Friday, January 19, 2007

Find a Cancer Cure in the Cupboard

Find a Cancer Cure in the Cupboard by Adrian Kennelly

Finding a cancer cure in the cupboard is not as outlandish as you might think. Stunning developments in science are pointing towards foods and natural molecules that attack tumors and inhibit cancer cell growth in a number of ways. Further research will hopefully pave the way for a nationally recognized preventive cancer diet. Patients can look into the existing research to determine whether or not to incorporate several anti-cancer foods into their diet. It's a good idea for healthy people to consume these foods regularly. They could prevent cancer from occurring unexpectedly. Many of the foods aren't particularly unusual and can be picked up at any health food store. Let's take a look at some of the research. Remember, this is just a summary. You may wish to delve into it more. The author concedes there are many foods not herein covered. Let's take a look at some potent anti-cancer foods, and you'll get one step closer to crafting a cancer treatments diet. Be sure to always check any new medical information with a licensed medical professional before attempting any dietary changes. It's best to see a doctor for information about cancer treatments, however, the diet part can begin at home anytime.

The cruciferous vegetables of broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, brussels sprouts, bok choy and kale contain substances like glucosinolates, crambene, indole-3-carbinol (I-3-C) and isothiocyanates. Cruciferous vegetables appear to regulate a network of enzymes in the body that regulate certain types of cancer. For example, looking at just one component, indole-3-carbinol, we see a number of healing properties. Studies show that I-3-C inhibits proliferation of human breast cancer cells, reduces the activity of tumor-promoting enzymes, and accelerated apoptosis in some cancer cell lines. Apoptosis is the technical term for programmed cell death. It appears to work by stimulating the enzymes the body uses for breakdown and detoxification of chemicals and carcinogens. What seems like an anecdote of funny folklore from a Roman statesman, Cato the Elder (234-149 BC), may have slight merit. He says, "If a cancerous ulcer appears upon the breasts, apply a crushed cabbage leaf and it will make it well." Besides the in vitro laboratory studies and studies of animal populations, there are large scale epidemiological studies that conclusively point to a link between consumption, or lack thereof, or cruciferious vegetables and certain cancers. Studies associate diets high in cruciferous vegetables with lower risk for lung, stomach and colorectal cancers. When observing lots of people over time, scientists ascertained that diets high in cruciferous vegetables were linked with dramatically lower rates of prostate and bladder cancer. It's important to take supplements to get the right amounts of the good molecules. For example, the Department of Agriculture analyzed 71 broccoli plants and discovered a 30 fold difference in the amount of Glucoraphanin. Sulforaphane is a product of Glucoraphanin, and Sulforaphane has been shown to stimulate enzymes that deactivate carcinogens and inhibit tumor growth in laboratory animals. The author's recommendation is to make a smoothie with all the cruciferous vegetables a couple of times per week. Throw in a couple apples, oranges, or 1/2 cup of blueberries to sweeten. Add about a 1/2 cup water and use a high-powered blender like a Vitamix TurboBlend 4500. Vegetables in the cruciferous family also have the antioxidants, Lutein and Zeaxanthin, and they're thought to decrease prostate cancer.

Some other foods that have anti-cancer substances are noteworthy, and you may want to include them in a smoothie or two daily. Dandelion, turnip greens, carrots, collards, canteloupe, sweet potatoes, and apricots have the highest levels of beta-carotene. Beta-carotene has been shown to reduce lung, mouth, throat, stomach, intestine, bladder, prostate and breast cancer.

Flax, a great source of fiber, should be consumed daily to facilitate healthy bowel movements and decrease the risk of cancerous changes. Simply grind up a tablespoon in a coffee grinder and drink with juice in the morning. Flax has lignans that block and suppress cancerous changes. The Budwig Diet extensively focuses on flax seed oil and cottage cheese, the elimination of some foods, and other dietary changes to stifle cancer.

Chili peppers, garlic, sea vegetables, rosemary, licorice root, grapefruits, figs, dark leafy greens and many other plant foods have anti-cancer qualities.

Of course, foods are just one of the many, many options to pursue when seeking to prevent cancer. A cancer treatments diet is ideal for almost anyone looking to lessen the likelihood of cancer onset. Most foods are safe unless you have some rare condition, allergy, or unusual contraindication.

Visit the DirectoryGold Article Directory for more articles on Nutrition. For links to sites about Nutrition and places to buy Nutrition products, visit the DirectoryGold Web Directory.

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Saturday, January 13, 2007

Fly Fishing Tips for Beginners

Fly Fishing Tips for Beginners
By: Adrian Kennelly

Fly fishing is a very popular fishing sport that can be both relaxing and challenging at the same time.

How to get the transition from Brick-and-mortar to Click-and-mortar

How to get the transition from Brick-and-mortar to Click-and-mortar
By: Abdul Vasi-

A Brick-and-mortar business to Click-and mortar transition requires the investigation of all companies, regardless of size or magnitude. It is well known that most of the business magazines devote considerable attention to DOTCOM companies. This term is widely used to describe startups which emphasize the use of the Internet and its technologies to provide new services or re-invent traditional commerce methods.

Effectively Using Overture/Yahoo To Get Website Visitors

Effectively Using Overture/Yahoo To Get Website Visitors
By: John Pawlett

Overture or now known as Yahoo because of Yahoos takeover, was the original inventor of the use of the P4P or Pay for Performance. Overture saw that the internet was fast becoming the easiest and most convenient way to shop, and advertising was going to hit at an all time high because of the many businesses in the arena.

Understanding Commission-Based Affiliate Programs

Understanding Commission-Based Affiliate Programs
By: Liane Bate

If you want to get started earning an income online, or add to an online business you already own, a popular way to do that is to join affiliate programs. The beauty of this is that you don't have to worry about credit card transactions, packaging up your items, or shipping. All you need is a home computer where you can earn commissions from every sale you make after directing a targeted audience to a product, program, or service. This is considered an affiliate program based on commissions. There are other types of affiliate programs, but this is the one I want to focus on in this article.

Scottish Deerhound Puppy And Dog Information

Scottish Deerhound Puppy And Dog Information
By: Mitch Endick

The Scottish Deerhound is a mellow dog who loves her human family. They are quiet, not barkers. They prefer to have acreage to run on but a properly fenced in yard will work for exercise. They need to controlled when outdoors because they will take off and chase about anything. They may not be trustable with other pets. They like older kids if they have socialized with them at an early age. As a reminder, never leave a child unsupervised with a puppy or dog.

Shetland Sheepdog Puppy And Dog Information

Shetland Sheepdog Puppy And Dog Information
By: Mitch Endick

The Shetland Sheepdog is a very popular dog because of her beauty and willingness to please. She is very trainable and makes a good watch dog. She can be kept in an apartment if she can get frequent long walks. She is generally good with other pets and dogs. She loves older children, especially if she has been raised with them. As a reminder, never leave a child unsupervised with a puppy or dog.

Shiba Inu Puppy And Dog Information

Shiba Inu Puppy And Dog Information
By: Mitch Endick

The Shiba Inu is a fearless and bold dog. Originally from Japan, this smaller dog keeps herself clean, almost like a cat. She may not be trustable with other pets and dogs. She does well with older children, especially if socialized when young. She needs plenty of exercise but can live in an apartment with frequent walks. Known as an escape artist, she can tend to roam once free. As a reminder, never leave a child unsupervised with a puppy or dog."

Affiliate Marketing Secret - Build Your Own Mailing List Even If You're An Affiliate

Affiliate Marketing Secret - Build Your Own Mailing List Even If You're An Affiliate
By: Jo Han Mok

Today, I want to share with you one of the biggest mistakes affiliates make. I want to share this with you so you wont make the same mistake:

Scottish Terrier Puppy And Dog Information

Scottish Terrier Puppy And Dog Information
By: Mitch Endick

The Scottish Terrier tends to be a one person or several person dog. They prefer cooler climates and moderate exercise. Daily long walks or a properly fenced in yard will accommodate their exercise needs. They are known to be diggers and they will wander off, given a chance, so be sure she is kept secure. They need to be extensively socialized with other pets and older children. As a reminder, never leave a child unsupervised with a puppy or dog.

How Do I Get My Six Pack

How Do I Get My Six Pack
By: Donny Fonseca

A popular question that fitness professionals are asked has to do with obtaining a flat stomach or six pack. I am here today to tell you how obtain the perfect stomach.

3 Powerful Ways to Increase Your Affiliate Commissions

3 Powerful Ways to Increase Your Affiliate Commissions
By: Mal Keenan

Affiliate marketing is undoubtedly a great way to make a living online. The attraction for me was the fact that I could sell other people's business products and services without the usual nightmare of customer service and product delivery. The added bonus of being able to virtually automate my entire affiliate business, makes this line of 'work', if you could call it that, a dream come true.

How to Minimize Risk When Buying at Real Estate Auction

How to Minimize Risk When Buying at Real Estate Auction
By: James Klobasa

Some of the greatest returns on real estate investments are earned by purchasing foreclosed or distressed properties. By investing money in foreclosed properties, savvy real estate investors have learned that they can purchase real estate property significantly under value. You can too if you do your research and avoid common pitfalls.

The Music Industry -- How To Lose Money And Ruin Your Career With A Number One Hit Song?

The Music Industry -- How To Lose Money And Ruin Your Career With A Number One Hit Song?
By: Stan Medley

Any career development person worth his salt, wants you to have a career that is constantly rising. Hence, that is why you should have three CDs worth of material already written when you approach your career development person or music industry executive. (For those of you who don't know what I am talking about, see my last article entitled 'The Music Industry- Here is what a young artist needs to know to be a star.')

The Music Industry -- How To Lose Money And Ruin Your Career With A Number One Hit Song?

The Music Industry -- How To Lose Money And Ruin Your Career With A Number One Hit Song? by Stan Medley

Any career development person worth his salt, wants you to have a career that is constantly rising. Hence, that is why you should have three CDs worth of material already written when you approach your career development person or music industry executive. (For those of you who don't know what I am talking about, see my last article entitled "The Music Industry- Here is what a young artist needs to know to be a star.")

A good career development person will survey your material, ask you to throw away the songs that didn't survey well, then ask you to write some more songs, survey again, etc. until he can finally place your songs in an order that results in your first CD being good, your second CD better, and your third CD best of the three. He will do all of this by surveying your material. Some survey techniques are so accurate that they can even tell you where your song will place in the top 40--number 15 or number 35.

Why does your career development person do this? Because you can actually lose money and ruin your career with a poorly planned number one hit.

Now remember, rankings in the top 40 are determined by air play, not sales. So, here is how it works.

If you are an unknown artist, and you release your best song first, and your agents and managers and executives at the music companies are good salesmen, you might start getting airplay. If you get enough airplay you might break into the charts at say number 35. Music stores and major download services, however, probably won't carry it right away, because 1) there are lots of people vying for "shelf" space, so to speak and the music stores are going to wait and see how this new artist does before they commit to giving you any space. (After all you might break in at number 35 and be gone from the charts the very next week.) So let us just say there is not necessarily a mad dash to get your number 35 hit into the stores and onto the shelves; and 2) even if there is a huge demand (maybe you broke into the charts at number 15 your very first week, it is still going to take awhile for the music company to press the CDs and ship them to the stores. (often weeks).

It has happened numerous times in the past that a song will zoom from say the number 35 to the top number 1 spot BEFORE any CDs can be shipped to the music stores. By the time the stores do get the CDs, the song has fallen down the charts and is no longer getting the airplay on its way out (at say number 38) that it got on its way up to number 1. Let's say the music executives representing you zealously pressed 500,000 CDs when your song was number one, but now that it has finally arrived at the stores it is not getting airplay anymore. People start forgetting about it and the actual sales only amount to say 50,000 units.

The music company loses money on this scenario because the cost to manufacture and ship the 500,000 CDs exceeds what they made on the 50,000 actual unit sales. Now, internet distribution and sales have made it a lot easier to counter this kind of scenario, but it still can happen with inexperienced, and inept music executive making the wrong decisions.

Now here is what an experience career development executive would do. Again he would survey your material and your first release would be a song that he knows will break into the top 40 at about 39, rise to number 30 than fizzle out after that. No one worries very much about getting CDs into stores or anything like that. What this accomplishes, however, is everyone becomes aware of you. The stores are aware of you, the internet downloading services are aware of you, and fans in general are aware of you. After all, a number 30 hit on your first release is not too shabby.

Now your second release is going to be a surveyed song that your career development person knows will place in the low 20s or high teens on the charts. So now all the people that were made aware of you by your first release realize that this is even a better song, that there really is something to you, and the mad dash to get you on the shelf DOES begin. Everyone knows you are not a one hit wonder and that this second release is going to make every one money.

Now imagine what happens when your third release does even better and makes it to number 10 on the charts. Then imagine what happens when your second album comes out. Well the people are lined up to buy it sight unseen, and when they hear it and it is even a better album, when you have three top ten and one number one hits off of it, you career is well on its way to being established forever.

When your third album comes out with your three number one hits. You are pretty much guaranteed to be in the music business as long as you want.

Now imagine the opposite. Suppose you released your best song first and every thing got progressively worse from there. Does a "one hit wonder" ring a bell. Does anyone even remember the names of the numerous groups who have done just that? NO.

So a word to the wise: Use experienced career development people. Survey your material. Do it smart. Do it right. Be successful.

(c) 2007 Stan Medley

Stan Medley is the CEO of Viscount Productions, Inc. which specializes in career development. Additional information on this topic is at

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For more articles on Music visit the DirectoryGold Article Directory

For links to sites about Music visit the DirectoryGold Web Directory

Saturday, January 06, 2007

How to Organize Your Internet Business

How to Organize Your Internet Business by Ann Liu

Build a good foundation is essential to your online success. One of the key to that foundation is to organizing your internet business well. If you start to focus early on in creating an organized business, you will be able to spend more time on your sales and marketing - the most important part that brings you money.

Trust me, spend few minutes each day to set up your email, create an accounting system for tracking and managing your expenses will make a whole lot of difference in your business.

However, there are many people just "ignore" or "forget" such little things, but these little things are ACTUALLY very important! I promise, if you can organize first and do it in a proper way; your business will grow much faster and go much smoother.


Speaking of organize your email, this is normally the first and primary communication tool you are going to use in terms of exchange the message with your subscribers, customers, teammates and prospects. This is what you will be use to let others learn about you, understand your information and communicate with you. You are using this tool to make your first impression toward to others.

If you cannot let your very first tool get organized, then how can you make any of your other things get organized?

There are many different types of email programs. All of them have those basic same folders, such as INBOX, SENT ITEMS, DELETED ITEMS, and JUNK MAIL. If you just want to receive and send emails to your friends or for fun, those folders are might be enough, but if you are going into the business, then those folders are NOT enough.

This happened to me many times before until I realized the importance of email organizing. Many times I read an email and thought, "Ok, I know it's there. I will just reply to it later". Then what happened? I totally forgot to write back to the sender.

I read a few and reply to a few, then leave to do something else. After that I go back and I saw there are more emails coming in and I cannot remember who I replied to and who I have not.

To avoid further confusion, I create a new folder and give it a name "MAIL COMPLETE".

This new folder helps me know that, the emails that are in my INBOX are the emails still waiting for a response. It is an easy way to separate the two, especially the ones that already been read.

At the same time, I also made another new folder; I titled it as IMPORTANT MAIL / FILE

I can put all the important emails and keep them in this folder, like billing information. Technology is bringing us convenience, which is true. But sometime it also has its own life. Therefore, for back up reason, I also print a copy and keep it in a binder or file cabinet.

For my online business, I made a special folder and name it "MY ONLINE BUSINESS"

I put this folder in "My Documents". Then I made other folders and put those folders inside 'My Online Business' folder. Here are some of them:

1. Promotional Brief Case
2. Important URLs
3. Important Articles
4. Info Requester or Prospect
5. My Ezine
6. My Accouting
7. Marketing Tools
8. Marketing Advice
9. Miscellaneous

You can create your own folder list, it is easy to set up and whatever the folder you want to name it all depends on what you need.


Another very important thing you have to get organized is to set up an accounting file in Excel or buy accounting software to record your business expenses, revenue and profit. I use QuickBooks accounting software.

Again, you can create some files, save it inside your accounting folder; you can also keep it in a binder or file cabinet, or a shoebox. Then place all your business receipts inside. You need those files when the tax time comes.

Above those steps look like simple, but please do not ignore it! It is essential for creating a well-run successful business!

Article written by Ann Liu, author of "Online Profiting: A Simple Way To Start and Build Your Own Online Business". To learn how YOU too can succeed in Internet and affiliate marketing, please visit

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For more articles on Internet And Business Online visit the DirectoryGold Article Directory

For links to sites about Internet Opportunities visit the DirectoryGold Web Directory

Friday, January 05, 2007

New Molecular Tests Can Predict the Return of Prostate Cancer

New Molecular Tests Can Predict the Return of Prostate Cancer by Dr. Jason Alter

Jason M. Alter, Ph.D.
Aureon Laboratories, Inc.

More than 234,000 men in the United States will be diagnosed with prostate cancer in 2006 and all these men will need to make treatment decisions and lifestyle changes. Although, diagnosis has improved due to screening advancements such as the PSA test, other aspects of diagnosis (such as Gleason grading by microscopic visualization and pathologist interpretation) remain the same as they have for many years. As men are diagnosed, their possibility for aggressive disease is assessed and they are grouped or are stratified into risk categories. Two new, exciting tests from Aureon Laboratories enable the prediction of prostate cancer recurrence at two points in the disease and treatment process: (1) after prostatectomy and (2) at the time of diagnosis.

A significant number of patients (15-40%) who have a prostatectomy will develop a serum PSA or biochemical recurrence (BCR). In addition, ~30% of men who have a PSA recurrence can still develop a metastasis some eight years post PSA/BCR suggesting that identifying this group of patients early in their treatment program is critical to their overall survival.

The current practice for following patients after a prostatectomy is to test their blood for prostate specific antigen (PSA) to determine whether their cancer is returning. This period can be a time of great anxiety and many patients are searching for additional sources of information in order to make a more-informed decision about possible treatment options.

An accurate prognosis is important because the majority of tumors are indolent and require minimal intervention while a subset are more aggressive and early intervention may be valuable. It is difficult for a pathologist to determine what will happen to the patient by pure visual inspection of the prostate cancer tumor. Two similar-looking tissue images could both be graded as a Gleason score of six (6) but one case could represent an indolent tumor while the other image could be that of a life threatening tumor.

Advancements in the fields of image analysis, mathematics, molecular markers and computer science have enabled the development of advanced, new tests incorporating new features that significantly improve the predictive power of prostate cancer post-diagnosis. These tests, available from Aureon Laboratories can predict disease recurrence and future disease severity at two points: (1) currently available, Prostate Px™ can predict disease recurrence after prostatectomy and (2) Prostate Px+ will predict disease recurrence/progression at the time of diagnosis using biopsy tissue: Prostate Px+ will be available early in 2007.

The Prostate Px test has two endpoints for cancer recurrence:

* PSA Recurrence Px Score describes the likelihood of the patient developing a PSA recurrence within five years of having their prostate removed.

* Disease Progression Px Score describes the likelihood of the patient developing Disease Progression defined as bone/soft tissue metastasis and/or androgen independent rise in PSA within five years of having their prostate removed.

Prostate Px benefits patients and physicians at a number of decision points after surgery. The predictive test is able to:
* Provide a probability of whether a patient, after a prostatectomy, will have a PSA recurrence within five years.
* Predict whether a patient, after a prostatectomy, will have disease progression within five years.
* Avoid possible side effects associated with therapy (e.g. androgen deprivation therapy) for asymptomatic low risk patients.
* Identify patients with high risk of clinical failure who may benefit from increased surveillance or early adjuvant, multi-modal therapy.
* Help relieve anxiety and allow patients, their families and their physicians to decide upon the best treatment regimen moving forward.
* Assist in patient selection for new therapies as part of randomized clinical trials.

At the Time of Diagnosis
In early 2007, Aureon will release Prostate Px™+, a new predictive test for prostate cancer that will use biopsy tissue, at the time of diagnosis, and Aureon’s system pathology platform to assess future disease severity and cancer recurrence.

Using biopsy specimens at the time of diagnosis, existing information is limited and interpretation is difficult (e.g., biopsy Gleason scores, PSA values, number of positive cores). Prostate Px+ will provide more objective, actionable data at the time of diagnosis to assist in selecting the most appropriate treatment plan. Specifically, Prostate Px+ should provide significant benefit in the following scenarios:

* For prostate cancer patients who appear to be at low risk at biopsy, Prostate Px+ will provide either valuable corroborating data or identify those occasional high-risk cases masking as low-risk patients.

* Many patients initially fall into an intermediate-risk category—Prostate Px+ will provide enhanced discrimination to assist in identifying which patients are actually high-risk and which are low risk.

* A patient’s potentially contradictory clinical/pathologic features will now be individually evaluated and identified using Prostate Px+.

* For those patients who appear to be at high risk upon biopsy, Prostate Px+ will help further characterize their level of risk.

The basis for the predictive power of Prostate Px and Prostate Px+ is Aureon Laboratories’ unique breakthrough technology. Aureon’s System Pathology platform combines histological, molecular and clinical information to predict cancer recurrence.

Depending upon which test is employed either biopsy or prostatectomy issue is sent from the pathology department at the hospital or the testing laboratory to Aureon’s specialized laboratory. Aureon’s approach integrates:

* Histology (tissue): analyzes the cells and other structures in a prostate cancer tissue sample. This results in the generation of specific (quantitative) features for inclusion in the mathematical model.

* Molecular markers: selectively measures specific proteins in prostate tissue samples in order to obtain a unique molecular picture of the patient’s prostate cancer.

* Clinical data: takes into account clinical information such as the Gleason score and in the case of the post-prostatectomy test, pathology results from the patient’s surgery.

By combining these sources of information and by applying advanced image analysis, computer technology and mathematics, the Prostate Px family of tests are able to provide patients a more thorough picture of their individual risk for recurrent disease.

Advanced Image Analysis
Image analysis is one of the key foundation technologies underlying Prostate Px and Prostate Px+ that uses a prostate tissue H&E image as input and outputs a variety of statistical measurements of histopathological objects presented in the image. Extracted features are combined with clinical and molecular information to predict disease recurrence in prostate cancer patients who have undergone radical prostatectomy.

Aureon’s image analysis platform is the result of the latest technologies in image processing and analysis aided by significantly increased computational power. Most cancer image-analysis systems have been developed for cytological specimens and do not utilize the architectural information available at the tissue level.

Advanced Mathematics
Aureon’s mathematics capability consists of a supervised multivariate analytic toolset capable of computing an optimized model to predict clinical outcomes using Support Vector Regression for censored data (SVRc). The fitness criterion used to assess models is a combination of three evaluation metrics: the Concordance Index (CI), sensitivity and specificity. The CI is defined as the probability that, of a pair of randomly chosen comparable patients, the patient with the higher score of the event of interest from the model will experience that event within a shorter time than does the other patient.

Biomarker Detection via Protein M-Plex™
Multiplexed in situ protein detection consists of strategies developed at Aureon to fluorescently tag individual antibodies and then selectively analyze each [antibody: antigen] complex with spectral imaging. Our automated high-throughput imaging system allows the separation of real signal from tissue auto-fluorescence, enabling a more sensitive and quantitative measurement of biomarkers. Furthermore, an elaborate quality control system has been implemented to guarantee day-to-day reproducibility.

Information Management
High-dimensional information management software is utilized for clinical and specimen databases, as well as for accessioning and tracking all specimens and accompanying clinical data received at Aureon. The database includes patient clinical annotation, Hematoxylin and Eosin (H&E) image files and associated/result-oriented data sets from the laboratory activities including fluorescent and immunohistochemistry images, quantitative and qualitative pathology assessment,. All data files are linked to the primary tissue sample and the patient.

Aureon’s new family of tests predicts prostate cancer recurrence and disease progression. These tests provide objective data needed to better determine individual patient risk and make decisions that are more informed. The benefits of both the Prostate Px and the new biopsy-based Prostate Px+ are clear given the need for additional, evidence-based information. The underlying foundation for the predictive power of these tests is Aureon’s unique systems pathology technology, which integrates histological, molecular and clinical information to predict cancer recurrence.


Aureon Laboratories is dedicated to improving patient healthcare and advancing medicine by commercializing predictive tests for cancer recurrence. Until now, it has been very difficult to identify which patients fall into a high-risk category and which do not. Prostate Px tests can help relieve anxiety and assist both patients and their physicians in selecting the most appropriate treatment options.

More information on Prostate Px and Prostate Px+ is located at or can be obtained via email by sending a request to or calling 1-914-377-4036.

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For more articles on Prostate Cancer visit the DirectoryGold Article Directory

For links to sites on Cancer visit the DirectoryGold Web Directory