Saturday, November 29, 2008

Writing Ebooks For A Living Can Allow You To Avoid The Commute And Work From Home!

Writing Ebooks For A Living Can Allow You To Avoid The Commute And Work From Home! by Roy Carter

Working from home is a dream goal for many people around the globe today. This type of work means saying goodbye to traffic problems, associated travel, parking and fuel costs, expensive business clothing and laundry costs, eating out for breakfast, snacks and lunch costs, office water cooler gift costs, childcare costs and more.

This type of work also means working on your own time more. You can enjoy time with your family during the day, if you like, and work early mornings or later in the evenings, as you like. Plus take on the workload you'd like, part time or full time, as your own schedule and life allow, increasing costs as you can, too, for your own raises and adjustments for the economy.

To get started or grow your own ebook writing business, here are some basic points to cover for your own business:

1) Set up a cyber shop; aka portfolio, even if it's just one free web page on a social networking site like or that tells all about your services. Include work samples - some articles you've written, your resume, contact info and pricing ranges, if you have info available. Then grow this online portal for yourself over time, adding more work samples, client testimonials, ebook packages (like selling articles to go with them for promotional purposes), etc.

2) Go into business and advertise for yourself, seeking help from the Small Business Administration site at for help as needed.

You can advertise online and off, using direct mail campaigns to local businesses, classifieds ads - even free ones like on, print postcards, email marketing and more. Always include a link to your online portfolio and invite bidding opportunities on current and upcoming projects, so that you can help your prospects and clients out now.

3) Always seek referrals, too, even if the people you contact in #2 above have no work at this time. They may know someone who needs help now.

4) Also seek joint venture opportunities. Try to team up with others in your fields of interest, checking to see if they need ebooks ghostwritten and published, for example. Place ad in newsletters of groups you belong to, network at church and with your neighbors.

5) Continue your writing education. Always seek improvement in your craft, honing skills via local courses and online workshops like at Virtual University ( for cheap, like $15 for up to 3 courses.

6) Reach out to writing groups, online and off, and forums in your industries of interest to meet up with people in need of ebooks written in their industry.

These groups and forums can introduce you to valuable leads as well as additional educational and networking opportunities, paying contests, online freelance bid boards where you can seek opportunities to bid on writing projects, and much more...again, all online and off.

Don't let a day go by without writing. Writers write. So write: books, ebooks, articles, press releases, tips, advice, forum posts, emails, sales name it, write it. A little a day can bring money your way!

To learn more about how you can begin writing ebooks and start making a living from home, check out...

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For more articles on E-books visit the DirectoryGold Article Directory

For links to sites where you can buy Digital Publications visit the DirectoryGold Web Directory


Friday, November 28, 2008

7 Nutritional Tips To Increase Brain Power

7 Nutritional Tips To Increase Brain Power by Alex Fyfe

Mentioned below is a seven step plan to enable you control your diet under control and for consuming food as a medicine for the brain.

1.Increase levels of Water Intake - As your brain comprises around 80 % water the first and foremost rule of brain nutrition is to have adequate water for keeping your brain hydrated. Even very slight dehydration can increase the level of stress hormones that can cause damage to your brain. At least 84 ounces of water is required to be drunk in a day. It is good to have liquids devoid of sugar, artificial sweeteners, sugar, alcohol or caffeine.

2.Restriction of Calorie - Scientific research has proved that a calorie restricted diet is useful for the brain and longevity of life. Eating in excess reduces your life span. Restricting your calorie intake controls weight, reduces chances of cardio-vascular diseases, risks of cancer, and strokes caused due to obesity - that is a major risk factor for all these illnesses.

3.Good Fats, Fish, Fish Oil, & Bad Fats - A large portion of the grey matter of the brain is made up of DHA, a form of omega-3-fatty acids that is found in fish. Cell membranes are formed from the fat present in the brain and determine some of the vital functions of the brain. Neurons also containomega-3 fatty acids. The retina of the eye also contains high quantities of DHA. According to Research and study conducted in the recent years diets rich in omega-3 fatty acids may enhance positive mood and a healthy emotional balance in the years to come. .

4.Dietary Antioxidants in increased quantities - Scientific research has substantiated that a considerable amount of dietary antioxidants intake that comes from fruits and vegetables reduce the risk of a cognitive impairment significantly. Study and research disclosed that free radical formation played a vital role in brain deterioration with age. When oxygen is converted into energy by a cell freed radicals are formed. Produced in normal amounts they rid the body of harmful toxins, keeping it healthy and strong. On the contrary if produced in excess, they damage the body cells and tissue. Vitamin C, E and beta carotene restrict production of excess amount free radicals in the body. The Department of Agriculture in the US have mentioned the following to be the best antioxidants: Blackberries, Blueberries, Strawberries, Cranberries, Raspberries, Spinach, Plums, Brussels sprouts, Broccoli, Beets, Oranges, Avocados, Red bell peppers, Red grapes, Cherries and Kiwis.

5.Carbohydrates, Balance Protein & Good Fats: In view of obesity and the various issues related to weight the best thing is the Atkins Diet and its clones that get rid of many of the simple sugars we consume. High refined sugar diets enhance diabetes, cognitive impairment and tiredness. Yet, to imply that bacon is a health food and that oranges and carrots are as bad as cake seems silly. The main principle is that a balanced diet is essential, especially balanced with proteins, carbohydrates and good fats. Proteins help in balancing blood sugar levels. During every snack or meal or, try to balance the intake of protein, fat and high fiber carbohydrates.

6.For you to follow a "brain healthy" calorie restricted diet plan you need to have some great references and choices. The book Super Foods Rx by Steven Pratt and Kathy Matthews is good resource in this context. It enlists 14 priority food groups that keep one healthy with reasonable calorie intake. The American Cancer Society prescribes 5- 9 servings of vegetables and fruits in a day.

7. Plan Snacks - Snacks are helpful in balancing intake of carbohydrates, fats and proteins. Some favorite low calorie snacks Vegetables and dried fruits are examples of some great low calorie snacks, not the dried fruits & vegetables found in supermarkets that are packed with preservatives. When you much on veggies or dried fruit balance it out with some intake of protein and little fat.

Alex Fyfe is an expert in the area of health & Fitness and has published numerous documents which can be seen various article sites and on . If you need help with dieting check out .

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For more articles on Nutrition visit the DirectoryGold Article Directory

For links to sites on Nutrition or where you can buy Nutrition products visit the DirectoryGold Web Directory


Thursday, November 27, 2008

Why worrying about climate change is missing the point

Why worrying about climate change is missing the point by Sam Deane

Are you worrying about climate change and oil? The media would have us believe we are nearly bankrupt in both areas. It's no surprise if you are worrying. Every news paper and television news program is portraying imminent disaster.

A long time ago, media and sales agencies came to the conclusion that 'fear aids the sale'. There can be no better way to have people rush to the shop than to fill them with fear of what might happen if they don't buy that product today. Scarcity is commonly known to be one of the best sales aids. Buy it before we take it away. Get it now before it all runs out.

Yes, but is it true? Are we undergoing a major climate change? True, false or don't you know, are we are running out of traditional fossil fuels like petrol and gas?

Well what is true is that more than 95 percent of all scientists who have looked at this issue have concluded that, yes, we are in the process of significant climate change. If you watch Al Gore's harrowing film An Inconvenient Truth, you will no doubt recall the shocking statistics of just how far into the process of climate change we actually are.

It is of little consequence to me whether the climate change is man made or not. What is important is to know that if we reduce the amount of carbon dioxide we emit into our environment, we will reduce the effect. What we know is that, by using renewable energy sources like solar power, wind power, hydroelectric power, biomass and the like, we will radically reduce the level these emissions.

What is also the case, according those who study these things, is that our supply of petrol is finite and as such, it is running out. The popular view is that we are talking a 50 year maximum. Of itself, that is not a problem. The problem lies in the belief that we are not prepared for this. We are concerned that we do not have the infrastructure to energize the modern world without the input from the oil industry.

However, developments are happening all the time in and around the new renewable energy industries. For example, in the car industry, those with 'cleaner' credentials are the ones who are staying in profit, while the older gas guzzlers are losing money badly. This is not some weird coincidence. The automobile industry as a whole is moving towards a new green agenda. Electric cars are not a thing of the future. They are with us now!

With the election of Barack Obama, you could say that this is also the case with politics. People are turning to cleaner options as their solution. Undoubtedly, solar power is one essential part of this solution.

Now the question is, 'Should we be worried about the future?' 'Will we get by without traditional fossil fuels?' Our answer at Go Solar Power For Homes Dot Com is simple. We have enough resources to get through this, to turn it around, to set up a world for everyone with no one left out, and we don't have to strangle the life out of the planet to do it.

Still sceptical? That's fine but please consider the following:

What if we were to give one percent of our income towards preventing further climate change?

Using figures from the UK, according to government statistics at, the average wage in the UK for full time employees per week is £479. So, the average annual wage in the UK works out at £22,992.

One percent of £22,992 is £229.92 which works out to £4.79 per week.

So, investing one percent of earnings towards stopping climate change would cost the average person in the UK £4.79 per week, or £19.16 a month (the equivalent of £229.92 per year).

Now, this is where it starts to get interesting.

Again according to official statistics (this time from, figures for July 2007), the UK has a population of 60,776,238.

If everyone were to invest one percent of our earnings towards addressing the issues relating to climate change, we would raise roughly £291 million per week. Now, let's take one third out to account for old age pensioners and children and we are still left with £194million per week.

This is an amazing figure and could really help tackle climate change. Investing £20,000 in wind or solar power for homes would maybe not take the average home completely off-grid, but it would certainly massively reduce our use of traditional fossil fuels.

So, if we were to invest that amount per home, we could give roughly 10,000 homes per week wind or solar power. Within a very short time, we could have the whole country fully invested in renewable sustainable clean energy.

Persuading industry of the need to use renewables will always boil down to finance. Can we provide insustry with enough incentives to go green? Well, all the signs are that we already are doing so. We talked about the automobile industry earlier. the whole industry has recognized that it is 'Adapt or die', and they are acting accordingly, investing in new cleaner technologies.

If we keep going in the direction we are heading we will get to our chosen destination. So, now that we have established the fact that we could easily resolve the climate change issue using solar power and other renewable energy sources, here comes the kicker.

Would you be willing to pay one percent of your income (on average roughly £4.79 per week) to help tackle climate change?

Individually, you may say 'Yes', but what about everyone else living in your street? ... in your village, town or city? If we can enrol everyone into this, then we would have no problem left to solve. However, there is a significant number of people who would be reluctant to do that, saying it is a government tax and they object to taxes as a knee jerk reaction.

So now you can see we have a different problem from the one we started out with.

Can we get by? With just one percent of earnings, we could easily get by. That is not in question. There is no need to worry about climate change. We can easily resolve it.

Do we have the will to resolve it? That is the question.

As a travel magazine editor and publisher, a life coach and trainer, Sam Deane has seen the world. Nowadays, he dedicates most of his free time to maintaining the well-being of this precious, miraculous planet on which we live. Sam runs an important and lively blog about solar power.

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For links to sites on the Environment visit the DirectoryGold Web Directory


Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Saving Jobs by Saving General Motors

Saving Jobs by Saving General Motors by Klaus H Hemsath

General Motors is getting close to going bankrupt and to being liquidated. Ineptitude and greed of its management, its board, and its union are finally catching up with the former king of the automotive industry.

In liquidation, foreign companies will buy several of its most modern plants. Any assets will be bought for cents on the dollar. Most of its work force of white and blue collar workers will become unemployed. The ripple effect on suppliers, vendors, and customers will be ruinous. A liquidation will degenerate into a national depression.

Management has tried repeatedly to save this legendary company but did not have the vision, the capabilities, and the financial backup. The GM board has been the major cause for the slow death of this company. In the face of continuing losses, the board insisted on healthy quarterly dividends. Not making enough cash and paying out dividends is stumbling towards the abyss. Any sudden downturn in sales or in margins forces the company into insolvency.

GM's top management and its board made one fatal miscalculation; they gambled that Congress will never let GM go out of business. This gamble was not reckless. After all, US Congress had saved Chrysler a few decades back. When the US financial crisis was threatening world markets with a meltdown, US Congress supported rampant fraud and gambling in the financial industry on a grand style. AIG, one such gambling insurance company, was awarded a huge financial bailout package. The Big Three could continue their businesses for years with a similar gift.

For the last several decades, the automotive industry has been under constant attack by competition, by its investors, and by government. GM management was not capable of fending them off. GM lost a huge portion of its market share, investors looted its cash, and US government told the automotive industry how to design cars.

The ill advised meddling of US Government in matters of fuel efficiency and emissions has cost the automotive industry dearly. Huge amounts of research funds were spent in meeting marginally effective government regulations. US Congress deserves much blame for legislating very wasteful and very expensive solutions for previously unsolved, technical problems.

When Mr. Wagoner and his compatriots came to claim their bailout package, they were admonished by Congress for flying to Washington on corporate jets. For the first time, they may have understood that their future was much more precarious than they expected after watching the generous, incompetent, and ineffective bailout of the financial industry only a few weeks earlier.

After assigning blame, it is time to look at possible solutions. Liquidating General Motors will do huge harm at the most inopportune period in US economic history. It is unacceptable. Providing massive loans to GM is not the right solution, either. Instead, GM needs a complete reorganization, new management, a new board, new products, and a competitive pay and benefit structure for its white and blue collar workers.

Going through a bankruptcy proceeding is one viable approach. Unquestionably, bankruptcy is a tough way to go. GM's image will be blemished severely and future customers may be worried about car warranties and used car values. Future sales will certainly take a hit. Bankruptcy is time consuming and will damage the company and the crippled US economy further.

A better way is an offer by US government to purchase all assets of the company through a newly formed automotive corporation organized and financed by the government. GM stock is cheap. Its stock is worth two billion dollars; buying the company is feasible. The new company can agree to honor ongoing transactions, future product warranties can be issued and honored, pension obligations can be settled permanently, and the public would be assured of future product viability. A fresh, unrestrained startup would be guaranteed.

Additionally, US Congress must consider security and strategic aspects. Nobody else can muster the legislative and financial wherewithal for creating a critically needed, highly competitive, massive, new manufacturing entity. The wide range of existing products and production facilities and huge, sunken, irretrievable investments must be leveraged into creating a rejuvenated company that is lean, mean, and efficient. This company must be managed to rebuild stock value for a future recovery of government funds through sale of government held equity.

Above all, the new GM needs an infusion of capable management, cash, new products, and a board consisting of all new stakeholders in the company. Complete requisite sales, production, financial, and other management systems are in place and can be used for commencing business immediately. The company can become competitive quickly after a thorough cleansing of undeserved preferences, outdated policies, and inefficient practices.

The US cannot afford to lose the millions of manufacturing jobs that will result from a GM shutdown. There is no cheaper way to preserve and create jobs than by reorganizing the old, leaderless GM and hitting the ground running with a newly energized, innovative successor corporation. It would be insane to let a company with product lines like Corvette, Cadillac, and GMC go out of business. The costs and losses of a failure are incomparably larger than the amount of temporary, financial assistance for a reorganized, competitive successor company.

The US can ill afford another financial debacle while we are still watching with consternation and wonderment the mismanagement of the $700 billion congressional bailout attempt.

Saving GM will be good for the US, Ford, and Chrysler!

Dr. Hemsath recently published the book: CLIMATE CHANGE - GOLD RUSH OR DISASTER? For 50 years he has worked as scientist, process engineer, Corporate Vice President of R&D, Company President, CEO, and Inventor. He holds more than 60 US Patents. He is working on a new book: "THE SOLUTION FOR ENDING GLOBAL WARMING AND CLIMATE CHANGE". Go to

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For more articles on Economics visit the DirectoryGold Article Directory

For links to sites on Economics visit the DirectoryGold Web Directory


Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Four Functions of Management

Four Functions of Management by Robert Smith

The functions of management centre on the application of human resource management and technology in HP organizational functions of the management are geared towards enabling the achievement of the company core objectives. The management functions in the company may change in response towards changes in market environment and technology, or due to organizational growth. The human resource aspect is very important for any company. In HP the company management has emphasized the value of better organization of human resource and technology to achieve its goals. The company has achieved this through; four functions of management that are important in creating and maintaining an efficient and effective organizational culture namely; planning, organizing, leading and controlling

This is the process of developing the company’s mission and defining specific methods of accomplishing it. It can be on a broader or narrow perspective depending on the scope of the goal. Planning comes in a number of ways since all sectors in HP company or rather any other business require some form of planning in order to stick to what has been planned. First, there is financial planning which entails the budgeting allocations for all the programs being undertaken within the company. Provision of benefits, compensations and salaries are also taken care of at this stage. Human resource planning is crucial to achieving the best from employees. The goal of planning in relation to human resource is to assist HP to meet its strategic objectives, planning also ensure that the employees are effectively managed and well maintained. The company ensures better work force planning by proper selection and recruitment, offering orientation and induction to the new recruits, organizing trainings to develop and equip them with new skills. This together with better employment benefits goes a long way in making the employees achieve their targets. In addition the company is able to equip its employees with the latest technological tools which the employees use to achieve efficiency. This improves the technology of the company as more innovations are created.

Organizing is how the internal structure of the company is set. It generally focuses on the division, coordination of activities and how tasks are controlled within the company.
General company procedure demand good organization from the leaders and managers. At HP for the management is responsible for organizing all activities of the employees. This includes meetings that bring together all the employees on board. They also organize daily and monthly meetings within the specific affiliate factories when an issue arises. Proper organization of a meeting or how a project will be conducted results in a successful of the company. Through, these meeting employees are able to exchange views and ideas on how best to improve their work. It is at this meeting that new ideas on technological improvement come up. HP is sorely based on technology, and the managed has insured better organization by providing what is required in terms of tools, materials and skilled manpower. Without proper organization no company can be successful as they will be conflicts in the company. In HP this has been avoided.

Leadership is also described as directing people to do specific duties by influencing their personal behavior through incentives and motivation, teamwork, individual dynamics and discipline. The core purpose of leadership is to channel all the employees’ behavior towards attaining the company’s objectives. Leadership is thus essential in creating and maintaining a healthy organizational culture within HP. Leading does not necessarily come from that in power but from any individual who provides information and suggestions on the way forward. Decision making within HP rests on the shoulders of the managers and leaders in the company who usually take risks whenever an issue that requires to be addressed arises. In improving its technology aspects hp have managed to created good team leaders. Teams are usually very inventive and team leaders are used to guide and oversee that the employees are able to achieve new products and improve on product technology.

Robert II Smith has spent more than 20 years working as a professor at University of California. Now he spends his time with his family and shares his experience with students about cheap research paper on any topic. Robert II Smith is a right person to ask about business papers.

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For more articles on Management visit the DirectoryGold Article Directory

For links to sites on Management visit the DirectoryGold Web Directory


Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Keeping Online Payments Secure in Times of Uncertainty

Keeping Online Payments Secure in Times of Uncertainty by Tomer Bar-Zeev

More and more people around the world are earning their livings online, often from US-based companies and organizations. Programmers, photographers, online publishers and more have found opportunities online that may be more convenient and/or lucrative than working in a traditional office setting. Despite the relative weakening of the US dollar, earning paychecks, royalties and commissions in dollars from US companies is still an advantage for many living outside of the United States.

But getting paid can be complicated. International workers can wait up to 6 weeks before a US check arrives in the mail, and then wait some more for the check to clear. Wire transfers require the recipient to have a bank account, and usually charges high bank fees. There are a number of electronic funds transfer (EFT) services available that are faster, more convenient and less expensive than the traditional methods of checks and wire transfers, but the different EFT services have varying degrees of security.

The introduction of innovative payment methods has meant that publishers can receive their money more quickly and keep more of it. For example, online payments offer more flexibility and are more cost-effective for workers who do not have US bank accounts. These methods generally offer an online account or "wallet" where money can be deposited and spent. This is an excellent option for workers who may have a lot of online expenses and generally spend their earnings with participating suppliers. However, cashing out payments from online wallets can complicated and can become as cumbersome as using the traditional payment methods.

The financial crisis also has its impact. More than ever, workers want to know that the organizations they work for and the financial institutions behind them are strong enough to pay them. The most secure is an account that is insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) in the US. Now that same insurance is available to international workers as well.

Until today, only United States bank accounts have been insured by the FDIC, which are unattainable for most people living overseas from the US. A new, secure option is to get paid directly to co-branded prepaid debit cards such as MasterCard and Visa. The funds are transferred to the card accounts, and are accessible instantly online. As long as the issuing bank is based in the United States, all funds up to $100,000 loaded to a prepaid debit card is insured by the FDIC. Furthermore, the cards themselves offer cardholders additional protection against unauthorized purchases, such as MasterCard's Zero Liability program.

Getting paid to a prepaid card is not only secure, it is convenient. No need to run to a bank to cash a check. MasterCard and Visa cards are universally accepted for purchases online, at shops and for withdrawing cash at ATMs. If a card is lost or stolen, replacement cards are generally provided immediately, with the funds that had been loaded to the card intact.

In times of financial insecurity, international workers making their livings online can protect their paychecks by carefully selecting the way they get paid.

Tomer Bar-Zeev is the VP Marketing for Payoneer, the online mass payout solution that pays directly to universally accepted Prepaid MasterCard cards. For more information on Payoneer visit

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For more articles on E-Commerce visit the DirectoryGold Article Directory

For links to sites on E-Commerce visit the DirectoryGold Web Directory


Thursday, November 06, 2008

Managers Must Do What they Say to Get Employees to Trust Managment

Managers Must Do What they Say to Get Employees to Trust Managment by Christine Casey Cooper

Do you think your employees trust company leadership? Surveys suggest that only 40% of employees trust communication from management. Employees also don't trust management to communicate honestly on issues such as company vision and objectives. While employees may feel pride in the company, they don't have complete trust in the management running the company. Scandals of the immediate past have fed the cynicism and lack of trust of management.

The communications tools now available have made it easier to transmit top-down information and directives. However, employees still have an unclear image of where the ship is sailing. The result will be a less committed and less engaged workforce. The military learned a long time ago that the troops need to be informed by the man on top regarding objectives and rationale of future actions. It is then that they will feel equipped and motivated to face changes and challenges, regardless of the seriousness. The principle generally also applies to life in the factories and offices.

Most of the people running corporate America have the right intentions. They are working to boost profits, maintain jobs, and deliver quality products under trying circumstances. In senior management, there may be so many simulataneous initiatives that they forget about their previous promises. They are not intentionally dishonest; they are trying to do the right thing, but they get busy, forget to communicate, neglect follow through, and trust declines as a result. Left unattended, low trust in management can cost financially; companies with high management trust levels earn proportionately three times more than companies with low management trust levels.

The CEO and other senior leaders are the true stewards of organizational and management trust and integrity. Companies with high levels of management trust communicate both good and bad news to employees and they do it often. Trust is also supported by how well companies manage changes such as mergers, downsizing, and restructuring. Regardless of the change, what matters is how it is handled. High trust companies generally do a better job of it.

Degeneration of trust in management is a problem for both employees and management. How can management motivate the workforce when they simply don't believe the information management tells them?

Characteristics of distrust

- It is self perpetuating; employees don't trust management, and management becomes less trusting of employees;

- Management distrust is like a virus; it gains strength as it spreads. New employees learn from more seasoned employees that management cannot be trusted.

- Management distrust is resistant to change. Some managers conclude that to stop the distrust, they must move the operations to another part of the country and hire a new work force.

Building Trust

- Start trusting employees. Management needs to show trust of employees. Employees will eventually learn to reciprocate. This can take time and patience. It's like trying to reach a battlefield trucewhile the snipers continue to fire.

- Don't withhold information. Often, corporate leaders operate on a need to know basis. However, employees feel that information has been sanitized when it is delayed.

- Be honest at all times. If employees feel that they are being misled, trust in management will be lost, perhaps permanently.

- Conduct more face to face communications. Sometimes employees need to hear straight from the boss in forum. Management by walking around is important in building trust also.

- Listen to your people and let them know that they've been heard. Employees become distrustful when they sense that their views are not being heard. Management needs to acknowledge employee suggestions by acting on them and letting all know that they did so.

- Communicate the things you know for sure and then make you see those plans through. This will create improved communication and trust of leadership in future activities.

Christine Casey-Cooper is a leadership coach an author of the satirical book The Crass Captain's Quick Guide to Management Dysfunction. Visit for leadership and management advice, and some bad boss advice from the Crass Captain.

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For more articles on Management visit the DirectoryGold Article Directory

For links to sites on Management visit the DirectoryGold Web Directory
