have some of these answers, and it'll be interesting to see what conclusions are drawn.

Patrick is an expert Research and Travel consultant. His current interest is in Birmingham Airport Hotels, Stansted Parking and Pink Elephant Stansted.

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For more articles on Science visit the DirectoryGold Article Directory

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Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Going On Ski Holidays To Get Rid Of The Winter Blues

Going On Ski Holidays To Get Rid Of The Winter Blues by Anna Stenning

Going for a short trip abroad to a warm climate during the winter months is just one way of getting away from the winter blues, however, then you have to face the fact of coming back to the cold climates of the UK, on top of which you will be feeling the holiday blues. Many would wonder why they had even bothered to come back, pining for that warm sandy beach and blaring sunshine. The worst bit is when your tan begins to fade!

There is another way round this dilemma, as many people would be mad not to take up the opportunity of going on a holiday to a warm destination. Any opportunity to look like you have caught a good tan and walking into work with a healthy glow, is never to be missed especially if you are a woman. However, not everybody can afford a holiday like this, therefore the other option is to go on an activity holiday - namely ski holidays.

Ski holidays are something which everybody can enjoy, especially if they are intended for large groups and families. Not only that you would not have to worry about piling on the pounds from a massive amount of alcohol consumption and eating ice-creams. Instead you would be rest-assured with the prospect of keeping your body physically fit, challenged and active. Going skiing is not just about sliding down a few hills and mountains. First-time skiers would need to learn how to keep their balance, using their leg muscles to control which way they travel and to control how fast they go.

Some ski holidays are designed especially for people who have never been skiing, therefore extra tuition and private lessons are given to those with minimal experience. This is a more expensive venture; however, it is ideal for those keen on learning. Skiing is an experience that many people, who have the opportunity, should experience at least once in their life. Skiing is something that one would experience as a safe and fun way of being daring.

The best places of accommodation when going skiing is in a cosy ski chalet, as opposed to a hotel. Chalets are offered for private hire, shared with friends or shared with other people outside of your own groups. Some can come tailor-made with en-suite shower and bathroom facilities, or again shared with others. Kitchen facilities however, are more often shared, therefore one would need to have their supply of essentials.

Some chalets can come fully equipped with cleaners, inclusive of meals and a porter. But these are much higher in the price bracket, which means if one is feeling the need to splurge or spoil themselves on a skiing trip, then this is the way forward. However no chalet is complete without the panoramic mountainous views that surround the area, making the stay evermore luxurious. The chalets are usually situated within easy reach of the ski slopes and lifts, making it easier for you to travel around on the resort.

When going skiing you forget the fact the resort is blanketed with thick snow and is often chilly. You feel more motivated to stay active, hone your skiing skills and give your entire a good workout. When you return to the rainy UK, the only thing that will make you feel down is the thought of not seeing the beautiful mountain surroundings and missing out on the skiing.

Anna Stenning loves her ski holidays, especially during the winter as this helps her to stay fit and active.

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For more articles on Recreation And Sports visit the DirectoryGold Article Directory

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Tuesday, August 26, 2008

First Christmas by Alastair Macdonald - A Classic is Born

First Christmas by Alastair Macdonald - A Classic is Born by Rev Michael Bresciani

A book review generally consists of a perusal of the writer’s style, the story line and the flow and the viability of the subject matter. That would be nearly impossible with Alastair Macdonald’s “First Christmas.” Both the birth of Christ and the birth of Macdonald’s book hold far too much for one brief review. Here is part one of two or perhaps three.

For Alastair Macdonald there would be no burning bush like the one Moses saw and there would be no blinding light such as the Apostle Paul experienced on the road to Damascus. All there would be is a “gentle nudge” between times and the knowledge that each barely perceptible nudge would lead him on a twenty five year course to write a single book that although very small would fill a huge chasm in the world. Every child and many adults will now have a bridge to cross from the ordinary events of the world to the extraordinary event that changed it forever.

British subject Alastair Macdonald resides on the glamorous and romantic Island of Bermuda. In 1985 he went looking for a simple rendition of the Bible’s Christmas story to read to his two small children. Like most children Alastair’s kids were fully enamored with all the extravagance of Christmas. Santa Claus, the gifts, the decorations and the ever present sounds of Christmas carols and hymns in the background kept his children bedazzled. But he wanted a book that would touch his children’s hearts with the very heart of the Christmas story.

Upon arriving back home Alastair felt disappointed and spoke with his wife about it and the surprise he felt at discovering the appalling lack of material that would tell the real story of Christmas. In the midst of the despair came the nudge. The gentle God given push would send him down a path that over the next several decades would lead to the birth of “The First Christmas” and a poem that would take its place along side classics like “The Night Before Christmas.”

In fact with “The Night Before Christmas” as his model he started out to find a way to tell the story. He wanted to engage classic poetic timing but apply some of the rhyming fun of Dr. Seuss. Accomplishing such a combination without sacrificing any of the dignity and seriousness of the birth of Christ would be no easy task. In the end he chose what is known as “anapestic tetrameter” for the rhythm in the poem. That rare fact takes nothing away from the simple flow of the narrative which will intrigue both child and adult.

Who would be the narrator of the story, this was the first challenge. Should it be Mary or Joseph, the obvious choices? With another gentle nudge Alastair decided on a narrator not so close to the story and one who would appeal to every child in the world, the donkey. The very donkey that helped Joseph in his daily carpentry work and finally carried Mary on her long journey to Bethlehem to give birth to the most powerful yet most humble human being to ever grace the planet earth. With a solid Old Testament name like Zeke from the Hebrew (Yechezqel) meaning “God strengthens” or better known by its English equivalent, “Ezekiel,” the story would now begin.

Having never written poetry before Alastair labored in vain for a few years and never moved beyond the first verse. But the nudging of God persisted and each year he would pull out the poem and endeavor to write a few more lines. It became somewhat of a joke in the Macdonald household and each year his children would again remark “Dad’s writing his poem again.”

Using rhyming dictionaries would prove lumbering and inhibiting until Alastair found an online rhyming dictionary. Inspiration is kinetic and the instant comparisons an online dictionary provided would also make the difference. Now the research could keep up with the nudges and the narrative would emerge. The story began to blossom and in a matter of only weeks started to bust out into a full fledged poem.

All through the many edits and revisions another portent was looming, who would publish the poem. Getting poetry published has more setbacks than anyone could imagine. To begin most publishers won’t take a work from an author who is not already published nor has an agent. Over the transom (randomly submitted) works are like casting your bread upon the waters only much less productive. The unsolicited manuscript may never be reviewed at all or even returned if it is not wanted. A simple acknowledgement from a traditional publisher can take from three months to a year. Few publishers are interested in a book with a religious theme especially one with such a well known and often repeated theme such as the birth of Christ.

Even while making a few submissions Alastair was undaunted and began a quest to find an illustrator for the book. This too would become a protracted effort but the giver of Alastair’s nudges was nudging someone else a world away to help with The First Christmas. Macdonald ignored the fact that most publishers like to choose their own illustrators and the end product is that we can be glad that he did.

Alastair’s daughter, an accomplished artist, tried to help her dad with some illustrations in the style of the thirteenth century Italian mural artist Giotto. Feeling that the renderings of the characters looked too cartoonish left Alastair nearly in despair. With nothing left to lose he put the word “nativity” into an internet search engine and clicked. Over a half million images and days of searching and then one single artist caught Alastair’s eye.

The art of Egyptian born Adel Nassief leaped from the screen into Alastair’s vision for The First Christmas and he knew he had found the right illustrator. Nassief, a Coptic Christian from
Alexandria Egypt made his living painting and creating Coptic murals for Orthodox churches around the world. Much of his work is done in bright tempura paint and gold leaf. With communications limited to only emails Alastair and Adel came to an agreement. He would produce some twenty pictures in the traditional manner with tempura and gold leaf on wooden boards.

Communicating only by emails and photos Alastair had never actually seen Adel’s original work until Adel had deliver some pictures to a Coptic Church in Dallas Texas. Since the writer has an apartment in Dallas they arranged for the originals to be included in a container bound for the Dallas church. Alastair said he was “blown away” when he first set eyes on the original art pieces. Adel had “outdone himself and every expectation Alastair ever had of him!

Now with both the pictures and the poem he made a mock book and began distributing it to various publishers. The responses improved but still no one wanted a seasonal book. Back to square one.

In 2007 Alastair approached Welcome Books, a publisher of picture books but mostly for adults. Not having heard from them he had a chance to visit their publishing house while returning from holiday and staying overnight in a New York hotel right near Welcome’s office. After meeting with Lena Tabori the principle of Welcome Books and a general perusal by a ninety year old artist who was present at the meeting the wheels were in motion. In a short time another meeting was scheduled in which plans were finalized and the rest is history.

From simple nudges to the convergence of author, poetry, Coptic artist, experienced publisher and 25 years of being persistent, something has been born. It is the birth of something that is about the birth of someone. The birth of Jesus Christ has changed our world irreversibly and now the birth of Alastair Macdonald’s “The First Christmas” will be a part in that change going onward until the end of time. Until the end of time the “good news” will always be broadcast and now Alastair Macdonald and Zeke will always have a part in the telling of the wonderful news first proclaimed by angels.

And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord. (Luke 2:10, 11)

For more information about "The First Christmas" visit Rev Michael Bresciani is an author and columnist for several online and print publications. Visit for news, book reviews, articles film reviews and more. Rev Bresciani has over two million readers in every corner of the globe.

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For links to sites on Poetry visit the DirectoryGold Web Directory


Monday, August 25, 2008

Relief to the Housing Market by Foreign Buyers

Relief to the Housing Market by Foreign Buyers by Troy Foote

The economic condition around the country is very grim indeed. Not only is the real estate market taking a tumble but also it looks as if a recession is just around the corner. With the dollar weakening many wonder if relief is in sight. However, it is not all bad news. There is one thing that just may rally the housing market, foreign investors.

Homeowners are finding it very difficult to sell their homes. Unlike a few short years ago homes would not be on the market for maybe a month or two before offers started pouring in. But now potential homebuyers either cannot afford the prices or they simply cannot qualify for a new mortgage. So what choice do they have but to rent until the market stabilizes. With the shortage of buyers within the country, sellers are discovering new buyers from abroad.

Experts speculate that investment from Europeans is likely to increase in the coming months. Many speculate that foreign investors have recognized the value in buying homes in the U.S. Prices have declined, making them far more attractive. In fact, in some cases, foreign buyers could be poised to replace the niche that first-time homebuyers held before they were squeezed out of the market as a result of the recent real estate crash.

This could bold well for homeowners who need to sell quickly, either to upgrade to a larger home or get out of the homes they can no longer afford. Brokers have reported an increase in the number of international buyers interested in purchasing US real estate grow as much as five times over the previous years.

So why is it cheaper for a foreign investor to buy homes in the US than it is for an American buyer? The Euro. A foreign buyer who invests in a home today would need far less money in terms of euros to make a substantial down payment on a home as a result of the weakening dollar.

In fact, foreign buyers today could make what is essentially a $50,000 down payment for little more than 34,000 euros today. A year ago that same buyer would have needed nearly 38,000 euros in order to offer the same amount for a down payment

The exchange rate has definitely provided support for increased spending power in many locations. In certain areas, like New York and Chicago, the demand has definitely increased. In some cases, the demand has grown so much that it is actually outpacing supply. California and Florida are also proving to be popular with foreign buyers and investors. The latter two markets, which have been among the hardest hit, are embracing the relief with open arms. Florida, in particular, is still struggling with the crash of the condo market.

Many properties are now being marketed specifically toward foreign buyers. High-end luxury homes that have languished on the market for months are among some of the first to be targeted for interested foreign buyers.

The Internet has proven to be a successful marketing tool in the past and today agents and sellers have discovered it is often the easiest way to reach foreign buyers. Compared to other advertising mediums it is often far less expensive and allows them to reach a broader audience. When marketing properties toward foreign buyers, this can be particularly important.

Foreign buyers may not be the full salvation that real estate agents and homeowners need to completely recover from the housing bust; however, they are certainly providing a bit of welcome relief in many beleaguered markets.

Copyright (c) 2008 Troy Foote

To learn what to do if faced with foreclosure please click here now.

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Sunday, August 24, 2008

What Is Rosacea And Is It Different From Acne?

What Is Rosacea And Is It Different From Acne? by John Hubert

Acne is a very difficult condition for anyone, young or old. But of course acne is not the only problem that one can have with their skin, whether it's the skin on their face or anywhere else. Cysts, moles, and rosacea are also very common problem that many people have, and what is unfortunate is that most people just don't know the difference between these things. They put acne medication on their cysts or think that moles are blackheads, and so on. One of the most common mistakes they make in this area is confusing rosacea for acne itself. If people don't get a proper understanding of what the difference is between these conditions it's very possible to not only ignore acne at the source but to actually make the condition even worse; especially with rosacea can the skin become inflamed and irritated if it's not treated properly. But how is this condition different from acne and what can you do to address it?

Acne is a very unique condition of the skin wherein dirt, oil and bacteria get trapped in hair follicles or pores and a thin layer of skin or a skin cell forms over it so that it can't get washed away. This then grows into what we call a pimple. Because pimples are usually red and the area around these breakouts is typically also red, itchy, and inflamed, it's easy to see how it can be confused with rosacea and vice versa. But it's important to understand that rosacea is not acne because it is not a collection of dirt, oil and bacteria. Instead, rosacea is a condition wherein the skin becomes red, irritated and inflamed. It can also be somewhat dry and scaly. A person can have small bumps with this condition, but these pustules are not the same as acne. As a matter of fact, using acne medication on rosacea can actually make the condition worse, since most topical treatment options for acne are very drying and contain harsh ingredient such as peroxide and alcohol. Imagine adding any of these to an open wound or scrape you have on your skin - obviously this would just make it feel much worse!

The best way to understand rosacea is to compare it to a skin rash. There are many reasons for rashes, and those with this condition can inherit it from their parents or just have it develop over time. While there is no overnight or quick cure for rosacea, most that have this condition are encouraged to have it treated as it does seem to get worse if ignored. Many also understand that it's difficult to cover or hide rosacea, but with the right treatment options it can be lessened. It's also important to be sure that you really do have rosacea and not eczema or allergies; these too can also be treated with the right course from a dermatologist. It's also important to be sure that these conditions don't spread and become worse as well.

John Hubert is a researcher of Acne and has previously written an article in conjunction with Jeannette Wells at Top Label Books regarding acne treatment. John highly recommends Jeannette Wells lens on Acne Treatment Tips.

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For more articles on Acne visit the DirectoryGold Article Directory

For links to sites on Acne or where you can buy Acne related products visit the DirectoryGold Web Directory


Saturday, August 23, 2008

How To Prevent Mania Depresia

How To Prevent Mania Depresia by Ronen David

Manic depression (Mania Depresia), otherwise known as bi-polar syndrome, is an illness and as such is not 'preventable'. However, there are things you can learn to look for to help control, and even prevent the onslaught of the symptoms that come with manic depression.

Keep track of external rhythms and causes of manic depressive episodes. Knowing if seasonal changes or other natural rhythms affect your moods and cause your emotions to swing will help you in preparing for and even to prevent manic depressive episodes. Many sufferers of bi-polar syndrome are affected by the seasons such as winter blues and spring mania. Knowing this is a problem for you can help you to set your own limits and even regulate your medicines (with your doctor's advice) to offset the effects of such timings.

Another common trigger for manic depressive episodes is anniversaries. The event of a loved one's death, a divorce, or other traumatic events in your life can cause an episode. Knowing that can help you prepare for it in advance and either lessen the affects, or avoid it altogether.

The big stress events in our lives can be devastating to those suffering from manic depression. Such normally happy events that are surrounded by stress and tension are marriages, pregnancies, promotions, and even moving to new housing are some of the things that cause stress in any life and make mental disorders come into focus. Knowing that these things can trigger episodes can help you mentally prepare for them, and with your doctor's care keep them under control.

Make sure you have your support system in place. Knowing who you can call on when you need someone to talk to you know will not judge you is as important as knowing who to call for medical advice. Keep the numbers of your trusted friends and family members close at hand.

Knowing the signs of impending crisis will help you to prevent them from becoming too serious. Some of the symptoms of a manic depressive episode are: rapid thought when your mind moves so fast you can't even keep track of each thought before the next one starts. Irritability - learn to tell when you are beginning to experience an irrational bout of irritability to get it under control before it gets out of hand. Absent mindedness - if you find yourself not being able to finish a thought, or remember what you were just doing you can stop yourself and seek help before you lose control completely. Not sleeping - if you can't sleep more than a few hours, and yet have headaches, watery eyes, or other signs of sleep deprivation contact your physician to get it under control. The proper amounts of sleep are very important in dealing with mental illnesses. Getting obsessive over little things - if you suddenly become obsessed over little things it is a beginning warning sign. This is another one of those things that can be hard to spot on your own. Having someone you trust alert you to the beginnings of this symptom can help tremendously.

A very serious sign of impending crisis is not feeling any emotional response at all to something that you should feel emotional about. If you experience something bad or traumatic but don't feel anything about it, you need to seek professional help.
Know thyself. What is true for one person suffering from mental illness may not apply to you. As you deal with your manic depression you will learn what affects you and what does not. Keep track of everything and learn to spot your own personal warning signs. As you get better and better at it, you will gain newfound control over your illness and have a happy productive life.

Ronen David is the chairman of "Malam" (an Israeli organization supporting and representing those dealing with mental disabilities). He is the author of the "How to Cope With Psychosis & Schizophrenia Self Help Handbook".
Visit his web site and learn Coping With Mania

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For more articles on Depression visit the DirectoryGold Article Directory

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Friday, August 22, 2008

Strength In Depth In English Football

Strength In Depth In English Football by Patrick Omari

This article will explore the structure of football in England. The pyramid system has provided the platform that allows the Premier League to flourish as the best football league in the world. The pyramid consists of over 140 leagues, 480 divisions and over 7,000 clubs. This doesn't include the amateur game which is prevalent in England, often referred to as Sunday League football.

The top five levels of the pyramid each contain just one division. These are the Premier League, the Championship, Football League One, Football League Two and the Blue Square Conference. Below this, the levels have progressively more parallel leagues. For example, below the Blue Square Conference are the Blue Square North and South Leagues, which both feed into the Blue Square Premier. These top six levels are known as the National League System, which are controlled by the Football Association.

Below the Blue Square North and South are the UniBond League, the British Gas Business Football League and the Ryman Football League. The UniBond league (also known as the Northern Premier League) covers the north of England. The British Gas Business Football League (also known as the Southern League) covers southern England, the Midlands and parts of Wales. The Ryman Football League (also known as the Isthmian League) covers the south-east. These leagues all have Premier Divisions (Level 7) and two parallel divisions below (Level 8). Level 9 consists of the top divisions of a large group of sub-regional leagues.

There are currently 24 different levels. The FA Cup is open to clubs from levels 1-11. The Football League Cup is restricted to levels 1-4, whilst the Football League Trophy is just levels 3 and 4. The FA Trophy is contested between clubs situated in levels 5-8 and the Conference League Cup restricted to levels 5 and 6. The FA Vase is open for teams from level 9-11 and the FA National League System Cup is contested by representative teams from each league of level 11.

As there are opportunities for promotion and relegation between the leagues, there is the prospect of the small clubs being able to reach the pinnacle of the structure. Such as the journey of the 'original' Wimbledon Football Club, who rose from non-league status to appear in the Premiership. Although these stories are not that common, there is significant movement between the leagues.

The participants of the top four levels, from the Premier League to League Two, are often referred to as league clubs and consist of full-time professional clubs. Below level four is referred to as non-league football. Level five and six, the Blue Square Premier, Blue Square North and the Blue Square South, contain a mixture of professional and semi-professional clubs. As you move down the levels the stronger clubs remain professional, yet the majority are amateur.

Patrick is an expert Research and Travel consultant. His current interest is in Cardiff Airport Parking, Hilton Heathrow and Cardiff Airport Hotels.

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For more articles on Soccer visit the DirectoryGold Article Directory

For links to sites on Soccer visit the DirectoryGold Web Directory


Thursday, August 21, 2008

Top Five Basketball Centers Of All Time

Top Five Basketball Centers Of All Time by Jim Brown

Have you ever wondered who are the best among the best with regards to basketball? Have you compared your top 10 players to anyone? Well this article is going to help you out on seeking the top 10 elite basketball players of all time. Their genres may not have been at a single specific time but their greatness amass almost every audience whether past or present. Take a deep look at the top 10. Let's make it a countdown to be more exciting.

5) Hakeem "The Dream" Olajuwon

There's no other center who delivered finesse and strength all at the same time than Hakeem "The Dream" Olajuwon. His footwork is incomparable and his thousand moves under the basket has become an inspiration to centers. His mid-range shooting makes him as lethal as well. Ever since college basketball, Hakeem has made himself a powerful force. His greatness is reflected in his success in college and in the NBA as well. He won 2 consecutive championship rings with the Houston Rockets in 1994 and 1995.

4) Shaquille O'Neal

Shaq has been one of the most versatile athletes of all time. He can rap, he can act and he definitely can dunk over anyone. Shaq's brute strength has made him a powerful presence and the most dominating center of this generation. Since his early inception in the NBA, he has been a brutal center that never backs down to any defender. He had also won 4 championship rings, 3 with the Los Angeles Lakers and 1 with the Miami Heat.

3) Bill Russell

Bill Rusell won championships more than any other center in the history of the NBA. His storied career is best described by the championship banners that hang in the rafters of the Boston Garden. He was one of the key instrumental players that assisted the Boston on building their dynasty in the 1960s together with Bob Cousy and all the other Celtic greats. His presence in the paint made it harder for the other teams to score and only one player stood his ground against this Celtic great.

2) Wilt Chamberlain

Well, that one player who was mentioned a while ago, is Wilt Chamberlain. His fierce rivalry with Bill Russell made the NBA more exciting than ever during those times. The greatness of Wilt is reflected in his dominance under the basket. There's no other player who had done what he did in one game. He scored 100 points in a single game. Until today, that record is still holding up, even though Kobe Bryant had an 81 point performance recently. This record set by Wilt may never be accomplished ever again. Wilt Chamberlain was the epitome of the true center, his power, defense, offense and everything in between makes him truly one of the elite players in the history of the game.

1) Kareem Abdul-Jabbar

Ever wondered why Kareem is in number 1? Well, he had won many championship rings, he had set scoring records and his skyhook is probably the most famous move ever attributed to a center. Kareem Abdul-Jabbar's greatness has been evident through all the years that he had played in the league. Ever since with the Bucks until with the Lakers, he had played each and every year as well as good as he can. His scoring records still holds up until today and no other center has topped his achievements. He was a very significant player with the 1980s showtime Lakers. Truly, Kareem is one of the best and his greatness is just truly evident every game that he played.

James Brown writes about promotion code, promotion code and Prep Sportswear promotion code

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Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Use By Dates And Best Before Dates - What Is The Difference?

Use By Dates And Best Before Dates - What Is The Difference? by john mce

We should all be aware of the food labelling system used today but it can cause some confusion. Best before dates and use by dates are the two dates we should be concerned with but how are they different.

Use by dates
Use by dates are used on foods that have a shorter shelf life and that go off quickly. These foods include fresh and cooked meat and fish, soft cheeses, yoghurts and other dairy produce. The Foods Standard Agency state that we should not consume any food or drink that has gone past the use by date even if it appears to be edible and smells normal. The reason for this is foods and drinks consumed after this date could pose a threat to your health and cause food poisoning.

It is also essential that foods with use by dates are stored according to the instructions on the packaging. Foods that should be kept in a refrigerator will spoil quicker if left at room temperature and could potentially cause food poisoning.

Some foods with use by dates can be frozen to extend its life. If this is the case, you should ensure that you follow the instructions on the packaging, for example, freeze on day of purchase or defrost thoroughly before use.

You should also ensure that foods with use by dates are cooked and prepared according to the instructions on the pack to avoid any risk of food poisoning.

Best before
Best before dates are used on canned, frozen, dried and other foods such as biscuits, bread and most cakes. They are used to let the consumer know when the foods may start to deteriorate in quality and does not suggest they will be harmful to you if consumed after this date. The only exception to this rule is the best before date for eggs; eggs should not be eaten after this date. The reason for this is because eggs can contain salmonella bacteria which can start to multiply after this date.

Just like use by dates, best before dates are only accurate if the produce is stored according to the instructions on the label. Some foods need to be stored in a cool dry place, whereas others need to be kept in a refrigerator once they have been opened.

As best before dates are just a guide as to when foods need to be eaten by to ensure the best quality, they do not need to be thrown away once they have passed this date. Statistics show that around a third of the food we buy ends up being thrown away and most of this could have been eaten.

Both use by dates and best before dates are decided by the manufacturer. New products on the market are first tested to determine at what stage the bacteria in the food or drink becomes harmful. They then undergo more tests to see how factors such as packaging, transportation and storage temperatures can affect the longevity of the product.

John Mce writes on behalf of Sauven Marking, suppliers of industrial inkjet printers and contact coders used to print best before dates, batch codes, warehouse barcodes and graphic logos onto cartons, trays, bottles, plastic bags, foil food packages and cans.

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Tuesday, August 19, 2008

VMware Virtualized Hosting Vs. Dedicated Hosting

VMware Virtualized Hosting Vs. Dedicated Hosting by Amy Nutt

With so many hosting options available, it can be rather confusing what to go with. This isn't referring to the many hosting plans that are on the market. This is referring to whether you should use VMware hosting, dedicated hosting, or shared hosting. In this case, we're talking about VMware virtualized hosting and dedicated hosting since you want your website to exist on its own server and not have to share with others. The point is, it is a large decision to make.

VMware Virtualized Hosting

VMware virtualized hosting is different from any other hosting that you may research. You'll find that it exists on a virtual server that operates independent of any operating system instead of it existing on a physical server that operates an operating system such as Windows. Servers usually have to have an operating system to rely on, but VMware virtualized hosting does not. It is an effective IT solution for your business when you want to manage your server in-house and want to do so in an effective manner.

VMware virtualized hosting also allows you to get multiple servers running in a matter of minutes without having to purchase any new hardware. If you have your own servers in which you require hardware, you can actually combine your VMware virtualized hosting and your hardware servers to make it all more manageable. Basically, you're creating several virtual machines that are operating in one centralized area. This can save you both manpower and a lot of time. If something happens to your server hardware, you can quickly create more virtual servers to back yourself up. You technically have your own data center at your disposal that can do anything you need it to do with your hosting.

Dedicated hosting

Dedicated hosting is hosting in which the business leases a server that is not used by anyone else. It is not like shared hosting where several customers share the same server. This is a server in which you, the customer, can have complete control over it or you can go for managed hosting that allows the hosting company to take care of your server for you. If you have any problems, you simply have your hosting company take care of it. If you choose to do things in-house, you consult with your own IT department. It is what you find to be more cost-effective for you that determines how your server is managed. If you can afford an IT staff, you can do that. However, if you find that paying for managed hosting is the better solution, you can go that route as well.

The main difference between VMware virtualized hosting and dedicated hosting is the fact that you have to have the actual hardware with dedicated hosting. You can choose your hardware, your operating system, and other elements, but it can be costly. VMware does not require hardware, is not reliable on an operating system, and is vey cost-effective. As stated before, you have the ability to manage multiple servers in one centralized location. You do manage it on your own, but it takes very little manpower to make sure everything is up and running and to operate multiple servers.

Which is better?

Of course it is up to you as to what route you want to take when choosing a server for your website. You may choose that you want the hardware and other options that comes with dedicated servers. Then again, you may choose that you want to take the low cost route of VMware virtualized hosting and having a small staff manage it. Each has their own set of benefits, but only one is the solution for you.

Having a managed hosting services is crucial for any web application development demanding high-availability and performance. We are CICA 5970 and SAS 70 Certified, which is the highest available standards for measuring and improving data center operations and management.

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Saturday, August 16, 2008

3 Survival Tips For Affiliate Marketers

3 Survival Tips For Affiliate Marketers by Kelly Yuile

All affiliate marketers are looking for a market that will be successful and pay them a modest paycheck. Often they think there is some sort of magic formula available that will turn them into super affiliates over night. However, there is no magic formula. Just dedication, patience and good marketing practices.

There are many tactics that have worked in the past with affiliate marketing, and these tried and true methods are still working today. By following these top three marketing tips you will be able to survive and excel in the affiliate marketing world.

What are these three tactics?

1. It is not a good idea to lump all of your affiliate products together on one website. Every one of your products needs to have its own unique website. This is a little more costly in the beginning since you have web hosting for each site, but in the long run it will prove to work to your advantage. So your visitors can have an understanding of what your product is, and what it will provide for them once they have purchased, it is a great idea to include a product review. Another great selling point is to include testimonials from people who have already purchased the product. Having proof that the product has actually been beneficial to others gives your visitors the peace of mind that they are not about to be ripped off!

Your website should include articles that highlight the use of your product. Make your pages interesting and compelling, pointing to the special points and benefits that your product provides. The customer should want to keep on reading, to find out all that they can and then in all likelihood make a purchase.

2. Everyone loves to get something for free, that is why it is a great marketing tactic to give away a free report or e-book. Try and position this at the top of your website so that it can't be missed. You may also want to add a sign up form for your newsletter. Research shows that a sale is closed usually on the seventh contact with prospects.

When people visit your website one of two things can happen; either they will buy your product or they will leave, probably never to return again. By having these people signed up for your newsletter, they will be subtly reminded about what they will gain from making the purchase. However, do not make your newsletters a direct sales pitch. Direct people towards specific reasons why to buy the product.

These reasons could focus on how your product will make life easier and more enjoyable for the purchaser, how your product is able to resolve a problem etc. To inspire people to actually open your emails make sure the subject line has a compelling title, but try not to use "free" as you email will be blocked by spam filters.

3. Get the kind of traffic that is actively searching for the products you are selling. If the people who are visiting your website have absolutely no interest in what you are selling then it is very unlikely that you will make a sale. Write articles for publication, then submit them to article directories that focus on the subject of your target audience.

To gain maximum benefits from article submission try to write and submit a minimum of two articles per week. By continually submitting articles you can generate at least 100 visitors to your site each day. This is not a difficult tactic, it just requires some time and effort to write and submit your articles. But the effort you put into marketing your website will be well worth it.

Not all affiliate marketers achieve success, but you have to tools and know how to survive. By following these three tips for all of your affiliate programs you are setting yourself up for a very a very profitable career.

Kelly Yuile's website Dream Affiliate Money has the best proven ideas and opportunities to work from home with a home based business. Subcribe to our work from home with a home based business newsletter and receive 6 FREE e-books worth over $200 to help boost your online income

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For more articles on Affiliate Revenue visit the DirectoryGold Article Directory

For liks to Affiliate Programs visit the DirectoryGold Web Directory


Friday, August 15, 2008

Classic Characters From Board Games

Classic Characters From Board Games by Victor Epand

Board games very often are about a particular story and feature different characters that we all have come to know and love. There are very few of us who wouldn't recognize Rich Uncle Pennybags from Monopoly, some of the beloved faces from the children's game Candy Land, or any of the iconic characters from the classic detective game Clue. The characters featured with a game are often extremely valuable to enhance the mood and theme of the game, and because of the intense popularity of these games, these characters have become a lasting part of today's pop culture.

The mascot of Monopoly, now referred to as Mr. Monopoly instead of Rich Uncle Pennybags, has been widely used and featured with nearly every incarnation of the game since 1946, when he made his first appearance on that edition's game lid. We have seen him around frequently since then, and although he is not a playable character within the game, seeing Rich Uncle Pennybags brings a response of familiarity out of most people. Whenever a board game character becomes referenced in outside media, we can be assured that they have become a part of typical pop culture. Rich Uncle Pennybags has been referenced in everything from The Simpsons to Ace Ventura and that character belongs to the world now.

The Candy Land characters also provide us with a familiar sight. The game has been popular since 1949, when faces such as King Kandy, Gramma Nutt, Lord Licorice, and Mr. Mint became a part of board game canon. Their familiar faces are learned by young children, who grow up to associate good times with the game and those characters. You would probably have a difficult time to find anyone who wouldn't recognize any of those characters and be able to associate at least one of them with Candy Land.

Clue, however, provides some of the most memorable characters in the most lasting way. With Clue, players play the game as the characters themselves, compared to these other games in which the characters are just a feature in the game. In this classic detective game, six memorable suspects take the center stage, in which they try to figure out which of them committed the murder of poor Mr. Boddy, who is a pretty memorable character himself, despite never making an appearance himself. Miss Scarlet, Colonel Mustard, Mrs. White, Mr. Green, Mrs. Peacock, and Professor Plum constitute these iconic suspects, and by playing as one of them during the game, their place in today's culture becomes affirmed.

One of the interesting things about Clue, however, is the multiple editions that it has produced and the ways that the characters change slightly in each. Since its conception in 1949, each edition has produced a makeover of both the game board and the characters, giving them a slightly different appearance each time. The story behind each of the characters changes as well. The game adopts a situation that can fit many different particular stories and because of this, the characters in the game can be rich and lasting, able to survive through shifts in culture and popular view. The characters have done this, however, for it is pretty safe to assume that any of us who have ever accused "Colonel Mustard in the Library with the Lead Pipe," has known what they were talking about.

Victor Epand is an expert consultant for board games, chess boards, and dungeons and dragons miniatures. You will find all these things and more if you visit board games classic characters, chess boards, and dungeons and dragons miniatures.

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For more articles on Board Games visit the DirectoryGold Article Directory

For links to sites on Board Games visit the DirectoryGold Web Directory


Thursday, August 14, 2008

"Backup How-To's": Pros and Cons of Backup Software

"Backup How-To's": Pros and Cons of Backup Software by Alexander Rassokhin

The previous articles of the "Backup How-To's" series told about most frequent troubles accompanying data loss and three types of data that require three different approaches to be backed up. Now as we learned about the importance of making regular backups, it is necessary to understand if the use of specialized backup software is a must or it is possible to organize everything by your own.

A simple Internet search reveals a lot of free and commercial software
designed specifically for backup. Although the price of such programs may reach hundreds of dollars, they are often thought to perform "simple copying on a schedule" and aren't paid much attention. To see if they are worth the money, let's briefly run through particular components of the backup process.

Backup Scheduling

One of the most important parts of any backup plan is automation of copying and related procedures (compression, encryption, etc.). The basic idea is to set up a task only once, and then leave it to backup software. Can this be done manually? Yes, if you can write a proper script (batch file). Its automatic performance can be easily configured through Windows Task Scheduler. The one significant thing you need to remember is that automation assumes controllability, i.e. the script must provide logs and notifications about backup results.

Selecting Data for Backup

The main principle of data protection suggests that backups should be made regularly. When it comes to practice, it is not always clear how to filter new and modified files from the whole set of data that is backed up. While this question is successfully resolved in backup software, writing an appropriate code for comparing data already backed up to current situation on the disk is much more difficult.

Another problem is the lack of disk imaging function in Windows. Files-based backup doesn't allow backing up operating system, boot records and other data not represented as files. Without image-based backup, recovering after major failures means reinstallation of OS and applications which takes a lot of time and efforts. On the other hand, implementation of disk imaging in backup software raises its price at least by $20, and there are no good freeware programs for this.

Backup Storage

Then, it is important to define where your backups will be kept. If you are not planning to store your files on external media, this won't be of any trouble for you. But recording your backup to DVD disc or transferring it to a remote FTP server will require much bigger efforts. Built-in disc burning engine, FTP client, as well as support for other storage media make up a very important part of backup software. At the same time mere integration of a third-party DVD burning application in a backup script is a non-trivial task.

Let's summarize the features that our script – a potential substitute for a backup program – needs to have so far. With each execution, it must start with determining files that are not backed up yet. Then these files should be compressed and, if necessary, encrypted (both most likely require the use of external solutions). The script should preferably cooperate with some FTP client, so you can store backups with maximum security. Finally, it should log all operations and notify about results, so you can always be sure that your data is backed up.

Let's see what we can conclude from that. Writing a script and automating backups through built-in Windows tools is not a problem if you have certain programming skills and know what you want to achieve. But if you want your backups to be a little bit more complex, there is no choice: use specialized backup software. Writing and debugging a script of your own is much more unprofitable in terms of time and efforts than paying for a finished, well-thought out product.

In the next article: Free Backup Software vs. Commercial Backup Software

"Backup How-To's" is a series of articles by Alexander Rassokhin discussing methods and strategies of organizing computer data protection. These articles will be of great interest and use for PC users of all levels, from those who use computers at home to system administrators in large commercial enterprises.
Alexander Rassokhin is an IT-expert and technical writer of Novosoft which is a developer of its own computer backup software.
Click here to read more on file.

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For more articles on Data Recovery visit the DirectoryGold Article Directory

For links to sites on Backup Software visit the DirectoryGold Web Directory


Wednesday, August 13, 2008

What Do Solar Winds Have To Do With Life On Mars?

What Do Solar Winds Have To Do With Life On Mars? by Russ Miller

The concept that there is life on other planets and in other galaxies is widely popular. It is the core idea of countless science fiction novels. Many television shows, including the classic Star Trek series, and major movies have been spawned by this concept.

Some blockbuster movies that come to mind include Close Encounters of the Third Kind, 1977; Star Wars, 1977; E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial, 1982; Independence Day, 1996; and Signs, 2002.

Moviegoers find such film-fare fascinating. They want to believe that life on other planets and in other galaxies is possible.

Secular Humanists are major proponents of Darwinian-style evolution. They claim that life will be found on other planets and the United States government is spending billions of taxpayer dollars searching for life from outer space.

However, having discovered the complete impossibility of life having begun spontaneously from non-living matter here on earth, and completely closed to the fact that life might have been created by God just as the Holy Bible claims it was, they are simply sending their problem to where no one other than their own institutions can conduct the observations.

Thus the world will be subject to their interpretations of whatever they find. This is not how real science functions.

Consider the current, aggressive search for life on Mars, for example.

Here is where those solar winds come into play.

It is an observed scientific fact that micro-organisms from earth waft up on wind currents. These have been found in the earth's upper atmosphere and are assumed to get pushed out into space by the solar winds emanating from the sun.

These solar winds push things away from the sun and since Mars is further out than the earth the theory is that whenever the microbes get within range of Mars' gravitational pull, they will be brought down onto the surface of the planet.

This is what NASA's search for life on Mars is truly all about. The Secular Humanist crowd, devoid of any real scientific evidence in support of "from-goo-to-you" Darwinian-style evolution on our planet, hope to recover some of these earth-born microbes from the surface of the Red Planet.

Then headlines around the world will scream, LIFE EVOLVED ON MARS!!!

Keep this in mind, because if it happens as I suspect that it one day will, the discovery will be used to mislead billions of people.

Should this event occur, the proof that the microbes came from earth will be that they will be just like the microbes we find here today. Should this deceptive event take place it may turn out to be one of the greatest frauds perpetrated against mankind in the history of the world.

Russ Miller is author of The GENESIS Report Series. Register at to receive FREE his 50 Facts vs. Darwinism e-mail series.

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For more articles on Science visit the DirectoryGold Article Directory

For links to sites on Science visit the DirectoryGold Web Directory


Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Overview of Several Popular Role Playing Games

Overview of Several Popular Role Playing Games by Daniel Millions

There are different categories of computer games. Role-playing games, shooter games, racing games are some of the popular categories of computer games. A shooter game emphasizes mainly on shooting as you need to use weapons in order to kill the enemies whereas a racing game emphasizes mainly on racing as you need to take part in races and win them by controlling a vehicle. Role-playing games are usually more interesting than shooter and racing games as a player needs to concentrate on a number of things.

In a role-playing game, you need to control a character and you need to do different kinds of things so as to improve the skills of the character and also to make a progress in the game. Sometimes, you're set free in a city that resembles real-world and sometimes, you're set free in a jungle, space or a different kind of world. You need to control a character and follow the storyline of the game.

What makes role-playing games stand out of the crowd is the fact that you're allowed to do a number of interesting things in the game. Usually, you're allowed to interact with characters available in the game, drive vehicles, use weapons and complete missions available in the game. In some games, you even need to complete side-missions so as to enhance the skills of the character. Generally, a number of missions are to be completed in order to complete the game.

Grand Theft Auto Vice City is one of the most popular role-playing games. With-in the game, you're asked to control a character and then you're supposed to complete missions that are part of the storyline. Apart from the main missions, you also need to earn money so as to purchase weapons, safe houses and vehicles. In Grand Theft Auto-Vice City, you're even allowed to drive vehicles and you can use them to travel from one place to another.

Grand Theft Auto-San Andreas is another popular role-playing game. You're put in a city where you need to establish contacts with people and complete missions so as to move ahead in the game. Apart from the basic things like vehicles, money, weapons, you're even allowed to interact with the characters available in the game. An interesting feature of San Andreas is that you even need to take care of the meals of the character and a delay in the meal results in a loss of energy of the character.

You even need to take care of the fuel available in the vehicle as the vehicle stops running as soon as the fuel is over. A gym is also available in the game and you can use the gym to improve the fitness of the character. So, you need to take care of a number of things.

The Godfather is another popular role-playing game. In this game, you need to control a character and then you need to complete the missions so as to move ahead in the game. You start as an unemployed individual and then you join a gang. After you join the gang, you need to complete missions that are made available over the course of the game. You need to kill members of other gangs so as to take over the control of the city.

To do so, you need to destroy warehouses, vehicles and members of other gangs. You even need to collect money from the shops and in return, you need to protect them from other gangs. A number of weapons are available in the game and you need money to purchase them. In The Godfather, you earn money by completing missions and by killing other gang members. A number of vehicles are also available in the game.

As the game progresses, the role-playing games get more interesting and fun-packed. However, role-playing games usually consume a lot of time when compared to shooter and racing games. Role-playing games are for the people who like to play games that are based on a character which is controlled by the player.

Now you can play free online games 24/7 and even find game cheats and codes!

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For more articles on Games visit the DirectoryGold Web Directory

For links to sites on Games visit the DirectoryGold Web Directory


Sunday, August 10, 2008

7 Top Ways to Get Infected With Spyware and Destroy Your Computer

7 Top Ways to Get Infected With Spyware and Destroy Your Computer by Paul McDonald

Popups, painfully slow performance, browser home page hijacks, 47 new icons showing up on your desktop - all of which are the perks of having your computer infected with numerous spyware and adware applications, however not all of you will get the pleasure of experiencing the wonders of a malware infection.

With industry experts estimating that 90% of Internet users will get infected with spyware - that means that 10% will be left out of the fun.

So how can you be sure that you get yourself a spyware or adware infection?

Here are 7 fool proof ways:

1. Never, ever, under any circumstance install or use any type of antispyware or antivirus software. This stuff is way overrated and is just a way of getting you to spend unnecessary money. After all - spyware is your friend! Why would you want to keep it off of your computer??

2. Spend all of your time on the Internet at gambling and porn sites. This is a surefire way to get a spyware infection but just to be safe, you'll want to download as much as you possibly can from these sites -and then you'll be golden.

3. Download and install Kazaa, Limewire, and any other file sharing software you can get your hands on. But that might not be enough so you'll want to make sure you share out your entire C: drive and keep the software running all day long so anyone can get into your files and upload them. Almost as important is to download anything and everything you can get your hands on through the sharing software.

4. If you see any email in your inbox that looks like spam, immediately open it up and any attachments that come along with it. If there are no attachments but there is a link to follow in the email, you'll want to click on that link ASAP and follow precisely any instructions you see on the webpage you land on. A quick note about this - if you do this at least 3 times per day, you can skip steps 1-3 as this is guaranteed to get you that elusive spyware infection.

5. Ignore any and all security updates that are released for your operating system - especially if you run Microsoft Windows. Windows comes loaded with bugs and security gaps so disregarding any attempts to close those gaps is precisely what you'll want to do because spyware loves security loopholes.

6. Avoid educating yourself at all on anything related to computer security and spyware. Why would you want to know about that stuff anyway? On top of that reading stinks.

7. Repeat steps 1 - 6 over and over again until you reach the point where your computer is completely unusable. I am talking about never ending popups, icons that fill up your entire desktop and performance that is so slow it takes 5 minutes for anything you click to actually perform the function you want.

There you have it - 7 absolutely fool proof ways that you can ensure you get yourself a really big and completely destructive spyware and/or adware and/or virus infection.

Do these things each and every day, especially without any form of antispyware or antivirus protection and you'll be well on your way to computer hell.

Want to know what the best spyware remover is? Visit Paul's Best Spyware Remover website to find out and for a limited time you can also download his free report - "PC Protection - Keeping Your Computer Clean and Your Identity Safe".

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For more articles on Security visit the DirectoryGold Article Directory

For links to sites on Spyware and Adware visit the DirectoryGold Web Directory


Saturday, August 09, 2008

Overview of Three Popular Internet Games

Overview of Three Popular Internet Games by Daniel Millions

There are thousands of games available for play on the Internet and if you want to make the most of your gaming time, it is best to sort through only the best of the stock. Therefore, descriptions of three of the most popular Internet games follow to help you make a quick decision about what to play.

World of Warcraft is by far the most popular Internet game available on the market. Developed by Blizzard Entertainment, World of Warcraft (most commonly referred to as WoW) is the largest massively multiplayer online roleplaying game (MMORPG) in the world. It was released in November, 2004, and since then there have been two expansion packs. The gameplay can be quite complex, but it is based off the user controlling an in world avatar. You travel around a massive virtual world, fighting creatures, completing quests, and meeting with other players as well as NPCs (non-player characters). The addicting aspect of it is the leveling up, in that the more you fight and the more quests you complete, the stronger your character becomes.

That is one of the few negative aspects of WoW; the addiction factor. Some people become so immersed in the world they forget that they have real physical needs, such as sleeping and eating (this is actually quite common). In addition, there is also a monthly fee for playing, and you need to buy software. If you want to try the game out without making any commitment, you do have the option to download a trial from the Blizzard website. What could it hurt, except your social life?

The next option, albeit simple, is actually incredibly popular to this day, despite its basic graphics and gameplay. Tetris, developed in 1985 by a Russian programmer named Alexey Pajitnov, is based on assembling blocks in lines. When a line is formed, it disappears, and the user gains points. By clearing multiple lines at one time, the player can gain additional bonus points. The name comes from the word tetra and the word tennis, tetra being a component because all the Tetris pieces are composed of four blocks, while tennis was included simply because Pajitnov loved the sport.

You can play Tetris for free on dozens of different websites, as it is so popular many people have built their own versions for fun. In fact, several versions have been customized with additional features to make the game more interesting, as even though Tetris is quite fun, it is after all just a bunch of blocks being put together.

Counter Strike is one of the original first person, multiplayer shooting games. Since its inception, three sequels and several upgrades have been released. In the game, players either assume the position of a terrorist or a counter-terrorist, and teams must fight it out in order to win. In some scenarios, you need to complete a certain objective to win, such as setting a bomb or rescuing hostages.

Or, the first team to completely annihilate the other is the victor. The game is also very customizable and flexible, in that you can create your own maps as well as set special rules, like establishing a game where only knives can be used. While one does need to purchase software, there is no monthly fee to play online.

Now you can play free online games 24/7 and even find game cheats and codes!

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For more articles on Games visit the DirectoryGold Article Directory

For links to sites on Video Games visit the DirectoryGold Web Directory


Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Business Accountability at Home

Business Accountability at Home by Scott Lindsay

"We are accountable for our decisions in our personal life so why shouldn't we be just as accountable in our work life." - Catherine Pulsifer

One of the greatest killers of successful ecommerce is a lack of accountability. When these individuals worked for someone else they were held accountable and were kept 'on task'. As a home-based business owner it can be very difficult to stay the course. Beyond the discovery of your priorities it might make sense to identify an accountability partner to help you reach your goals.

The ideal candidate for the position could be a business associate that's a little further down the trail of business experience. It could also be a friend or family member. The wrong kind of individual would be one that will allow you to get away with bad business habits.

"My belief is that personal freedom cannot grow beyond personal responsibility. The more people that learn to be fully accountable for their lives, the more freedom each of us can enjoy and the more fulfilling all of our lives will be." - Reed Konsler

Many will go into a home-based business with the idea that it will free up time for things that are of personal interest. Indeed, this is the objective of a home-based business, but there is a very fine line between freedom and business neglect.

An accountability partner can help you break away from poor work habits and move toward the ultimate fulfillment of your dream.

"He that is good for making excuses is seldom good for anything else." - Benjamin Franklin

A home-based business will never correct poor work habits. If you are leaving a job to become an entrepreneur you need to honestly assess your ability to stay on task without the intervention of a supervisor. If you can't, you need to either enlist the aid of an accountability partner to help you or reconsider whether a home-based business is something you can adequately undertake.

"I don't wait for moods. You accomplish nothing if you do that. Your mind must know it has got to get down to work." - Pearl S. Buck

Your clients will expect a high level of service and you will either need to provide that level of service or be prepared for an exodus of existing customers and a reputation for less than ideal business principles.

It's understandable that so many wish to follow their dream of business ownership, which is why the notion of an accountability partner is so important to establishing the dream.

Make A Website in minutes with the Website Builder at Start a HOME BUSINESS and Sell Ebooks at

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For more articles on Home Based Business visit the DirectoryGold Article Directory

For links to sites on Home Based Business visit the DirectoryGold Web Directory


Monday, August 04, 2008

Defense Attorneys: How to Obtain a Psychological Assessment for your Client to Determine his Sanity

Defense Attorneys: How to Obtain a Psychological Assessment for your Client to Determine his Sanity by Dr Mike Shery

Have you made the decision to have your clients mental status evaluated? Have you found yourself having difficulties preparing a defense?

If that is the case, you may want to check out what options are available to you when it comes to seeking and finding a mental health assessment expert. Through this article, you are provided with the guidance that you will need in order to identify those mental health experts who will be of the greatest use and service to you and your clients.

When you are looking to find a consulting psychologist to assist you with assessing a clients mental state, the first factor to keep in mind is the reputation of a particular professional. Obviously, when you are dealing with subjects as important, sensitive and potentially life-changing as your clients culpability in committing a crime or fitness to stand trial, you want to make sure that you connect with a reputable practitioner.

As with other areas in todays world, there are less experienced professionals who inject themselves into the field of forensic psychology, the psychological evaluation of the criminal defendant. Therefore, be cautious about the consulting psychologists that you consider engaging for your clients assessments.

Ask how many years the psychologist has been practicing. At least 15 years is appropriate and check with your state Board of Psychology to determine if any disciplinary action has ever been taken against him.

In addition, make certain that you connect with a professional who does not have the reputation of being a commercial purveyor of testing services to lawyers. Practitioners who run testing or assessment mills can be superficial, careless, impatient and unavailable by phone and email.

Their arrogant and haughty attitude can be a real turn-off to your client who can be resistant to giving such personal information to someone who is offensive and whom he does not already know. The ability to develop a genuine rapport with your client is imperative to eliciting useful information from him.

The psychologists clinical experience is particularly important when it comes to dealing with issues relating to psychological assessment. Therefore, you will be best served by making sure that your consultant has a practice which is largely clinical and treatment-oriented.

Clinicians are best at developing that all-important rapport with your client, and when testing is only part of their practice, they justifiably create the impression of being a well-rounded and seasoned practitioner, rather than that of being the operator of an assessment mill.

In your analysis of various professionals rendering assessment services, you will want to consider their credentials. For instance, typically a psychiatrist has only about three years of training in mental health, which is obtained during the residency.

The overwhelming majority of their training is in chemistry, biology and general medicine. They mainly prescribe medication, do very little counseling or psychotherapy and receive no specialized training in psychological testing and assessment.

On the other hand, the psychologist has the bulk of his training in counseling, psychology, mental health and psychological assessment. This is obtained during his last 2 years of college, his 3 to 4 years of graduate and professional school and his internship.

Where psychological assessment is concerned, there is no question that the consulting psychologist will be more suitable to the assessment needs of your practice. Therefore, make sure that those professionals who you are considering have their doctoral degree in psychology and are licensed to practice independently.

The Internet rapidly has become a valuable tool for lawyers who are in need of psychological services for their clients. There are a number of different resources available to you today in this regard.

You will find that by accessing the web site of the American Psychological Association or your states psychological association, you will be in an excellent position to make wise and faster decisions pertaining to your practices needs for mental health assessment services.

Dr Shery is in Cary, IL, near Algonquin, Crystal Lake, Marengo and Lake-in-the-Hills. He's an expert psychologist. Call 1 847 516 0899 and make an appt orlearn more about counseling at:

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Saturday, August 02, 2008

Why Is It Necessary To Plan Your Retirement Living?

Why Is It Necessary To Plan Your Retirement Living? by Cindy Heller

Retirement living can be something that is fun and something you can look forward to. It will always be much easier to go through the retirement age period and all the difficulties it implies if you start planning early.

You should consider planning each and very aspect of your retirement living carefully. Do it with plenty of time ahead instead of doing everything the day before retiring. The earlier you start the better. Since one could no possibly predict the mental conditions one is going to be in, it is extremely important to plan everything in advance and make all the necessary decisions now. Senior citizens who cannot make decision about their preferences are protected by the law, but the laws will be beneficial only if there is a legal record of the retiree's desires.

Take the Responsibility to Plan Early to Avoid Future Problems

In order to have a quiet, relaxed retirement, it is crucial to start planning in advance. If your mental condition at the retirement time does not help, then it would be important for you to have a legal record of your desires, which the law will respect. Therefore, it becomes essential to do all the legal procedures that are necessary, considering the aspects that follow:

1. Old age diseases can be a problem for you retirement living, especially those affecting the mind, so you need to finish your legal will, in case you get one of these diseases. If you do not do this, your retirement living will not be as you wish, and your family will not be protected.

2. Get the help of a good lawyer so that he can advise you about the right time to change your property titles. You do not know if you are going to be able to decide in the future. Therefore, it is important to decide early who you want to inherit your properties.

3. In the same way, your lawyer can make your wishes concerning money gifts and properties legal, taking care of the interests of your beloveds.

4. On order to make it easier for your family to fulfill you will as you reach old age, make sure to record all the details about your wishes concerning your retirement living since you do not know if you are going to be capable of expressing them later in life. Include aspects such as living place, insurance, money issues, etc.

Cindy Heller is a professional writer. To learn more about retirement living, please visit home retirement plan.

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Friday, August 01, 2008

4 Quick Tips To Eating Healthy

4 Quick Tips To Eating Healthy by Chris Jensen

The best part is that you can eat as much as you want of some of your favorite foods! There is absolutely no cutting back when it comes to certain items, and the results are real, significant, and fast. This program definitely may not work for every person, but if you are serious about losing weight quickly and cheaply, this is a great solution for you.

These 4 quick tips work great for losing weight, because it will provide you will all the nutrition that your body would get from a normal diet, but at the same time will make you lose weight fast. It uses what you eat to burn fat quickly and efficiently, maximizing your body's weight-loss potential.

Some of the foods that you can eat as much of as you want are as follows:

1) Apples: Apples are delicious and one of the best things you can eat. They don't require packaging, are convenient, are extremely filling, and have a great amount of vitamins. They also work to hydrate your body, and can keep hunger pains away. Eat as many apples as you want every day, and still maintain a great figure. Also, there are so many varieties of apples that you can have a different kind every day and never get bored!

2) Black beans: Black beans are full of protein, are extremely cheap, and go great on everything from salads to burritos. Throw in a little chili powder and some salt, and they make a great meal all by themselves. Mix in a little brown rice and you have a hearty meal! Anyone can make black beans work in their diet, as they are extremely versatile and are one of the cheapest foods you can get. Try to work in Black beans at every meal to help fill you up and provide extra protein for muscle building.

3) Low Calorie Yogurt: Low Calorie Yogurt is delicious, provides Vitamin D, and helps keep the weight off permanently. Yogurt makes a great breakfast, snack, lunch, or can be part of a healthy dinner. It is also very affordable, and it doesn't take much to spice it up with a little cereal or crunchy granola.

4) Eggs: Eggs are nutritious, full of protein, and can work in any meal plan. You can cook them a variety of ways, so eggs are never something that is going to get boring to eat. They should be a staple in everyone's diet.

This weight loss program is not intended for long-term use, but can help you lose weight and burn fat quickly and effectively, and also at a low price. Stay on track to develop healthy habits and that is how you will achieve a long term healthy lifestyle.

Chris Jensen is a contributing author of Jetfly Blog. For more related articles and reviews visit Jetfly Healthy Lifestyle Blog now. Also, for the best up-to-date related online products, check out Jetfly Shakes & Drinks Shop for todays current online deals.

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For links to sites on Nutrition visit the DirectoryGold Web Directory
