Six Requirements For Financial Independence by
Joe Rispoli All of us would like to be financially independent, but what can you actually do to become financially independent?
1. Be in business for yourself
2. Sell a product that is in demand
3. Absolutely guarantee the product
4. Give better service than your competitors
5. Reward those who do the work
6. Attain your success by building the success of others.
One way to gain financial independence is through Network Marketing.
Network marketing as predicted by experts, is showing definite signs of going mainstream. More and more people who previously rejected Network Marketing, are now getting involved, and large companies that used traditional methods of marketing in the past, are now adopting the concept.
What is it? Network Marketing, as it is called today, has been around since the 1950s. Network Marketing originally known as Multi Level Marketing (MLM), is probably one of the most misunderstood concepts in America today.
In Network Marketing, companies move products through a group of independent distributors who buy wholesale, sell retail, and sponsor other people to do the same. For your efforts, you can earn overrides on multi levels of people in your organization.
What is so attractive about this business is that there is no prejudice. Anybody over 18 can prosper and succeed. No color, race, gender, age, employment or educational background can stop you. All you have to do is be open minded and follow the simple steps laid out by your company. You have unlimited earning potential. There is no ceiling. Simple, Fun, Money are three words that can be associated with the most powerful marketing method to distribute products in the 1990s and beyond. Personal growth, along with financial freedom is two of the things you can expect from Network Marketing.
Why Am I So Confused About It?
First, ask yourself what the difference is between Network Marketing and Multi Level Marketing. Nothing! They are one in the same. MLM has been around for forty some odd years now and started as a part time business opportunity. By the middle of the eighties many people were earning substantial amounts of money and were beginning to do the business full time. By this time the phrase "Multi Level Marketing" had a pretty tarnished reputation. Well deserved, we might add. Any new industry is going to have its con artists but this had many. Perhaps that is why a lot of people refer to this as a pyramid scheme (which of course is false).
By this time, John Naisbitt had published his well received and highly successful bestseller "Megatrends" and devoted an entire chapter on networking. We had been doing it subconsciously all along and we still do. So the industry came of age: More and more people were using the phrase, "Network Marketing." Companies selling growth patterns astronomical in both the quality and quantity of people and found this marketing concept to be a wonderful way to move products in the nineties and beyond. Network Marketing was born.
In Network Marketing you are not a door to door salesman, so lets dispel that myth up front. You are in business for yourself (as an independent agent), but not by yourself. You can have very little start up costs and you buy wholesale and distribute product at retail. But, unlike other marketing methods, you have the ability to build a group of people under you, all distributing a little bit of product everyday and then collecting an override on the organization you helped to create.
Remember, this is a group effort (in business for yourself, but not by yourself) and the big money is in organizational overrides. It is almost like owning a chain of stores, or owning a large marketing distribution company. In traditional business (lets use a corporate sales organization) the sales manager hires by adding new people and assigning territories. If a person gets terminated or resigns, you subtract. If the sales organization has 100 people you will probably have a manager for every 5 people. Traditional business is structured a lot like Network Marketing, but in traditional business you do not collect overrides. How many times have you ever recommended a friend for a job in your company and collected an override for it? But, someone on top did! So, the power lies in the ability for Network Marketers to multiply and duplicate.
You build your organization by going wide and deep. Start by lining five people across. Teach them to line five people across, and have them teach their five people. So everyone is working with five people, just like traditional business. Only now, anybody who has desire and the ability to learn simple concepts has the ability to earn vast sums of money by exposing great products everyday and teaching others to do the same! And in time you will have a bigger sales force, all well managed and trained without the headaches of inventory, paperwork, computers, payroll, and staffing. You are an independent agent, all that is handled by the parent company. Once you have successfully trained five people, you go out and repeat the process again, you will have attrition, but are now multiplying, going wide and deep and just subtracting, not dividing when attrition occurs.
People ask me all the time what I do for a living and my reply is always, "I talk to people, and the more I talk, the more my business grows." It took IBM 40 years to reach One Billion Dollars per year. Some quality MLM organizations will have surpassed that mark in less than 7 years!
Getting Educated, Trained, Going Back To School
Signing an application and sitting back just will not cut it. You must be trained first. We train with our jobs. Or better yet, how about the airline pilot you are going to entrust with the job of flying you to your destination. We guess it would not matter to you if he were trained. Or the doctor, the lawyer, well you get the point. Like any business, you need to be trained. Actors and actresses rehearse, professional sports teams practice, and so should you.
Like a passion, be prepared at all times. Be ready. Like that hobby you are so well informed about. It took a lot of effort for you to learn what you did, right? It probably took quite a while to pick all that information up. Other than pure personal enjoyment, it probably cost you money. But yet some people are not willing to commit time to learn something new or have the patience to see it through, and we are talking your life here! Five, ten fifteen hours a week, that is all it takes. Consistency, every day, week, month. Commitment, just like you have with a job. People helping people. Your sponsor is helping you develop five people. You are doing the same with your five people and have those people do the same.
Simple Business Plan, show, try, tell, do. You need to, 1. Commit to your Network Marketing Business.
2. Use the companies great products.
3. Expose the products and opportunity to others.
4. Duplicate the above three things by teaching others to do the same.
"Help Other People Get What They Want And You Too Will Get What You Want."
Zig Ziglar
Word Of Mouth Advertising
You do it all the time. Now let us get paid for it. Do you ever go to a restaurant, enjoy it, and tell your friends about it? Or how about that movie you saw this past weekend, or the sale at you local store? Yes, you probably mentioned that too. Did you ever wonder how some hit movies make forty million dollars in a single weekend? Pretty amazing numbers when it takes a lot of seven dollars to equal forty million. Did you ever get a commission for doing that? How about a "thank you?" Not even something free? We are still waiting too.
The idea of Network Marketing is to pay you for your work. Any great company has great products that people use and enjoy so much that they tell their friends about it. These are products that are generally superior to that of anything available in the marketplace.
The power of Network Marketing is the multiplication and duplication of you. You earn money recommending people to try a product you are already using. In traditional business, companies spend huge amounts of money to get the work out. In Network Marketing, you are the advertising. The huge amount of money that went to advertising is no longer needed, so it goes to you.
It has been my experience that regardless of the quality of the program you are promoting, regardless of its commission plan, regardless of its free web page offer, regardless if its a "Ground Floor Opportunity" and regardless of anything else that is being promised, if you figure out the best way to duplicate your efforts, chances are you are going to succeed.
Through years of research Joe Rispoli has put together the most relevant of free advertising resources for your home business! Visit his website to find out how to
advertise your business for free. If you would like more on network marketing then see
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