Monday, March 31, 2008

Investment In Gold: What's In Store For The Price of Gold And The Dollar?

Investment In Gold: What's In Store For The Price of Gold And The Dollar? by Jet Lee

The media, and even the network news shows, have started reporting the price of gold regularly. For almost 20 years, between 1980 and 2000, the price of gold was hardly mentioned. There was almost no interest, and the price was either declining or stagnant.

Since 2001 however, interest in gold has spiked and so has its price. With the price well over $1000 an ounce, a lot more people are becoming interested in investing in gold and an economic indicator. A lot can be learned by understanding what the rising dollar price of gold foretells.

The rise in gold prices from under $300 per ounce in 2001 to over $1000 today has drawn investors and speculators into the precious metals market. Though many already have made handsome profits, buying gold per se should not be touted as a good investment. After all, gold earns no interest and its quality never changes. It’s static, and does not increase as ideal investments should.

It’s more accurate to say that one might invest in a gold or silver mining company, where management, labor costs, and the nature of new discoveries all play a critical role in determining the quality of the investment and the profits made.

Buying gold and holding it is somewhat similar to converting one’s savings into one hundred dollar bills and hiding them under the mattress, althoughtyet not exactly the same. Both gold and dollars are considered money, and holding money does not count as an investment. There’s a major descrepancy between the two however, since by holding paper money one loses purchasing power. The purchasing power of commodity money, i.e. gold, however, increases if the government devalues the circulating fiat currency.

Hoarding gold is hedge or insurance against government’s proclivity to debase its currency. The buying power of gold goes up not because it’s a so-called good investment; it goes up in value only because the paper currency decreases in value. In our present situation, that means the U.S. dollar is lossing value against gold.

One of the characteristics of commodity money (one that came about organically in the marketplace) is that it serves as a store of value. Gold and silver meet that test, while, but paper money does not. Because of this severe difference, the incentive and wisdom of holding emergency funds in the form of gold becomes smarter when the official currency is being devalued. It’s better than trying to save wealth in the form of a fiat currency, even when earning some small amount of interest, especially when this interest often attracts the highest taxation rate. The lack of earned interest on gold is not an issue once people figure out the purchasing power of their currency is declining faster than the interest rates they might get. The purchasing power of gold can rise even faster than increases in the cost of living.

It's probably a great idea to make sure you diversify a part of your savings into gold bullion or maybe gold-backed securities like the Gold ETF. Investment Advisors advise that people hold 10-15% of their money in gold, although with the current economic situation, I'd definitely aim for the high end of that range.

The writer hosts a site dedicated to Investing & Passive Income and is an avid gold and silver coin collector.

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Sunday, March 30, 2008

What Every Parent and Educator Should Know About Enriching Young Brains and Minds

What Every Parent and Educator Should Know About Enriching Young Brains and Minds by Alvaro Fernandez

To learn important lessons for all parents and educators, we interview today Eric Jensen, a former middle school teacher and former adjunct professor for several universities including the University of California, San Diego. Mr. Jensen co-founded the Learning Brain Expo, a conference for educators, and has written 21 books on the brain and learning. His most recent book, Enriching the Brain: How to Maximize Every Learner's Potential (Jossey-Bass, 2006), is highly recommended for educators and parents alike.

Alvaro Fernandez (AF): Eric, thank you for your time. Can you explain the role that you and your organization play?

Eric Jensen (EJ): We act as translators between the neuroscience and education fields, helping to build a Brain-Based Education movement. We launched the first conference that attempted to bridge these two worlds in 1998. The goal of the conference, called Learning Expo, was for teachers to speak to scientists, and, equally important, for scientists to speak to educators.

Critics say that neuroscience research can add little to educational practices. What we say is that, whereas it is true that much needs to be clarified, there are already clear implications from brain research that educators should be aware of. For example, four important elements that are often neglected by educators, given the obsessive focus on academic scores, are nutrition, physical exercise, stress management, and overall mental enrichment.

AF: Since 1998? How would you characterize the progress so far?

EJ: The good news is that today many educators, more than ever, are learning about how the brain works. There is a growing number of academic programs such as Harvard's masters program in Mind, Brain, and Education, and peer-reviewed journals such as the Mind, Brain and Education Journal.

Still, there are clear areas for improvement. Too many staff developers are weak on the science. I see too many books saying "brain" in the title that are not grounded in any brain research. Something I always recommend when shopping for books is to check the References section, making sure the book references specific studies in credible journals from 2000 on.

AF: Now, those are mostly awareness-related initiatives. What, if any, are the implications in daily teaching and learning in schools?

EJ: You are right, this is still an emerging field. A number of private, independent, forward-thinking public schools and charter schools are implementing specific initiatives, mostly around brain-based teaching strategies, nutrition and exercise. But these are tougher for some public schools, which have limited resources and flexibility. to implement. We also see an growing number of enlightened parents learning about the principles we discuss and applying them at home.

AF: Have you seen any impact at the policy level? specifically, what do you think about the current debate about the merits or demerits of No Child Left Behind?

EJ: I agree with the move towards accountability. Now, the question is, accountability for what? for creating narrow, specific test scores? or for helping nourish better human beings. I have seen very little policy activity in the US; some in Asian countries such as Singapore and China, that are evaluating how to refine the curriculum for 5-10 year olds. In the US, there was a major push for music enrichment programs, that was somehow misguided, in the late 90s. The problem is that, whereas it is clear that enrichment has an impact, it is tough to measure specifically what type of enrichment, since much of the benefit develops over time. The short term "stock-market" mentality that measures student growth over a few weeks or months has to be tempered by long-term measures, too.

For example, it seems clear that there are important skills that can be trained, that make for a better and more successful human being - such as the ability to defer gratification, sequencing, emotional intelligence, improved working memory, vocabulary, and processing skills. However, the type of assessments used today to measure schools' performance don't focus on these. We would need broader assessments to allow educators to focus on those important long-term skills, beyond the immediate pressures.

A specific area going from bad to worse is the level of stress in the system, and the lack of resources and knowledge to regulate it.

AF: You mention processing skills, as well as other cognitive skills. In your recent column you highlight Scientific Learning's computer program that can train auditory processing. What's your view on the role of computer-based programs?

EJ: It is encouraging to see programs based on extensive research, such as Scientific Learning's. I appreciate the value of such programs to tailor individualized interventions to the needs of specific kids. So I believe these programs present a huge potential.

Now, we must not confuse what is just one narrow tool with a whole enrichment program. Brain-based education also must take into account other important factors such as nutrition, physical exercise, the arts, stress management, social interactions...

Copyright (c) 2008 SharpBrains

Alvaro Fernandez is the CEO and Co-Founder of, which covers the brain training and brain plasticity fields. SharpBrains has been recognized by Scientific American Mind, Newsweek, Forbes. Alvaro holds MA in Education and MBA from Stanford University, and teaches The Science of Brain Health at UC-Berkeley Lifelong Learning Institute. You can learn more at

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Saturday, March 29, 2008

Ukulele Chords: Learn To Play Morning Has Broken

Ukulele Chords: Learn To Play Morning Has Broken by Peter Edvinsson

In this ukulele lesson you will learn to play a popular song with chords on your ukulele. I will show you with easy ukulele tablature notation how to play the chords. Let us start with the C-major chord!

First of all, we will use the C-tuning in this ukulele lesson. This means that your first string will be tuned to an A, your second string to an E, the third string to C and the fourth string to G.

The first string is the string with the highest pitch, that is, the bottom string when you play.

I will use a form of ukulele tab notation that tells you how to put your fingers in order to play the chords. Every number pair tells you which fret to press down and which string to play. Here is the C-major chord:

C: 04 03 02 31

These four number pairs indicate where you are to put your fingers on your four strings to strum the C-major chord on your ukulele. 04 means, play the open fourth string. An open string is a string you play without pressing down a fret. 31 means, press down the third fret on the first string.

I will put the chord names in bracket before the syllable where you are to change to the new chord. Time to take a look at the lyrics and start to sing!

You will sing the song in the key of C. In this song it means that the song starts with a C. Play your third string, the C string, to find your starting tone.

Time for the first line of lyrics:

Morning has (C)bro(Dm)ken, (D7)like the first (F)mor(C)ning

As you can see you will need more ukulele chords to sing and play the song. Let us take a look at the D-minor chord:

Dm: 04 23 32 11

Now it is time to take a look at the G7 chord and F-major chord:

G7: 04 23 12 21

F: 24 03 12 01

Let us continue with the song:

(C)Blackbird has (Em)spo(Am)ken, (D7)like the first (G7)bird

Yes, I am sorry, but it is time for three more ukulele chords, E-minor, A-minor and D7:

Em: 04 43 32 21

Am: 24 03 02 01

D7: 24 03 22 01

Now it is time to finish the first verse:

(C)Praise for the (F)singing, (C)praise for the (Am)mor(D7))ning

(G7)Praise for the (C)sprin(F)ging (G7)fresh from the (C)word

I admit that it is a lot of chords to learn on your ukulele and many chord changes. I suggest that you learn the song one line at a time. You can also devout a bit of your practicing time to changing between chords the way they appear in the song. For example:

C - Dm, Dm - G7, G7 - F, F - C and so on!

Here are two more verses of the song to practice when you have mastered the first verse:

Sweet the rain's (C)new (Dm)fall, (G7)sunlit from (F)hea(C)ven
Like the first (Em)dew(Am)fall, (D7)on the first (G7)grass
(C)Praise for the (F)sweetness (C)of the wet (Am)gar(D7)den
(G7)Sprung in com(C)plete(F)ness (G7)where his feet (C)pass

Mine is the (C)sun(Dm)light, (G7)mine is the (F)mor(C)ning
Born of the (Em)one (Am)light, (D7)Eden saw (G7)play
(C)Praise with e(F)lation, (C)praise every (Am)mor(D7)ning
(G7)God's recre(C)a(F)tion (G7)of the new (C)day

Peter Edvinsson invites you to download your free ukulele songs at

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Friday, March 28, 2008

The Myth and Lore of Opal: October's Birthstone

The Myth and Lore of Opal: October's Birthstone by Marc Choyt

Long, long ago, when the Earth was young and Elements were Divine, the Storm God lolled about, playing amidst the wind and clouds in his luminous sphere. The rain came down in sheets, whipped through the sky, pelting the earth.

Amid the lightning strikes, with black clouds riding the mountains and plains like emboldened dragons, the sunlight broke through the darkness. A rainbow appeared. The storm god grew angry and jealous of the rainbow's power. In a moment, he petrified it. Pieces of rainbow fell to the earth, becoming opals.

Flash forward several tens of million of years into the fifteenth century. Imagine in another lifetime that you were a blonde maiden. You were traveling through Cernowitz, Hungary where a community of about three hundred miners was mining for opals. You purchased one for a necklace. It would not only make you quite the fashionable rage, but give you talismanic power to protect the lovely color of your hair.

The name of October's birthstone comes from the Sanskrit word, upala, which simply translates to "precious gem." From the Sanskrit came the Greek word, opalios, and the Latin, opalus. October's birthstone suggests the turn of leaves, gold, yellow, red, in the autumn months. I believe there is no gem more exquisite than a fine opal, and yet many people are reluctant to own one because they are believed to bring bad luck.
Opals are fragile and brittle. Many an opal has cracked on a jewelers' bench during the setting. Jewelers have helped to perpetuate the myth and discourage opals because, when you crack a valuable gem on the bench, you naturally blame it on bad luck and not your own skill set.

In Arab myth and lore, opals were held to be created when lightening strikes the earth. When lightening strikes sand, glass is formed. Like glass, opals are extremely brittle and fragile.

The second origin of opals being bad luck comes from the notion of the evil eye. Lapidaries in Europe in the Middle Ages called the gem, ophthalmios, "eye stone." The eye of a dragon, or even any malignant god was said to be bad luck. In a Scandinavian story, Volondr, Great Smith to the Gods (Equivalent to the Roman god, Vulcan), described another source of opals. He was said to have created them from the eyes of children.

The notion of the evil eye is widely held. The evil eye can seduce, which is why you should take care when you see the eyes in peacock feathers. I recently traveled through Turkey where glass charms are sold, concentric circles with a dark spot in the center, said to ward off the evil eye. In an ancient cavern with Roman columns under the streets of Istanbul was a column with a Medusa carving.

The origin of this "evil eye," I was told, was the ancient story of this snake headed demon goddess that turned heroes into stone - something many men have experienced with their wives, metaphorically speaking, of course.

In these cultures, to have oneself cursed by the 'evil eye', implies far more than sleeping in separate beds. Eyes, being the "windows of the soul," give access to one's essence.

Perhaps to be given the evil eye implies a kind of stain on one's immortal divinity, which translates to bad luck while in the day to "day slings and arrows of outrageous fortune." Certainly many of us have experienced a sinking feeling in our stomachs after being glanced by someone who had malignant intent.

Yet opals were also held in high esteem. One gem, called the Orphanus, was set in a crown of the Holy Roman Empire. Said to glow with inner fire in the darkness, the opal represented the empire's regal honor. Opals were used as the eyes of deities. The Roman's knew opals as "cupid stone," symbolic of purity and hope.

These stories suggest the true power of opals deals with a kind of visioning. Going back to the original story, the rainbow is metaphor for purity and blessing. At the end of the rainbow is the pot of gold - gold being the final alchemical process, the manifestation of one's own divinity. Rainbows also are about understanding something from many different perspectives.

Opals contain the full color range. The view of orange is different than the view of blue or green. A rainbow is white light broken into various hues. Some esoteric traditions hold that colors represent the various qualities of souls. Ingigenous practitioners in the Americas and Australia have used opals as a type of medicine that helps enable clarity.

Perhaps opals enable you to dream a different vision of your life, one based on the universal perspective of the Rainbow. While this path may not make you popular, it certainly will give you the satisfaction and radiance of fulfilling your inner duty.

References: Most of the historical content, myth and lore referenced in this article came from two books, both of which are in print and available on line:

George Frederick Kunz, The Curious Lore of Precious Stones, New York; Dover Publications, Inc. 1913, 1971 edition.

Bruce Knuth, Gems In Myth, Legends And Lore; Parachute, Colorado, Jewelers Press, 2007.

Marc Choyt is President of Reflective Images, a designer jewelry company, that sells opals and ethically sourced jewelry at His company produces eco-friendly, conflict free diamond jewelry. Marc also authors supporting green, fair trade, socially responsible jewelry practices.

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Thursday, March 27, 2008

Technology Creates Athletes That Are Citius, Altius, Fortius

Technology Creates Athletes That Are Citius, Altius, Fortius by Catherine Harvey

Citius, Altius, Fortius is the motto of the modern day Olympics and means Swifter, Higher, Stronger.

With London being the hosts for the 2012 Olympics, all eyes will be on how well our athletes perform and the pressure is being felt to excel. For this reason, scientists are increasingly discovering new technologies to add to sports equipment and so aid our sportsmen and women to become the very best in their field.

But can there be a link between technology and sportsmanship? Does this not constitute cheating? Will the Olympics become a test of each nations technological expertise and not about the athletes abilities?

This is precisely why the Olympics has a governing body to lay down rules about just how much technology can be installed in sports equipment and how much should be left to the individuals abilities.

It has to be said that much has changed in the 2500 years since the Olympics origins. Take running for instance. Runners in the early Olympics would have started from an upright position, tucking their toes into a starting line - hence the expression 'toeing the line'. If a false start ensued, participants would be punished by flogging.

Thankfully, this no longer occurs and in the case of running, not many applications of technology are possible on the useable sports equipment. In this area, it has mainly been the improvement of running shoes that are made lighter and better fitting and of the changes in track surfaces. However, running speeds are ever increasing and this is possibly due, at least in part, to our advanced understanding of the human body and the effect our diet plays on its performance.

The sports equipment used in events such as the javelin has been changed over the years following ever more distances clocked up by athletes. It became apparent that distances were being achieved that made throwing a spike through the air dangerous. I could have told them that - could have someone's eye out with that!

Throwing a pointed spear within the confines of a crowd caused concern when athletes were able to throw the javelin the complete length of the stadium. This brought about a change in their sports equipment where the centre of mass was moved 4cm forward thus limiting the distance it could be thrown and ensuring it landed pointy end down - always a bonus unless you're hunting for dinner.

The poles used in pole vaulting events have gone through various changes over the years. One of the most surprising being the use of bamboo. Being a hollow pole, it was thought that this would be less flexible when, in fact, it was even more so than some woods that were being used. It's something to do with the neutral axis thingy running down the centre of the beam where stresses are minimal if they exist at all.

Bamboo was replaced by fibre glass as the sports equipment of choice for pole vaulters, making it lighter and more flexible, thus giving them a distinct advantage. However, personal skill is very apparent in this area despite the technological help that continues with the introduction of carbon fibres to the poles to make them lighter still.

Pole vaulting is one area that has changed drastically since the Olympics started to the point where vaulters now approach the beam with a different part of their anatomy. From going over with feet pointing downwards they not take the vault after performing a complex gymnastic move that sees them throwing themselves upside down. The pole can be of any length and strength with little or no restrictions.

With all Olympic sports in their sights, Loughborough University recently saw the unveiling or their new Sports Technology Institute, dedicated to the furthering of technology in sports equipment. The 15 pounds million centre works with all the top sports equipment suppliers and promotes the issue of sports and healthy lifestyles amongst the youth of today. A very fitting construction given that it is our turn for Olympic hosting.

Sports expert Catherine Harvey looks at the technology behind sports equipment and how it can help the modern day athlete.

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Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Renting a Holiday Home In Ibiza

Renting a Holiday Home In Ibiza by Andrew Gibson

Ibiza is also known as the White Island and it is regarded as the most beautiful of the three Balearic islands. It is an ideal location for family holidays in the sun with some of the best holiday villas with swimming pools in Europe.

Ibiza is an island made up of spectacular cove beaches, towering cliffs and magnificent pine forests. The capital of Ibiza is one of Europe's oldest towns and has some superb architecture.

Families go on holiday to Ibiza and stay in holiday homes or apartments and they are drawn there by the perfect climate. Ibiza is a sun lover's perfect paradise. It has mild weather in winter and warm weather in summer. The climate makes it ideal for many different sports and other activities to be carried out throughout the whole year.

It is not just sunbathers who love Ibiza, but also for hikers, divers and water sports lovers. Many stay in the beautiful luxurious villas with swimming pools that are dotted all over the island. Some holiday makers prefer to rent self catering apartments or one of the many small cottages or farmhouses that are available to rent from their holiday home owners.

Ibiza is split into five municipalities: Sant Josep de sa Talaia, Sant Antoni de Portmany, Sant Joan de Labritja, Santa Eularia des Riu, and Eivissa. Each are popular tourist destinations and are ideal for people wanting to rent holiday homes. A wide range of holiday home rentals can be selected with beach bungalows, villas, guest houses, apartments, small houses, country houses and fincas available throughout the whole island.

Self catering apartments are very popular in Ibiza town and those families on vacations looking for a more relaxing holiday may choose from many beautiful locations throughout the stunning countryside. It is possible to hire a villa with swimming pool overlooking the breathtaking beaches draw tourists back to this beautiful island year after year.

Holiday home accommodation in Ibiza offers a great variety and diversity of holiday homes to rent, to choose from. It does not matter if you are going there on a short romantic break or a sun loving family holiday, there are plenty of self catering holiday homes to choose from. Ibiza is an island full of quaint coastal towns, peaceful country villages and Ibiza town where the more lively tourists like to stay in self catering apartments.

The island is full of culture, luxury and good food. It is an ideal base for sun bathing, water sports, fishing and sailing. The island has everything that a tourist could possibly ever want. Villas with swimming pools, self catering apartments, small cottages and farmhouses are all great holiday homes to rent in Ibiza.

Andrew Gibson is MD of Direct Holiday Bookings. It is one of the fastest growing on line holiday home rentals websites. To see an example of why Direct Holiday Bookings is growing so rapidly have a look at Holiday Home Rentals In Ibiza

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Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Constellation Factors about Popular TV Shows

Constellation Factors about Popular TV Shows by Daniel spivey

TV shows have become popular as millions of people around the world watch TV series and also they rank the tv shows according to their priority. Popular TV shows Lost and Heroes have won the imaginations of millions of people. Popular TV shows makes people to leave the reality of day to day life. For example people viewed plane crashing and the aftermath. These tv shows stay fresh in memory year after year. Last and Heroes are evergreen tv shows. In spite of the development of internet, these tv shows glue people to sit at one corner of the room and watch the show. Casting plays a vital role in the success of popular tv shows. Each character is identified by the viewer. These tv shows dominate the lives of millions of people.

More and more reality tv shows dominate the world. Reality shows did not pop up in the late Nineteen Nineties and after the grand success of Survivor, number of reality shows came up one after the other. Shows like The Bachelor, For Love, Big Brother came up later and compete for prizes.
TV episodes can also be viewed online. Popular websites like You Tube, Google offer video facility to watch tv episodes online. Popular TV shows are uploaded in websites to enable viewers watch the shows online. Even if a favorite show is missed due to work schedule, the same can be viewed online. People can access channels like NBC, Fox, ABC, CNBC, with the PC Satellite TV software. There is no additional hardware is required to operate it. There is no need to battle for remote set to watch their favorite tv show between people, as online tv shows are plenty.

TV Channels are also conducting weekly reviews about tv shows and also survey among the viewers to know their priority among the tv shows. Some of the highest ranked tv shows are: Lost, One Tree Hill, Family Guy, Smallville, Heroes, Avatar, House, South Park, The Simpsons, Grey’s Anatomy, Supernatural and Dancing Stars. A survey conducted in August, 2006 based on top 10 shows in 20 countries the American TV Show CSI: Miami stood first, Lost and Desperate Housewives are placed second and third respectively. Constellation factors such as great writers, producers, actors, good concept, a strong ensemble cast providing multiple story lines, proper time slot, comfort of audience, good net work support and of course the taste of public make a tv show last and popular.

TV shows “The Simpsons” and “60 Minutes” share the traits of reliable cast of characters, good writing, and comment on current events etc. These shows come as rescue to today’s TV blitzkrieg. Most of the TV shows are either concept driven or star driver or morph one into the other. These popular tv shows can be downloaded from iTunes website for a nominal fee and of course without the intervention of commercials. Some websites are offering free down load of these popular tv shows, but frequent interruption of commercials will be there. These shows can be watched on laptops and portable devices. The only disadvantage of downloads are they can not be seen as live programs and can be seen only when it is uploaded in the website by the producer.

To watch Lost and Supernatural online for free please check out watch lost online and watch supernatural online.

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Monday, March 24, 2008

Popular Workout Programs for Seniors

Popular Workout Programs for Seniors by Michael Greeves

No matter your age, you can still enjoy working out. There are plenty of safe ways to still feel healthy and in shape.

First of all, you want to make sure you are prepared and have a safe workout. Here are few things to think about before and while you workout:

- You might want to get a medical clearance from your doctor
- Stop if you feel pain
- You should always warm up and cool down
- Don't workout if you are sick, have a temperature or are injured
- Don't exercise outside if the weather is too cold or wet
- Drink plenty of water before, during and after working out
- Don't hold your breath during your workout
- Use good posture while exercising
- Make sure your shoes are in good condition and provide a lot of support
- Be sure not to overwork yourself
- Avoid eating heavy meals around 2 hours before exercising
- And stop exercising and see your doctor if you experience chest pain or tightness in the chest, neck or throat; difficulty breathing; abnormal heart beat; nausea and/or dizziness; Light headedness.

A simple way for you to get into the swing of exercising is walking. Start off slow and walk short distances. You can start off with a mile leisurely walk and then increase it by two to five minutes each time after.

If it is cold or raining out and you can't walk in the park, the mall is a wonderful place to walk instead. You can get your workout in while window shopping.

You can focus on different types of exercises such as cardio and endurance workouts, strength and resistance, and stretching and flexibility exercises.


Your goal should be doing 30 minutes of cardio exercises each day. This includes walking, cycling and swimming. You can split each exercise up if you wish to do 10 minutes of each. Throughout your workout, be sure to check your heart rate. In the beginning you want your heart rate to increase 50% over your resting hear rate. Gradually you want to work up to where your heart rate is 85 % over your normal rate, but don't push yourself too hard. It will take a little time to get there.


Strength and resistance workouts can be done by using weights, resistance bands, nautilus machines, or by using everyday things such as walls, the floor and furniture. After strength and resistance training, your body needs at least one day to recover. These workouts could range from 30 to 60 minutes long. Try to do one or two sets of 10-12 repetitions at just a moderate intensity.


Your warm ups and cool downs should always include stretching. This will help prevent injuries, stiffness and soreness. Yoga and pilates are some exercises you might want to look into because they focus on your core area and they are beneficial for both your body and mind.

Fitness centers also provide a lot of options between its equipment and classes offered. There are many exercise machines that do not put stress or strain on your joints. Some workout facilities might have classes such as water aerobics. Water aerobics causes less strain on your joints as well. The water supports your weight instead of your legs having to support it. It is a great resistance exercise for your entire body. Water aerobics can be exhilarating and fun too.

There are many options for you stay in shape. The most important thing to remember is to be safe and listen to your body. It knows when you should stop.

Michael Greeves, CEO and founder of Hyperstrike, wanted to develop an affordable fitness program for individuals and athletes that could be customized to their personal abilities and goals, and be delivered to any one, any where, any time. Learn more about HyperStrike workout programs.

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Saturday, March 22, 2008

Forex Trading the Top U.S. Economic News Reports

Forex Trading the Top U.S. Economic News Reports by Andrew Daigle

The US dollar is the most traded currency in the world and an understanding of US economic indicators is important in understanding the US dollar and its role in the currency trading system. Some of the most important U.S. economic indicators include the gross domestic product (GDP), producer price index (PPI), consumer price index (CPI), industrial production (IP), durable goods & services, employment cost index (ECI), retail sales index (RSI) and housing starts. These indicators have the potential to generate volume and move market prices around the globe.

Gross Domestic Product (GDP) - The gross domestic product is a measure of all economic activity in the economy. The GDP represents the total market value of all goods and services produced by both domestic and foreign companies within the borders of the US. The GDP should measure between 3% and 5% for advanced industrialized nations such as the U.S., Europe and Japan. A growth of less than 3% indicates a stalling economy and a growth of more than 5% indicates that the economy is on the verge of inflation.

The U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) publishes two measures of the GDP. One measure is based on expenditures while the other measure is based on incomes. The GDP publishes an advance release of the GDP following each quarter of the year, which contains, among other things, estimates for data not previously released, trade balances and inventories. This is considered to be the most important release while other BEA releases are considered less significant.

Producer Price Index (PPI) - The PPI measures price changes in the manufacturing sector as the average change that domestic producers in manufacturing, agriculture, forestry, electric utilities, natural gas, mining and fisheries receive in selling prices. The PPIs used most often in US economic analyses are measures for crude, intermediate and finished goods.

Consumer Price Index (CPI) - The CPI measures the average price paid by urban consumers for a fixed basket of goods and services. Urban consumers are largest base of consumers, totaling about 80% of the U.S. population More than 200 categories of goods and services are included in the calculation of the CPI. The measure of the CPI includes taxes and user fees connected with goods and service, but it excludes the volatile food and energy components of consumer spending.

Industrial Production (IP) - IP is a chain-weighted measure of the change in production for the nation's factories, utilities and mines. An IP is determined for types of industries and types of markets. Since the IP is a measure of industrial capacity and available industrial resources, IP may also be called capacity utilization. Since manufacturing accounts for about one-fourth of the economy, IP rates indicate the capacity of the country's factories.

Durable Goods and Services - Durable goods and services are a measure of new orders placed with domestic manufacturers for immediately delivery and delivery in the future. A durable good or service is a good that lasts or a service that extends for a period of more than three years.

Employment Cost Index (ECI) - The ECI is an estimated measure of the number of full-time and part-time employees in businesses and government. It is based on more than 500 industries in 50 states and 255 metropolitan areas. Data are collected from surveys of employer payrolls and includes wage as well as non-wage costs of employment.

Retail Sales Index (RSI) - The RSI is an estimate of the total monthly sales from retailers. It is a measure of consumer consumption and confidence. Data are collected from a sampling of retail establishments throughout the country. Retail sales include the sale of services, durable goods and non-durable goods. It includes excise taxes and excludes sales taxes.

Housing Starts - Housing starts is an estimate of the number excavations for foundations of residential properties. An analysis of housing starts measures the change in housing start levels from month to month.

Andrew Daigle is the owner, creator and author of many successful websites including a free forex educational and forex training site called ForexBoost and a Free Forex Training Blog for the Novice and Advanced Forex trader.

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For more articles on Currency Trading visit the DirectoryGold Article Directory

For links to sites on Forex visit the DirectoryGold Web Directory


Friday, March 21, 2008

Adopting a Dog - Four Things to Consider

Adopting a Dog - Four Things to Consider by Charles Essmeier

Dogs are wildly popular pets; in 2006, there were more than sixty one million dogs in the United States alone. While dogs have utilitarian uses, such as hunting, security, or aiding the handicapped, most people have them as pets simply because they provide companionship. Dogs do make good companions, and they are loyal and attentive pets. They are not suitable for everyone, however.

Prior to adopting a dog, there are a few things you may wish to consider ahead of time:

Maintenance issues. Dogs require a lot of maintenance. Unlike cats, they will need to go outside from time to time. If you don't have a fenced yard where the animal can run unattended, you will have to personally walk your pet several times a day. You could hire that job out, but either way, you will have to provide either money or time in order to tend to your pet's outside needs.

Suitability issues. If you have young children, you should choose your pet carefully. It's not uncommon for parents of small children to choose a "puppy" for a pet without considering what sort of puppy they are adopting. While a young Dachshund and a young Labrador Retriever may be similar in size, they will not be the same size in six months or a year. Your dog will grow much faster than your children, so you should keep the pet's future size in mind if adopting a puppy.

Expense issues. Owning a pet of any type can be expensive, and dogs are no exception. Pets need to be fed daily, and the cost of food can add up quickly, particularly if you have a larger animal. In addition, there will be occasional visits to the veterinarian, along with vaccinations and even licenses, depending on where you live.

Responsibility issues. Owning a pet comes with great responsibility. Dogs need to be regularly fed. They need time outside the house. They need to see a vet from time to time, and they need attention. Pet ownership comes with an obligation on the part of the owner to see to it that all of the pet's needs are met. If you are an adult and you are buying a pet for your child, keep in mind that these responsibilities ultimately become yours.

Owning a pet in general, and a dog in particular, can be a rewarding experience. Prospective owners need to be aware of all that is involved in owning a pet prior to adopting one. The better you understand what you will need to do ahead of time, the better off you and your dog will be.

Copyright 2008 by Retro Marketing. Charles Essmeier owns several Websites, including, a site that reviews the FatLoss4Idiots weight loss program, and, a site that reviews the ebook Sit Stay Fetch.

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For more articles on Pets visit the DirectoryGold Article Directory

For links to sites about Pets and sites where you can buy products for Pets visit the DirectoryGold Web Directory


Thursday, March 20, 2008

Champagne - All About The Fizz?

Champagne - All About The Fizz? by Fiona Muller

When it comes to celebrations like weddings, christenings, birthdays, engagements, garden parties or even if you have to launch a ship, there is only one thing that will fit the occasion, champagne. In fact whatever the event you can bring a sense of significance to any get-together by serving up a chilled bottle of this fizzy treat.

Champagne is a sparkling wine produced by inducing in the bottle secondary fermentation. This creates the bubbles which make the drink special. Many consumers call all sparkling wines champagne, but according to official EU rules, only those produced in a specific French ‘champagne’ region are legally allowed to call themselves champagne.

Most champagnes are a mixture of Chardonnay and Pinot Noir grapes, although there are those that are made from 100% Chardonnay or Pinot Noir grapes, or from a unique house recipe. Champagne as we know it is usually a brut (this makes it fairly dry in taste). There are other sparkling wines, such as cava but they cannot officially be called champagne because they are not from the French region.

Initially wines from the region of champagne were still, the first sparkling wine was produced in the 16th century. There are now more than 100 champagne houses and 15,000 smaller producers in Champagne. More than 300 million bottles are produced every year and out of this France exports approximately 55%. The biggest consumers of this bubbly liquor are the United States, Germany and the United Kingdom.

Champagne is popular because it is seen as the drink of the rich and famous. This is where the vintages come in. The mention of “Cristal” at celebrity parties has led to the drink becoming more sought after. It is also synonymous with Royalty and events such as the Ascot races, the Henley regatta, and prestigious garden parties. Also major motor sports grand prix events have bought into the champagne life-style by allowing winners to celebrate by spraying the drink at trophy presentations. The sight of this expensive and majestic fluid going to waste has heightened the appeal of the drink and the idea that it represents success and celebration.

Champagne should always be served cold and poured into a champagne flute. True etiquette says that the glass should never be more than a third full. One point to be careful of when drinking champagne is that alcohol is absorbed into the blood more quickly than drinking still white wine. So be careful!

Fiona Muller has been writing for over 20 years. She is a qualified journalist and has worked in food and drink writing for the last few years. For more information visit

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For more articles on Wine And Spirits visit the DirectoryGold Article Directory

For links to sites where you can buy Wine visit the DirectoryGold Web Directory

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Wednesday, March 19, 2008

What is the Future of the Internet and What Will it Hold for Us?

What is the Future of the Internet and What Will it Hold for Us? by Mark Hirst

As a novice web designer this question probably looms in your head. What are the ways to be a better web designer? Mastering the visual design, usability, utilization, and coding are some of the most important issues to have an effective design implementation of web site. Aside from those issues, however, knowing the basic details is an important element of essential web design; either you are just starting to work as web designer or a professional one.

Some of the most essential things every web designers should know:

Know your goal. As a web designer, what is your first goal that comes into your mind when building a website? Maybe, making money online or to tell a story with a personal website on the web. But wanting and building a good web site is another one. Your first goal therefore is to have an effective web design. In marketing sense, a poor web design has no sales. And no sale means no traffic and no visitors. A poor design is as good as a web site not existing.

Build a website and keep it simple. We always heard this dictum that simplicity is beauty. Simplicity must always be the first guiding principle when you start thinking and developing your ideas to your website. With all the tools and technology are just within our reach, it must be attempting to build a complex web design. This is a no-no. Visiting readers visits a website to find information and it always their instant gratification that guides them. They demand you to give them the information as fast and clearly as possible. Failure to meet their expectation to your website, there is always the back button they can hit and you would likely lose your visitors because of poor implementation of your website.

Know the HTML. If you aspire to be a better web designer in this field, master your HTML. HTML is the right tool to have an effective web design. This will help you execute properly your ideas that will make your website worthwhile and interactive to visitors.

If you don't know a single thing about HTML, there is always the Google search engine that can help you have some basic knowledge about HTML. You can search for online tutorial (like w3school tutorial for HTML) and start studying HTML with your own risk.

Use basic fonts. In web design there are fonts that are considered to be web safe. These web safe fonts like "Helvetica", "Arial", and "Time New Roman" are widely used and installed for every computer. When you use a font that your visitors do not have installed in the computer, the web browser will choose default fallback fonts. These fallback fonts will likely destroy your website's layout and make the content difficult to read.

Stick with standard layout. A flash-basedweb sitecreates an impression of creativity. However,most Internet users nowadays expect a conventional layout. Understand that your visitors hate to wait and flash-based layout takes time to upload. With conventional layout, you can be certain that it does not slow down the browsing process and helps maintain a good user interface.

Keep your images small. Try to design your website with graphics small in file size. The lower the file size of images, the faster the loading process of your web site. Save the images with graphic formats such as jpeg, GIF, or PNG extension.

Keep your code clean. Learn the proper technique of coding HTML. Keeping your HTML's code clean helps your site to load faster and conserve bandwidth.

Avoid distracting elements on your page. Design your web page with balance between those animated gifs and flashy advertisement. Place them in a proper table in a way that it is not distracting and annoying to visitors.

For more information on web design visit here.

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For more articles on Web Design visit the DirectoryGold Article Directory

For links to sites on Web Design and Development visit the DirectoryGold Web Directory


Tuesday, March 18, 2008

When the Economy Slumps, Marketing Will Keep Your Business Thriving

When the Economy Slumps, Marketing Will Keep Your Business Thriving by Wendy Maynard

If you've been watching the news lately, you may have noticed that the economy is in a bit of a downturn. It's happened before and it will happen again. During these times, smart businesses adjust their marketing strategies to make sure they will thrive during these slumps. You do not want to allow external circumstances to determine your future. The key is to be strategic, savvy, and streamlined in your campaigns.

For a well-positioned company, an economic recession should not lead to marketing cutbacks. Any time you go into a fearful reactive mode, you are actually moving backwards. Instead, think of this an opportunity for you and it is a great time to get aggressive with your marketing. Marketing is what will make your company recession proof. Since a lot of your competitors will be cutting back, this is your time to really differentiate your business and strengthen your competitive advantage.

Here are tips to help you adjust your marketing in a tough economy:

1. Know what drives your customer in this economy. More than ever, you must understand what drives your target audience and how they are reacting to the current economy. Both consumers and businesses will take more time to make a purchasing decision and they will most likely be a hard negotiator at the point of sale. Buyers are more willing to hold off on making a purchase, and they will rely on the brands that they know well. Therefore, talk to your current customers about their challenges and what they need from you to help them.

2. Keep an eye on your sales. This is a time for careful monitoring and adjusting. Watch your incoming company sales and keep an eye on your project pipeline/future income. If you compare this to past data, you will know what is happening before it actually occurs and you can intensify your marketing efforts to compensate for potential slowdowns. Now more than ever, you want to make sure that you are marketing forward to ensure your pipeline stays full in the coming months.

3. Differentiate yourself and reinforce your brand. When we are in a time when fewer people are buying, competition becomes fierce. Make sure your target audience understands why you are different from your competitors. Let them know why your brand is the best. Treat your best customers with extra TLC because you want them to weather the economic downturn with you. This is a great time to give your VIPs extra value and incentives.

4. Don't focus on expansion right now; instead focus on what is profitable. Now is not the best time to launch a brand new venture. For example, if you are a chocolate bar company, it's not a good economy for you to try out a donut line. You don't want to risk a fall by jumping too far away from your tried-and-true core areas. Instead, take a look at the services and products that are most profitable for your company and vigorously promote these.

5. Focus on relationships and value. Keep marketing your company's value to your prospects and customers. Because people are spending less, they want the purchases they DO make to be of great value to them. Emphasize reliability, durability, quality, and performance in your promotions. Tell your customers how much you appreciate their business.

6. Ditch awareness-marketing for lead-generating marketing. I am a proponent of building brand awareness through advertising and promotions. But now is not the time for traditional marketing - you can't afford to waste your dollars on efforts that don't generate immediate business. Instead, implement marketing that generates quality leads. Be sure to set up tracking systems so you can effectively monitor the results.

Remember, a recession is not the time to get gloomy. Instead it is an opportunity for smart business owners to differentiate their company. In a slowing economy, it is time to maintain or even increase your marketing budget. Stay laser focused on the activities that make your phone ring now and in the coming months.

Learn marketing techniques to attract new customers quickly in Author Wendy Maynard's free report: "Marketing Strategies to Fill Your Pipeline" at

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For more articles on Marketing visit the DirectoryGold Article Directory

For links to sites on Marketing and Advertising visit the DirectoryGold Web Directory


Monday, March 17, 2008

Working From Home Can Be Rewarding And Stressful

Working From Home Can Be Rewarding And Stressful by Michael Conant

Working from home is a new way to work with more flexibility and is a very popular option, the statistics predict that at least two thirds of the people who live in the United States will work from home twenty years from now, and this is why it is becoming very popular in these days.

For many people, especially for the women working from home is the solution to the work-life balance. Moms truly have incentive to work from home; it grants them the ability to contribute to the household income while being able to raise children. While this trend has commonly been attributed to the growth in the number of working women wanting to be home for their children, over half of all people now working from home are men.

Working from home can also save valuable time, if the alternative is spending two or three hours every day commuting back and forth to your work place. If you want to be your own boss, starting a new Internet business, working from home may be the way to go.

Whether you work from home already, are thinking about it, or your life circumstances now make working from home necessary or possible, be sure to think the benefits through as you choose your employment options.

For countless people the prospect of working from home may be a life long ambition, but scores of people in this position already, find it difficult to focus and often feel isolated. If you need a great deal of face to face contact with other people, a work from home option may not be in the cards for you.

However as many who remain within their home based business or telecommuting situation for at least a year or more will realize, is that working from home does NOT mean you stop making contact with people.

Working from home requires someone who can work on their own without a lot of direct supervision. If you are going to work from home a lot you will need to prepared for the fact that you may be spending a lot of time on your own.

Certainly, you can read many articles on the Internet extolling the virtues of working from home and probably wish you could park your car in your garage and start telecommuting right away. Working from home means that you have to be willing and able to force yourself to work even on beautiful days when you don't want to. When you work from home, it is ALL on you.

I would not wish to put anyone off the idea of working from home, after all it's what I do, it really is a fantastic way of living and if you can find a genuine scheme you will find that out for yourself.

For many new aspiring Internet marketers, working from home making a decent income is the ultimate dream job. When you work from home to help your business succeed, sometimes long and unusual hours, it is easy to ignore both your physical and mental health. Strangely enough, overworking when working from home can happen, maintaining a healthy work and exercise schedule is important.

Remember that online jobs work from home offer many advantages and the principal advantage is the freedom that you can have Work From Homeworking from home without any boss to follow, this is the dream of almost everyone. The whole point to working from home is to have less stress, be with your family and to enjoy yourself!

For more information starting a work from home endeavor go to

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For more articles on Home Based Business visit the DirectoryGold Article Directory

For links to sites on Business Opportunities visit the DirectoryGold Web Directory


Sunday, March 16, 2008

Finding The Best Sales Manager Jobs

Finding The Best Sales Manager Jobs by Shaun Parker

The range and variety of jobs available for sales managers is vast. Sales jobs can be incorporated into any business regardless of the type of product they sell or the service they offer. For a business to become successful they need to sell themselves well and every organisation benefits from having a skilled sales manager as part of their team. Such is the importance of sales jobs that they are necessary in every industry and the choice of role can be made to supplement your specific interests and skills.

Roles and responsibilities

A sales manager plays a very important role in the business. It is up to the sales manager to organise and motivate a team of sales people to make sales and optimise the number of new clients for the company. The sales manager often has a very important role in the organisation. The sales manager will also often have a lot of influence over the entire marketing strategy. It is often a very influential job that requires a positive outlook and high levels of motivation. Sales managers also have responsibility over encouraging and ensuring that their sales team achieve the targets that they have set. The job encourages involvement beyond that of a normal job and is great for people that can constantly challenge themselves and able to respond with innovation. The sales manager is also often involved in arranging the incentive scheme for their sales team.

In some cases the sales manager can be involved in a broad range of aspects of the business. They can be asked to contribute to product development ideas, identification of new business opportunities and the development and implementation of new marketing strategies. The usual roles that a sales manager will deal with are aspects of the business such as recruitment and training of new sales staff. They will, as mentioned supervise and monitor the performance of sales staff. They will also have to lease with other managers and line managers as well as setting budgets and targets. They will also often be client facing and will lease with clients and keep abreast of what their competitors are doing.

Types of industry

The great benefit of a sales job is that you can often find a job in an industry that suits your skills and your interests. So if you are interested in IT, finance, consumer goods, recruitment, real estate or any type of industry there is likely to be a job for you somewhere.

These types of jobs are great for motivated people that want responsibility and the ability to make changes and be instrumental in the success of a business. The results that you achieve are measurable in that you can judge your performance based on the amount of money you bring in for the company.


The job can be associated with stress because of the level of responsibility that is placed on the shoulders of the sales manager. This can be both a blessing and a curse. If things are going well then the manager receives the accolade but if things are not going well the manager will be under pressure.

Shaun Parker has been involved in the Jobs industry for many years and is fully aware of the pitfalls you may face when you conduct a job search for sales manager jobs.

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For more articles on Careers Employment visit the DirectoryGold Article Directory

For links to sites on Employment visit the DirectoryGold Web Directory

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Saturday, March 15, 2008

Different Ebook Formats Explained

Different Ebook Formats Explained by Roberto Sedycias

Ebooks can be produced in a wide variety of formats, and each has its own special features. The special features make the it suitable for certain publications and styles, which makes sure that the necessary information is conveyed in the must suitable and economical way possible. Ebook titles include both fiction and non fiction, and can be for professional, academics the general public and children alike. Ebooks are proving to be a time and money efficient way to provide information and entertainment around the globe. The following is an explanation of the types and uses of the most common formats.

The most easily recognisable type of ebook is one that uses a DNL reader. The DNL reader is available at small or no cost and is easy to download. These ebooks usually replicate the page turning format of a regular book, transferring that information onto the digital page. Therefore, this has the feel of reading a real book and is often used in children`s story telling ebooks. The other easily recognisable format is the plain text format. This needs Microsoft windows or DOS to read and as these are the most commonly used operating systems, the format used is familiar. These options are designed to take up little storage memory and so are best used for text only ebooks.

Image format ebooks are used to display information through a sequence of images. Therefore, this type of ebook is excellent for the production of children`s picture books, art and comic books, and graphic novellas. They require more memory space than other ebooks formats, but are the only real option for people wishing to publish lots of photographic or pictorial information. The down side of this format is that the text cannot be selected for amendments or notes. Also, only certain applications support them and so specific readers may need to be purchased.

HTML ebooks are commonly used as they are accessible on any standard browser. The bonus of this is that no special reader is required and so the it is more accessible and can reach a wider audience. HTML formatted ebooks can include search features, images and sound and so provide an al round experience. However, HTML language is complex, written in specific codes which act as formatting commands and so for publishers they can be difficult to produce as specific training is required. However, these are the most functional for readers.

Open Electronic Book Packages known as OPFs have the best multimedia content. The video and search facilities are quick and stable and the interactive element makes them an excellent choice for publishers of encyclopaedias and children`s interactive learning ebooks. For portability, an they needs to have a JavaScript format, such as Libris, as this is compatible for PDAs and Smartphones, and any Windows, Blackberry and Palm operating systems. These formats can add blank pages for additional notes; create free hand drawings, and also annotations and corrections with inbuilt dictionary and bookmarks features. OPFs are set to become popular for academic research texts in universities and colleges. For recreational and sporting users, iPod ebook creators can create small text file ebooks for the iPod.

And finally, another common format is the Portable Document Format, saved as a .pdf file and read by Adobe. The PDF ebook can be read on and printed from various platforms on the internet and so this is a commonly used format as the audience is wide reaching and no extra equipment is needed. The PDF is mainly associated with text, tables, indexes, hyperlinks and simple drawings so the ebooks most commonly found using PDF include short literary pieces, papers, reports and journals.

However, the PDF format can also include extra fonts and images, plus sound and video clips. Therefore, for the competent user this is an excellent choice for e-zines and flyers advertising ebooks, plus interesting articles. The main disadvantage with this format is that the pages do not always fit computer screen width, and they are difficult to adjust and so have to be scrolled both vertically and horizontally to be read.

This article can be accessed in portuguese from the Article section of page

Roberto Sedycias works as IT consultant for

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For more articles on E-books visit the DirectoryGold Article Directory

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Friday, March 14, 2008

Appreciating Wine - Educate your Palate

Appreciating Wine - Educate your Palate by Ian Love

When you are tasting wines, you are not quaffing an alcoholic beverage for the enjoyment of intoxication. In fact, at many wine tasting parties and in tasting rooms at many wineries, you do not even swallow the wine that you taste. Wine tasting is more of an art form that requires you to keep all of your senses about you in order to judge wines soundly.

Wine tasting is not how you would always want to enjoy wine, but it is a way to learn which wines you enjoy. By sampling several wines and comparing them to one another, you get a sense of the similarities and differences between them. The more often you sample flights of wine thus, the more of a base you have to judge wines.

If you have trouble being able to tell the difference between a Shiraz and a merlot, the best thing you could do would be to attend a wine tasting that offers a flight of some combination of the two. You will then taste and make notes on each wine, which will help you to distinguish the difference between the two varietals better.

Note taking is an important aspect of wine tasting. In order to remember how each wine looks, smells, feels and tastes, you will need to make notations in a standardized manner for each wine.

In order to take such notes, you will need to consider how each sip of wine affects your senses. First, hold your glass of wine up against a white background in good light. Is it opaque or transparent? Is it dark or light? Before going on to the next step, write down the answer to this question.

After taking in the appearance of the wine, swirl it around in your glass to mix in a little oxygen and then take a big whiff of it. How does it smell? Does it smell more like fruit or flowers? Does it have nuance smells that remind you of anything?

Placing nuance aromas of a wine can be the most difficult step in wine tasting. Often a nuance aroma is vague, though pleasant, but difficult to place. In order to help you place the aromas that you smell, you can utilize an aroma wheel that names the nuance smells that often accompany wine.

If you cannot place the aroma of the wine that you are smelling, check the aroma wheel. Chances are, you will see the name of the aroma that you smell. Write down the bigger smells of the wine and the nuance smells of the wine and then take a sip of the wine.

Do not swallow the wine. Instead, swish it around in your mouth to saturate your taste buds. Make a note of your first impressions of what it tastes like as you hold the wine in your mouth. After a moment of savoring the wine, either swallow it or spit it out.

Lastly, what kind of impression does the wine leave lingering in your mouth after it is no longer there? Write down the aftertaste impression that the wine leaves in your mouth and you will have a complete impression of a wine to which you can compare other wines.

Ian Love is the owner of Australian online wine store, Liquor Merchants, and has been a leader in the Perth restaurant industry for over 30 years and runs one of Australia's largest wine clubs.

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For more articles on Wine And Spirits visit the DirectoryGold Article Directory

For links to sites where you can buy Wine visit the DirectoryGold Web Directory

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Thursday, March 13, 2008

Finding the Causes of Your Fears And Anxieties

Finding the Causes of Your Fears And Anxieties by Stanley Popovich

A sure way to overcoming your fears and anxieties is in finding what is causing your fears and anxieties. Knowing what is causing your anxieties can go a long way in finding the solution.

A person can find the source of his or her own fears by doing some self-evaluation and also by talking to a professional. Give it some time and eventually you will find the answers your looking for.

Once you find the true source of your fears, the next step is to find the solutions that will solve your problem. With the help of a professional, write down a list of possible techniques and solutions that you think will manage your fear and anxieties. The next step is to apply the techniques that you uncovered. Here is a brief list of some techniques you can use to help deal with your fears.

A good way to manage your worry is to challenge your negative thinking with positive statements and realistic thinking. When encountering thoughts that make your fearful or anxious, challenge those thoughts by asking yourself questions that will maintain objectivity and common sense.

Be smart in how you deal with your fears and anxieties. Do not try to tackle everything all at once. When facing a current or upcoming task that overwhelms you with a lot of anxiety, break the task into a series of smaller steps. Completing these smaller tasks one at a time will make the stress more manageable and increases your chances of success.

Learn to take it one day at a time. Instead of worrying about how you will get through the rest of the week or coming month, try to focus on today. Each day can provide us with different opportunities to learn new things and that includes learning how to deal with your problems. When the time comes, hopefully you will have learned the skills to deal with your situation.

Sometimes we encounter a scary situation that gets us all upset. When encountering these events, always remember to get all of the facts of the given situation. Gathering the facts can prevent us from relying on exaggerated and fearful assumptions. By focusing on the facts, a person can rely on what is reality and what is not.

In every anxiety-related situation you experience, begin to learn what works, what does not work, and what you need to improve on in managing your fears and anxieties. For instance, you have a lot of anxiety and you decide to take a walk to help you feel better. The next time you feel anxious you can remind yourself that you got through it the last time by taking a walk. This will give you the confidence to manage your anxiety the next time around.

Many people try to get rid of their anxieties and fears without taking into consideration why they are afraid. The best way to get rid of your fears is to find those techniques that will manage the true source of your fears. If you can do this, then you should be able to overcome your fears and anxieties.

Stan Popovich is the author of, A Layman's Guide to Managing Fear, an easy to read book that presents a overview of techniques that are effective in managing persistent fears and anxieties. For additional information go to:

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Visit the DirectoryGold Article Directory for more articles on Health And Fitness

Visit the DirectoryGold Web Directory for links to sites on Health and Fitness

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Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Get More Website Traffic: How to Get More Prospects Guaranteed When You Write Articles

Get More Website Traffic: How to Get More Prospects Guaranteed When You Write Articles by Eric Gruber

Want to get more website traffic and more prospects now?

When you write articles, you will attract more attention and get more website traffic, online publicity and profits.

BUT, if you want to write articles that get read and keep your audience coming back for more, you must follow my basic rules of writing for an online audience. If you are used to writing articles for print publications, be sure to read these rules. The online consumer is different than the print consumer.

7 Article Writing Tips to Ensure Your Targeted Audience Reads What You Write & Buys What You Are Selling:

1. Use conversational copy. Talk to your readers. Use words that people know. Absolutely, do not use jargon. It is boring. You will lose your audience's attention immediately. So, use words that people are familiar with and can connect to. Write like you talk and let your personality and experience shine through. You will make a better connection with your readers.

2.Go active. Words have power. Find specific active verbs to paint your copy. This will make your article exciting and lively. Action verbs are more engaging and will move the reader along. And, by using action verbs, you will automatically reduce the number of words it will take to get your message across. For example, "John loves Mary" is stronger than "Mary is loved by John."

3. Make your copy benefit oriented. Honestly, your readers don't care how many awards you have won. They don't care how many degrees you have or how many books you have written. All they care about is how you can help them solve their problems. So include a strong benefit in your article title. Include benefits in your article. And add benefits to your "About the Author" section.

4. Connect with your readers' emotions. We all want to feel smarter, richer, happier and thinner. Use these emotions to connect with your reader.
For example, "Do you feel paralyzed every time you have to go shopping? Do you hate trying on clothes? Does stepping in front of that three way mirror strike fear inside you? Here are my 7 top tips to help you lose weight now..."

5. Keep sentences and paragraphs short. When your readers see articles with long sentences, long paragraphs and no bullet points or sub-headings, they will automatically skip that article.

Here's why?

  • Large chunks of information scare them.
  • It overwhelms them.
  • It takes too much time and effort to read that article.

And that's the psychology of most readers online.

So make your sentences and paragraphs short. If your sentences are longer than 20 words, cut them up into two sentences.

You can also add lists and bullet points. And, use subheadings that will attract readers when they scan articles, just like I have done with this article.

6. Front-load your point. When you make readers wade through paragraph after paragraph of unrelated anecdotes before you get to your point, you've lost your audience's attention.

Yes, Mark Twain pulled that stunt all the time. But, your name is not Mark Twain.

You want to tease your readers with bits of information they need to know. This way they'll stick around to the end. They'll then want to click on the link in your "About the Author" section and buy your products or services.

7. Simplify. Worried you're not using the right words? Use simpler words. Worried that your sentences are not clear? Make simpler sentences. Worried that people won't see your point? Make your point simpler. Make things simpler and your writing problems will vanish.

That's why every newspaper in the world is written so a sixth grader can understand.

I'm not telling you to boil everything down to "see spot run" simplicity. But, if you can't make people understand what you write, it's not because the world is filled with morons. It's because your messages are not clear.

These are just some of the tips found in my Complete A to Z Article Marketing System at This easy system has helped hundreds of people just like you get articles get read from top to bottom. Follow my article writing advice and you will get more online publicity, website traffic and profits!

About the Author:

By revealing his top secrets to writing articles that sell fast, Article Marketing Expert Eric Gruber has helped of thousands of experts just like you boost traffic, get more leads and increase sales. Go to and let Your Article Marketing Expert take you by the hand & teach you step-by-step, how to write your way to profits!

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For more articles on Writing Articles visit the DirectoryGold Article Directory

For links to sites on Writers Resources visit the DirectoryGold Web Directory


Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Overcoming the Single Biggest Hurdle in Copywriting - Being Boring

Overcoming the Single Biggest Hurdle in Copywriting - Being Boring by Nick James

Have you had time to look at the mail that dumps itself in to your inbox, or thuds onto your mat?

Is any of it compelling, exciting, inspiring. Does any of it want to make you want to bolt the door, read every single word that's written on the letter, to then want to instantly get out your wallet and willingly hand over your cash?


What about your marketing and advertising messages? Would you feel compelled enough to buy your own product or service, based on the strength on your messages in print?

Don't worry. It's not your fault. You see, there probably wasn't a specific class you could take, or a practical book you could easily follow that could teach you how to make your copy sparkle.

Well hey, that's why you wisely subscribed to Nick James. com, right?

Translating marketing messages from deadly dull, brain numbing nonsense, into compelling, irresistible sparkling emotionally paced language is what'll set you apart from all others in your competitive market place.

Using a thesaurus and phrase dictationary will help liven your copy and add another dimension to what you want to say and convey.

For example, instead of saying, "he walked down the road", you could use -- he ambled, he strutted, he sauntered --.

The replacement words help to create a more vivid image in the readers mind, helps them to picture and feel emotionally tied to you and your offer.

How can you use that simple strategy to improve the language and words you use?

Compare the following:

(A) "Ace Dry cleaning. All types of clothes cleaned by an established company that has been in business for 20 years. Dedicated to serve you in a way that is unbeatable"


(B) "Give us any 4 garments that you want dry cleaned, we'll not only charge you for only 2, we'll throw in a Special report that'll show you how to make your clothes last longer! PLUS, if you don't think it's the best clean you've ever seen, we'll do it again... FREE!"

As you can see, it's pretty easy to steer away from the "me too crowd" whilst giving your audience great value.

Another tip: In reading your sales letters, emails, ads, website copy messages out aloud, you'll be able to detect any stumbling blocks that hinder the fluidity of the piece.

That simple tip can help clear out the complex, the stifling, the pompous and the intellectualism that strikes most marketing messages. And, it'll save your customers from having to read another message that's similar to the mediocre majority.

Stand apart from the crowd. Let others be boring. You be the one that creates personality driven, emotionally based copy. Your clients will love you.

Nick James is a UK based direct marketer and product developer. During the last 5 years Nick has sold in excess of £1.6 Million Pounds worth of products and sevices online. Subscribe to his Free Tip Of The Week email at:

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For more articles on Copywriting visit the DirectoryGold Article Directory


Monday, March 10, 2008

The Plan You Make to Pay for Your Dreams

The Plan You Make to Pay for Your Dreams by Jeremy Johnson

Do you hate the thought of a budget telling you how and when you can spend your money? Then you have the wrong idea about budgets because a budget is actually something you make up about how and when you can spend your money. A budget is actually a tool you can use to help you achieve your goals and become the person you want to be.

There are plenty of websites and personal finance books out there that will help you put your budget on paper. But do you know why you need a budget? Do you know why budgets are mentioned in every personal finance plan out there?

It doesn't matter if you make 6 figures and own your own home, invest in the stock market and drive a BMW or if you are barely making it on $30 grand a year and have your kids on medicaid. You need a budget!

A budget is actually a plan that you make to fund your dreams. Take your goals, your long term goals, your short term goals and everything in between. Figure out how much each goal is going to cost. (Yes, I recognize some goals do not require money. Great. But those are not the goals we are talking about here.) Figure out how much each will cost and when you need that money.

Figuring how much you need for a new car in two years or a cruise next winter won't be that hard, but to figure out the cost for something like retirement or a second home, you may need to consult a financial planner.

Once you know how much money you need to pay for your dreams, you have to figure out how to save that much in the time period you have. Going into debt is not usually good. It gets you things in the short term, but in the long term it just costs you money and stress. You'll probably need a mortgage on your home. You might need some student loans. Maybe you could take out an auto loan, but think three or four times before you take on any debt!

Once you have your dreams and their cost written down, find out where you are. Write down your income and all your expenses. Check your check book register and your credit card bills to figure out your expenses. You can find lists of possible expenses online, just google "make a budget" and you will find lots of examples. You'll probably want to take 2 to 4 weeks to write down all your expenditures to make sure you don't miss all the little things you spend cash on each day--those add up.

Once you know where you are, make sure you are not spending more than you make.

Now, look at your expenses and make sure you are spending your money on things that are important to you. A lot of times we don't realize how much we spend on eating out, books and CDs, and clothing. How much are you spending on fuel? Can you find places you would be willing to cut back just by thinking about how that money could be used elsewhere? Make sure you are saving money, not only for retirement, but in your emergency fund as well (your emergency fund should have about 3-6 month's living expenses in it).

Once you make sure you're not overspending and you are paying for the essentials (food, clothing, shelter, transportation, retirement, insurance, and emergency fund), then start saving for your dreams! Each month as you put money away toward what really matters, you will find freedom in your budget and in living to become who you really want to be!

Jeremy loads his extra gear onto his hitch mounted cargo carriers. He shares his towing knowledge and experience at

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For more articles on Goal Setting visit the DirectoryGold Article Directory


Sunday, March 09, 2008

Be Curious About Trends Before They Affect Your Company

Be Curious About Trends Before They Affect Your Company by Donald Mitchell

An enterprise can learn a lot about irresistible forces by deciding to look at trends, even if they have not yet had an impact on the company. To take this offensive action requires overcoming the defensiveness of feeling that you already know all the answers.

Having a program based on

(1) assuming that you don't know what the irresistible forces are, and
(2) being open to learning

is the best solution to avoiding defensiveness all together.

Who will be the first to notice new irresistible forces?

Many effective enterprises have outside speakers give internal presentations for the purposes of becoming aware of new issues. Futurists, economic forecasters, style monitors, lifestyle trackers, and so forth often have an early insight. Experts in less well-known fields can be even more helpful.

For example, new consumer trends often start in certain neighborhoods in certain cities. Visiting and tracking what is going on there can provide years of lead time.

How can we easily track what these scouts will learn?

There are two parts to answering this question: finding an easy way to measure and notice changes is the first; and communicating this information effectively is the second. Such tracking systems often start out well but fall by the wayside when the people in the relevant jobs change.

A frequent problem is that the new people have no idea what they are supposed to use the tracking information for. More careful training and documentation are essential to effective monitoring over long periods of time.

What are the implications of what has already happened?

Demographics often cast the longest shadow for anticipating current and future conditions. Peter Drucker pointed out that births are occurring at a rate below the replacement level of the population in all developed countries. He reported that Italy has the lowest birth rate of any large, developed country.

This situation has significant meaning for retirement incomes, taxation, the age of the best customers, what types of products will be consumed in the most quantities in the future, and so forth. How will your enterprise be affected? What other irresistible forces will be created?

Essentially, you need to develop a key organizational skill of being quick to question why things happen, and relentless in determining what the real causes are. In the same way that Perry Mason often solved the case only at the last minute due to an admission by a hostile witness or facts dug up by his private detective, you will have to persevere until the causes are clear to you. The sooner you find them, the more valuable the answers will be.

Donald Mitchell is an author of seven books including Adventures of an Optimist, The 2,000 Percent Squared Solution, The 2,000 Percent Solution, The 2,000 Percent Solution Workbook, The Irresistible Growth Enterprise, and The Ultimate Competitive Advantage. Read about creating breakthroughs through 2,000 percent solutions and receive tips by e-mail by registering for free at .

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For more articles on Business visit the DirectoryGold Article Directory

For links to sites on Business visit the DirectoryGold Web Directory


Saturday, March 08, 2008

Getting Your Barbecue Grill Ready For The Season

Getting Your Barbecue Grill Ready For The Season by Dorothy Weicker

Spring is upon us and the smell of barbecue is in the air! Which makes it time for getting your barbecue grill ready for the season. There are a lot of people that take one look at their grill and decide to just go and buy a new one. Mainly because it got put away without any cleaning. Most people do not realize that it really does not take a whole lot to clean up that old grill once you get started. Just devote a little time to cleaning your grill and you will be ready for backyard barbecue parties in no time.

To start getting that grill ready you need to remove anything that is not tied down in your grill. From there you can start by cleaning the inside of the grill, by removing the loose gunk. Then with some soap and water along with a wire brush scrub all the burnt on stuff right out of the grill. A water hose can help to quickly rinse the inside of the grill when you are done scrubbing. A light coat of cooking oil sprayed onto the inside of the grill will help prevent any rusting, so that your grill will be usable all season long. Now work on cleaning the parts that you had removed earlier. A sink full of hot soapy water will work best when cleaning these parts. Depending on the condition of the parts that came out of your grill, you may have to let them soak for a while. When they are ready use your wire brush and scrub off all grease and burnt on gunk. Once these are cleaned and rinsed, spray with a light coat of cooking oil and place them back into the grill .

For gas grills, you will want to check all connections and hoses to ensure that there are no leaks. Once you have inspected the grill, you should perform a quick operations test to guarantee that the grill does indeed work. If one or more of your burners doesn't generate much of a flame then it may be because a gas jet or the venturi tube has become clogged. When you have not grilled for awhile spiders find it a perfect place to hang out and spin their web inside. If these are clogged, turn off the grill and let it cool. Once cool enough to touch you should be able to use a small bit of wire or q-tips to clear the blockage. If your efforts do not clear them, you can buy new ones online. If your gas barbecue grill uses briquettes and you have already got a few seasons out of them. It would be a good time to replace them too.

Once you have cleared any blockage you can check all the gas connections by coating them with a 50/50 mix of dish washing liquid and water. If there is a gas leak you will see bubbles forming in the mixture. If tightening the connections or replacing the seals does not cure the problem, then take your grill in for service before using if you feel it is worth whatever minimum charge they may have, or buy that new grill you have been secretly coveting.

While this does not cover all situations, if you follow these simple hints and tips, your barbecue will provide another season of great barbecue. Despite the fact that your grill is freshly cleaned inside where the food goes, if the outside looks dirty this can dampen the appetite... So make sure that you devote time to cleaning up the outside of your grill as well... Once done purchase new tools if needed and buy a grill cover so it stays clean. A spare propane tank or a propane level indicator is a good idea too, so that you do not run out of fuel while cooking ribs.. All that is left to do is invite your friends over for a first day of spring backyard barbecue party.

Looking for simple backyard barbecue recipes? Visit for busy weekday recipes and backyard gear.

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For more articles on Food And Drink visit the DirectoryGold Article Directory

For links to sites to buy Food visit the DirectoryGold Web Directory

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