Sunday, December 31, 2006

How To Grow an A+ Google PPC Brain

How To Grow an A+ Google PPC Brain by Roger Hall

In your 'mind's eye' I want you to visualize two business people who are advertising in Google PPC today.

One of the business people is a store owner who got 'lucky' and managed somehow to raise $2 Million from a group of fellow investors who were persuaded to help him go 'national.' So, he gathered all the cash together and got ready for a massive roll-out of Google PPC advertising. He also decided to use print and TV 'image' ads.

He won't bother to learn about how to research and develop a winning Google PPC campaign and customized landing page for his site. Because he has one simple belief; he's got, 'enough cash to crush the competition ...and money is what matters when it comes to winning in marketing.'

He believes there are so many terrific advertising opportunities! Like a kid in a candy store, he's ready to over-indulge. But if he says yes to every opportunity, he'll spread resources thin. He'll give a little to a variety of advertising outlets. But as a result, every marketing project will be cursed by insufficient resources.

The other guy? He's a great copywriter who has only $75,000. He doesn't have any investor friends or anything like that. He doesn't have anything whatsoever, except a place to live, a computer and $75,000.

But get this: This other guy has an 'A+ Google brain.' He knows what it takes to make Google PPC work for him in direct marketing. And what he doesn't know, he's willing to learn.

Once again, using your mind's eye, I want to 'fast-forward' six years in the future and take another look at these two people. Where's the store owner - the one with the $2 Million? I bet he's bankrupt. Or has given up, after throwing tons of cash at Google and trying to make 'image' advertising work for him, in print and on TV.

Skeptical? Let's face it, when someone has a lot of cash to spend on almost any marketing project, they typically end-up blowing it on things that really don't work. Why?

Because the pressure is on to get sales going as quickly as possible. Typically, they tear-through marketing dollars like wildfire through a tinder-dry forest. Time is rarely taken - and the effort barely made - to properly prepare, develop and test.

What happens when the store owner's $2 Million runs out? What does he do then? Go back to operating a small local store? I bet not. I'll wager he wants to keep on operating in the 'big time.' But how can he? He's got a bunch of investors who want their money back. He's got no cash and no really valuable skills.

My guess? He'll go bankrupt. Maybe even turn to crime, get caught and go to jail.

Now let's talk about the second guy. I'll wager that when we meet him six years later...he truly has a good life. Probably a wonderful wife & kids plus all the possessions he wants.

What does this mean for you? It means having money does NOT mean having security. Neither does having investors, business 'connections' or longevity on the job. The only things which represent any type of security in today's world are...

- a Desire to Learn and Change
- a Reasonably Sharp Wit, and
- above all, the Ability to Execute!

These are exactly the skills the copywriter had. He knew how to put himself in his prospect's shoes...and to research, create and develop something others wanted. These truly are valuable skills in today's markets.

And others will pay you money - a LOT of money - to do this for THEM.

The copywriter prepared for Google advertising campaigns by;

- Starting fairly small
- Learning how to write copy that sells online
- Structuring Google ads for maximum impact
- Not going for the #1 PPC position in Google search (it's a waste of money)
- Split-testing by running Ad Variations at all times
- Grouping keywords tightly and having tailored ads for each group
- Placing search keywords in headlines and body text
- Learning bidding strategies that beat the competition
- Using proven, winning ad structures and phrases
- Taking customers to a tailored landing page, and never using their site's Home page
- Testing, testing, testing

Look, if someone knows what it takes to write Google PPC advertising and can produce web pages that sell, you can even do this to them; take away all his or her material possessions and all business contacts. Everything, except a computer and internet link (let's allow them to have something) !

Later, you can come back and visit them again in say, two years. Know what? That person will have rebuilt their life...just like it was just two years earlier when you'd taken away everything they had. Cash, investments, houses, autos, boats, business contacts.

Do you know why? Because what they've got between their ears is the most valuable money-making skill anyone can possibly have in today's world...

They Can Write A Google and Webpage Sales Message That Works! In other words, they've grown an A+ Google brain.

Do you understand what this means? The ability to write a profit-producing sales message in Google PPC, and the ability to follow-through on that ad with a matching sales message on a dedicated web page, is EASILY the most valuable money-making skill on the planet!

And it's going to be that way for a very long time to come.

Roger Hall of develops programs and pay-per-click ads to help you succeed in your business. Find out more today how to create Pay-Per-Click ads that work, with his popular FREE series of PPC Tips for advertisers. Available at: =>

Article Source:

For more article on PPC Advertising visit the DirectoryGold Article Directory
For Pay-Per-Click Advertising websites, visit the DirectoryGold Web Directory

Your New Year Can Mean New Opportunities

Your New Year Can Mean New Opportunities by Kevin Sinclair

The end of the year has always been a good time to reflect. A time to look back on the past year but also to look forward to the New Year and years to come. A new year means new opportunities, a new chance to make changes and work on various aspects of your life that you feel could use some improvement.

Of course there are the standard new year's resolutions: stop smoking, drink less, eat healthier, make more money, spend less, save more, invest wiser, be nicer, spend more time on the people you love. This short list probably takes care of well over 90% of all New Year's resolutions. Unfortunately most people don't get much further than that. And to make matters worse most of their resolutions will have been forgotten before January has passed.

If you're a success oriented person however your list will probably be very different. And your resolutions probably last a bit longer than January too. Some of your resolutions may have already worked wonders and your new year did indeed turn out to be your best year ever. Yet for others the New Year may have been more of the same. Nothing much changed. You had some good ideas, a number of goals and the intention to do something about them, but when you got going life just seemed to get in the way of you sticking to your commitments and good intentions... again.

Chances are you have even found yourself re-setting some new year's resolutions year after year. You might ask: "Why?" Fair question, quite simple too. Fortunately the answer is almost just as simple. You simply lacked the necessary leverage to persist. It would appear that what you set out for wasn't important enough for you. Although probably painful to admit, there is certainly a lot of truth to this.

It doesn't quite tell the whole story however. It's critically important to realize that reflecting, getting inspired and setting goals is one thing but actually moving into sustained action is quite another. Especially when your goals take you in a different direction than the one in which you're currently headed.

So how and why does this happen time and time again? You're a motivated person. You've set goals that you went on to achieve in the past. How come you get all fired up and excited thinking about the opportunities before you and making the necessary changes to make it all happen for you, yet before you know it most of your excitement has dwindled and you're stuck in your old daily routine once again? How does this happen? The answer again is simple: Things do indeed get in the way. Or better yet, and closer to the truth, you have allowed things to get in the way. You have allowed old habits to sneak back in. You have allowed people in your environment to sway or discourage you. Bottom line is: you have allowed it to happen.

When you think about whatever it is that got in the way, you'll find that in most cases many of these circumstances and factors would have been quite easy to predict. Think about the things that have gotten in your way in the past. People that had a pull on you in the wrong direction. Old patterns that prevented you from making lasting changes.
Wouldn't it be safe to say that these factors will come into play when you set some new goals or decide on some new changes? Of course they will. Your peer group, your relative, your habits and everything else remain pretty much the same. Their influence on your life doesn't automatically change much either just because you set some goals.

The point is that you need to become aware of the influence they have on you. Once you have done that then you can come up with ways to counter their negative effects. Whenever you set some new goals or decide on some new commitments take a couple of minutes to think about what may prevent you from following through on it. Make a list of those things that are likely to get in your way. Sometimes just having identified this will help you catch yourself. You may realize that you get back into one of those habits that you wanted to break away from.

For example you may have decided to do some quality reading every night before going to sleep. An excellent decision and one that has changed the lives of many people in a positive way. Since the mind dwells on the thoughts you feed it, it's a great idea to feed you mind some ideas from a good book before dozing off. Somehow you never really get to it because when you actually go to bed you're just too tired to read. The book may be next to your pillow, but it remains unopened for months. You could make it a point to read more next. You have to get to bed just a little bit earlier. Perhaps this means skipping the late show that always starts around 23.00. Perhaps it's something else.

Whatever it is try to identify it. Find out what is keeping you up and then think of a way to change this. We all know the late show can be very interesting, but think about what would ultimately be more valuable: watching the late show or reading a good book that could give you some new and powerful insights to advance your life.

Obviously a good book would do more than the entertaining garbage that most late shows give us. Because you gave this some thought, the next time you hear the tune of that late show coming on, the question of what would be more valuable will probably pop up. That will make it a lot easier for you to turn off the TV and pick up your reading material. Of course this is just a simple example, but in many cases you will find that the obstacles keeping you from sticking to your resolutions are quite simple. The big problem is that they tend to sneak up on you. They're often habitual and that's exactly why it can be so hard to break away from your old patterns.

Some of you might say: "Hey, but what about the law of attraction?" You get what you focus on. You become that which you think about most of the time. Wouldn't I be focusing on the wrong things if I think about the obstacles?" All are valid questions of course. Make sure you don't spend too much of your time there. You should by no means obsess yourself with obstacles and distractions. It does however make sense to be aware of them. How else can you tackle them if you're oblivious to their existence and their effect on you? Spend no more time than necessary identifying them and then focus most of your efforts on finding ways to eliminate them.

Whenever you come up with any resolution, especially one you've had before, it will be helpful to ask yourself: "What could prevent me from implementing this in my day to day life?" See what you can come up with. Make sure you at least become aware of the things that have stopped you in the past. Then go a little further to find effective ways to counter them so when you go back to your day to day activities you will be much better prepared. This little exercise will greatly improve your chances of successfully making the changes you desire and really making next year your best year ever!

Kevin Sinclair is the publisher and editor of, a site that provides information and articles on how to succeed in your own home or small business.

Article Source:

For more articles on Success visit the DirectoryGold Article Directory

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Great Tips on Becoming an Accomplished Artist

Great Tips on Becoming an Accomplished Artist by Ralph Serpe

Many people want to become an artist, yet they feel they were not "born" with the talent to do so. I personally disagree with this belief. To become an accomplished artist is just like anything else in life. It requires the correct mindset and the willingness to succeed.

DESIRE - First and foremost, you need to have the desire to learn and grow. Without the desire to learn and grow, your interest will fade over time. You will definitely make mistakes and progress may not happen as quickly as you originally anticipated. If you lack the desire to continue and learn from those mistakes, you will not see much in the way of progress. I can attest to this. When I first began oil painting I recall how terrible my first paintings were. I had no experience mixing or matching colors. I did not understand that mixing colors is a science all in itself. I would either mix too many colors, or mix the wrong colors, and my mixtures came out terrible. I did become quite frustrated, and eventually discouraged, until I finally stopped for a while. It wasn't until I took a trip to The Museum of Modern Art in New York City, that I realized just how badly I wanted to paint. I became inspired and my desire to paint was ignited once again. So make certain that you always stay inspired to create. Surround yourself with creativity. Talk to other artists. Look at other artwork, etc.

LEARN & PRACTICE - Once you have found the desire to embark on your artistic journey, you will obviously need to learn and practice. You will need the right resources and teachers to guide you in the right direction. Everyone is different and your way of learning anything new can differ from another persons learning methods.

Some people learn better by watching others. If this is the case, purchase some quality videos or DVD's. Watch them once or twice first before you participate. This will make the experience much more enjoyable and easier to follow once you are ready to join in. There are a number of well made and resourceful videos and DVD's on the market today.

Perhaps you prefer to learn in a group or classroom setting with an instructor. Do a search for beginner workshops in your area and join a few. The benefit
of the classroom setting is the instant feedback you receive on your work. You also have other students and an instructor there to answer any questions that you may have. There are workshops available on virtually everything from painting to crafts, so you should be able to find something in your area or online.

Maybe you prefer to read books and learn on your own, at your own pace. This is the way I started learning. I have a nice little library now of great books that I am constantly re-visiting. There is definitely no shortage of reading material out there. I usually go online first and do research at the popular online booksellers. Many of the books are rated by other customers. This will give you a good idea of what's popular and worth buying. You can either get the book online, or go to your local book store with a few titles that you researched, and skim through the books before you buy.

If you are lucky enough to have a local public television station in your area, you should definitely check into it. Here in New York, there is a great public television station dedicated to the arts. It airs many educational arts and crafts shows, and I watch it every day.

Find a method of learning that you are comfortable with or try them all! At the end of this article you will see a great resource with free art and craft lessons and other great resources for beginners. Make sure you check it out when you are finished reading this article.

BUYING YOUR SUPPLIES - Before you go out to your local store or shop online for your supplies, make sure you do a little research first. Visit online forums and chat rooms to find out what materials & supplies other artists in your particular area of interest are using.

You will be surprised by the number of responses you receive. Many experienced artists are more than happy to give advice and answer questions. Make sure you make it known that you are a beginner and that you are looking for descent quality supplies for beginners.

Once you learn more about the types of supplies you will need, don't settle for one brand or manufacturer. My advice would be to purchase supplies from a number of different manufacturers. Everyone is different and you will find that over time you will develop a preference toward specific products. Do not purchase the most expensive or highest quality supplies at first. In the beginning you are learning and experimenting. It is best to do this with cheaper supplies. You can then upgrade to more expensive or higher quality products later on.

SHARE YOUR WORK WITH OTHERS - Once you create your first work of art go out and share it with family, friends and other artists. There are a number of discussion forums online where you can submit your artwork for others to view and comment on. Don't be afraid of the criticism and by all means, never let anything anyone says about your work discourage you. Everyone has been where you are now at one point in his or her artistic journey. The majority of people you show your work to will be patient and helpful. This is a great way to learn and grow as an artist, so get out there and show yourself.

I do hope these tips have helped and have given you some confidence and direction. Remember to never get discouraged. If you really want to become an accomplished artist, just keep at it. You will create your first work of art in no time.

For more great art and craft ideas, articles and resources, be sure to visit The Best Source For Free Art & Crafts Lessons Online!

Article Source:

For more articles on Arts And Entertainment visit the DirectoryGold Article Directory

For sites on Painting visit the DirectoryGold Web Directory

Monday, December 04, 2006

Can Meta Search Engines Gain A Substantial Foothold In The Search Engine Arena?

Can Meta Search Engines Gain A Substantial Foothold In The Search Engine Arena? by Aurora Brown

Most meta-search engines use similar technology and there are few differences from one to the next. Infospace, the company that currently owns some of the largest and most comprehensive meta-searches, operates four separate meta-search engines that are basically the same with only small differences in their technology.

Infospace and its related Meta searches take up around 1% of the search market, and bring in over $250 million in market revenue as of 2005 (Yahoo! Finance). There are numerous, tiny little start-ups and individuals bidding for the remaining search traffic.

Despite the competition, there are several small meta-search engines that make a large profit, like According to Yahoo! Finance, Mamma receives less than .1% of the searches, yet maintains a current market value of about $30 million dollars. Even a small meta-search engine like, which was down for a year and operating totally illegally (scraping content from Yahoo! and Google without permission), when it was running, sold for over $100k on eBay. Thus the Meta search engine market is ripe for people to enter and exit.

The search engines do not generally view meta-searches as competition. This is seen in their partnership agreements with many smaler meta-search engines like, and

But before the meta-search engines can operate, they first require the consent of the search engine from which they want to get their information. It is common knowledge that having legal permission to meta-search the major search engines and directories is important enough to have market value all by itself.

Here are a couple examples of meta-search engines that required only a minimal commitment of time and energy:

Myriad Pro meta-search is a completely free meta-search engine programmed by an S.E.O. consultant in twenty hours by his own estimates (the source will be released as open source very soon), Myriad Pro search has several advanced features not even found in commercial Meta search engines.

As a result, Myriad maxes out every day with the number of allowed searches for a non-commercial search and is in the process of being mirrored all over the world as a free meta-search engine.

Helios is a powerful meta-search engine script that has the ability to plug in to multiple information sources (search engines, directories, etc.). It was designed in under a year by a computer science academic. It works extremely well and the entire code is open source, meaning anyone can take it and build commercial applications on it.

Relatively easy to program and requiring a minimal commitment compared to the regular search engines, perhaps meta- search engines have a chance in an online arena increasingly populated by users who want a more targeted search engine experience without the bias of any of the major search engines.

Do I think they'll ever gain a major piece of the search engine pie? Alas, I don't, but I wish them the best of luck.

A.M. Brown writes for Acclivity, Inc, a Los Angeles based company that provides web design, search engine marketing, blog optimization services,
SEO and professional writing services.
See Acclvity, Inc's Website for more information.
She also co-authors Stir Crazy, Acclivity's web design and SEO blog.

Article Source:

For more articles on Internet And Business Online visit the DirectoryGold Article Directory