Thursday, May 18, 2006

Attention All Moms! Manage Your Stress with 8 Simple Yet Effective Stress Relief Tips

Attention All Moms! Manage Your Stress with 8 Simple Yet Effective Stress Relief Tips by Abbas Abedi

Moms are some of the busiest people on the planet. From working a 9-5 job to getting the kids off the school or from attending soccer games to chaperoning a slumber party, a mom's feet never seem to stay still. Some moms are responsible for taking care of their aging parents as well.

With this almost frantic pace, increased stress levels can be a natural result. Stress can impact many areas of life such as work, family, and other relationships. Stress can cause one to experience irritability, impatience, and distractibility. For busy moms, stress management is a necessity. Here are eight tips to assist in living a more stress free life.

1. Determine, no matter what, to create time for self. For some busy moms, maybe it's a soothing bubble bath at the end of the day. For others, it could be a quick trip to the local Nail Salon. The activity really doesn't matter as long as busy moms take some time for themselves.

2. Listen to calm, soothing music on the way to work, while at work, and while going to sleep. Music has a way of calming and soothing the mind body.

3. Practice deep abdominal breathing periodically throughout the day. Breath in deeply through the nose pulling the belly button toward the spine, hold for a few seconds, and then slowly release. Busy moms will be pleasantly surprised at how this simple technique can result in a more relaxed body and mind. This can be done in any environment.

4. Take time to exercise. Exercise helps to increase self-esteem, decrease depression, increase concentration and energy, and gives one a greater sense of control over stress. Hitting the local gym is not always necessary. Taking a 15-minute walk around the neighborhood, taking walks on lunch breaks, taking the steps instead of an elevator, and parking farther away when shopping are examples of how busy moms can squeeze in exercise during the day.

5. Eat Healthy. There are foods that promote calmness and foods that increase stress levels. Busy moms can ask themselves if they are eating too much sugar and caffeine, and if they are getting enough protein. They can also evaluate if they are eating plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables and staying away from refined and processed foods. Healthy eating is very important for any busy mom. Taking a look at diets and making the necessary changes can result in increased optimal health.

6. Call a friend. For any busy mom, it is always important in life to have at least one relationship where they can just vent and know that a listening ear and unconditional
acceptance will be given.

7. Practice Thinking Calmly. Everyone has a favorite place that is peaceful, soothing, and calm. When stress levels increase, busy moms can take a mental break and visualize that special place. They can take note of the sights, sounds, and smells. It is important to continue to do this until relaxation is felt. Busy moms will notice that the stress they are experiencing will be less and more manageable.

8. Have a sense of humor. We all are familiar with the saying, "Laughter is the best medicine." This is so true. Be willing to laugh at personal mistakes. Watch a funny movie. Share a joke with a friend. In other words, lighten up. It will make such a difference.

Stress will continue to occur throughout your day. After all you’re a mom it is to be expected. It is up to you how much your stress can affect you. The right methods can help you manage stress so effectively that everyday can become easier. Although, its up to you to take the first step.

Abbas Abedi CHt
If you are interested in natural techniques to reduce stress and anxiety in your life today, then sign up for my free eCourse titled, “4 Days to Break Free from a Stressful Lifestyle” at Instant Stress Management

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The Difference a Holistic Business Approach Makes

The Difference a Holistic Business Approach Makes by Tony Jacowski

A holistic business approach is a relatively new concept that is increasingly being accepted by the business world. To be a business that uses holistic techniques, it means that the entire organization is considered in its processes and policies, as opposed to focusing only on its specific components. By using the holistic approach to running a business, you will make certain that your business is running at its full potential, as opposed to simply having strong areas and weak areas.

Holistic approaches to business, such as the increasingly popular Six Sigma business strategy developed by Motorola, involve the consideration of the entire business situation instead of only a single time or portion of it.

In order to implement such a process, many businesses choose to reach out to professionals for help, with consultants such as the Six Sigma Champions and Black Belts who will help different team members to see the organization in an entirely new light.

This thinking isn’t simply “out of the box”, but instead it believes that it removes the box altogether. In this sense, holistic business strategies allow business people to develop entirely new mindsets and beliefs about their companies and their roles within them. Dramatic improvements are made to help to maximize the potential of the business, and then take full advantage of that potential.

This type of business strategy is considered by many experts to be fundamental to achieving the successes that are desired. To reach the right goals, a proper foundation must be laid, and according to many, this foundation is a strong holistic business strategy.

The training for a holistic business strategy doesn’t involve only a handful of an organization’s team members, but will instead involve the entire team. After all, since the entire basis of a holistic business strategy is that the entire company and its situation must be considered in order to achieve success, this is only possible if the entire staff of the business is functioning on this same level.

If you are curious about implementing a holistic business strategy in your company in order to bring about its full potential, your first step is likely the internet. Have a look at the different holistic options available. Six Sigma is among the most accepted at the moment, but there are many options out there that will allow you to get the most out of your business and have it perform at its highest ability.

Tony Jacowski is a quality analyst for The MBA Journal. Aveta Solution's Six Sigma Online offers online six sigma training and certification classes for lean six sigma, black belts, green belts, and yellow belts.

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Friday, May 12, 2006

Improve Your Memory

Improve Your Memory by Robert Elias Najemy

Poor memory can be a frustrating problem when it becomes a cause for us to function below our abilities. The consequences can vary in type and seriousness.


1. Lack of proper nutrients.
2. Hardening of the arteries of the brain.
3. Poor blood circulation to the brain.
4. Anemia.
5. Exhaustion of the nervous system.
6. Scattering of mental energies on many activities.
7. Emotional problems which preoccupy the mind.
8. Lack of organization.
9. Poor living habits in general.
10. Too much alcohol or other drugs.
11. Chronic use of tranquilizers or painkillers.
12. Lack of exercise or release of tension through movement.
13. Build up of toxins in the body.


1. Clean out the body and mind with pure diet and occasional fasts so that the nerves and blood vessels will be revitalized.

2. Eat foods, which have high quantities of B complex vitamins, Magnesium, Phosphorus and Calcium.

3. If the problem is serious, take supplements: B complex, Brewers’ yeast, Magnesium, Calcium as well as an amino acid complex specifically created for improving memory.

4. Avoid white sugar, white flour and all products made from them. Avoid all chemical preservatives and all over processed foods or foods cooked some days before.

5. Concentrate on raw fruits, vegetables, seeds, nuts and whole grains.

6. Eat alfalfa sprouts regularly.

7. Free your mind daily from whatever is burdening it with deep relaxation and positive projection techniques.

8. Learn to meditate and concentrate your mind.

9. When you want to remember something specific, repeat it three times to yourself associating it with some image, which you will not forget. Images remain more clearly in our minds. Thus if you make some image humorous or serious for each important thing you want to remember, you will be more successful in remembering.

10. Make lists of whatever you need to do each day. In this way you do not need to burden your mind with something that a piece of paper can do. When you have completed each activity cross it off and whatever is not completed that day can be transferred to the next day. Keep a paper and pen on you at all times and write down immediately what is important for you to remember. In this way there is no chance of forgetting something important.

11. Keep a daily diary in which you observe those things, which you tend to forget. If you can determine the types of things you forget and the situations in which you usually forget, you may be able to detect a pattern which can be corrected.

12. Perform head low postures like the 1/2 shoulder stand, prayer position and forward stretch daily so as to ensure a good supply of blood and oxygen to the brain. These should be practiced three times a day by those with poor memory.

13. Also perform exercises for the nerves of the spinal column and neck so as to release any tension which may be accumulated there.

14. Get help in looking at your emotional life and the various problems which are occupying your mind so that you can get free from worries and be able to concentrate more clearly and totally on the present moment. Our minds are drained and confused by the various worries and anxieties which clutter them. When the mind is peaceful and feeling secure it can remember much more clearly.

15. Overcome fear and lack of self-confidence. These are major obstacles to the free flowing of the mind in all situations.

16. Until you are able to overcome the problem, try to accept it and not get upset. When you reject yourself because your memory is weak, you block your mental energies even more. So accept yourself and the problem as you work on correcting it simultaneously. Thus until you improve your memory, accept yourself as you are, and use lists extensively for more effective functioning.

17. Engage in activities which free you from stress and tension such as
exercises, dancing, walking in nature, swimming, singing, working in a garden and anything else which is enjoyable to you.

18. Perform deep relaxation techniques daily and program your mind that it will inform you of any important information, which you need at the proper time.

Robert E. Najemy, author of 25 books and life coach with 30 years of experience, has trained over 300 life coaches and now does so over the Internet. Become a life coach.
Over 600 free article and lectures at

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Will China’s New Five-Year Plan Force U.S. Utilities to Ration Your Electricity?

Will China’s New Five-Year Plan Force U.S. Utilities to Ration Your Electricity? by James Finch

According to China’s Ministry of Land Resources, China plans to build up “sufficient reserves” of uranium and other minerals, in a new five-year government plan. The ministry said it would be stockpiling strategic reserves of uranium, copper, aluminum and other key minerals because of rising demand for those commodities. The Chinese also wish to avoid supply disruptions by hoarding uranium and other minerals, over the next few years.

Until now, you’ve probably taken for granted a steady, reliable source of electricity. A large part of your dependable energy came about because of the nuclear energy generated by the 103 nuclear reactors in 30 states. Without a steady supply of uranium to power those nuclear reactors, the U.S. electrical transmission network suffers a 20 percent loss. China’s new five-year plan to stockpile uranium had better be a Wake-Up Call to U.S. utilities. If they missed the import of China’s announcement, we are all going to be in a heck of lot of trouble before this decade ends.

Since June 2004, we have warned of supply disruptions for uranium. David Miller, who has since become President and Chief Operating Officer of Strathmore Minerals, argued at the time, “In my opinion, no one has any extra uranium to sell on the spot market. There’s just not excess inventory that people are unloading in the spot market.” We interviewed Miller again in November 2005, for an article entitled, “China Demand for Uranium, World Growth in Electricity Demand to Drive Uranium Price Higher.” Miller warned us, “China is the future wild card… what they are planning for nuclear is probably the most aggressive program in the world.” Miller added in his explanation, “All the new production is already factored into the future market for uranium. We’re underwater right now without building one more nuclear power plant.”

In mid April, during an interview with Sprott Asset Management Market Strategist Kevin Bambrough, we asked him about the Chinese. He answered, “Why shouldn’t they have strategic uranium reserves to supply their nuclear reactors? It makes sense to have a good stockpile of uranium considering the relative cost of nuclear power versus anything else.” And now, the Chinese plan to build up a strategic reserve of uranium for their aggressive nuclear program.

In another interview, also published in April, Gene Clark, CEO of TradeTech LLC warned us, “In reality, the U.S. utilities, which tend to wait longer to contract, may be the ones on the losing end because the Chinese and the Indians will contract early. The implication of current group-think is that the Chinese and Indians are not going to be able to find enough uranium for their new plants. But, they are committing for supplies way out into the future. When the U.S. utilities come to the market, they’re going to look around say, ‘Oh blankety- blank, what happened? Where’s the uranium?’ They’ll be the ones that sat around. I think that is what’s going to happen unless things really change in the way contracting is done in the United States.”

U.S. utilities have been cautioned, warned and advised that the Chinese demand for uranium could very well create a serious energy crisis for the U.S. grid. Nuclear reactors help supply the baseload generation for the U.S. electrical grid. Nuclear power plants provide stability to the electricity transmission network. About one-fifth of electrical generation is derived from nuclear power. Nuclear plants are running at more than 89 percent capacity. U.S. utilities are fiddling around like Nero, who watched Rome burn, hoping that promises of increased uranium production will stem the dramatic uranium price rise.

Severe strains in natural gas supplies, combined with the ongoing uranium supply squeeze, could very well put U.S. consumers on rations for their electricity. Can’t happen, you say? Ask the Brits about how business was conducted in their country, in late 1973 and early 1974, during the Arab oil embargo crisis. Or more recently, California’s rolling brownouts.

An electrical energy crisis is in the making, while U.S. utilities are patiently hoping or praying the price of uranium stop climbing. UxC President Jeff Combs wasn’t kidding when he urged U.S. utilities, during our interview, to “support the expansion of (uranium) production in the United States.” And if you don’t let your local utility know about the upcoming electrical energy crisis, then perhaps it will be your lights they may someday be turning out. The irony of ironies: All of those sweet anti-nuclear folks in Vermont, who depend upon nuclear energy for more than 70 percent of their electricity? They’ll be the first to suffer the most, if U.S. utilities don’t respond to China’s five-year plan.

James Finch contributes to and other publications. Read the rest of this interview and sign up for your free subscription to articles by James Finch by visiting

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Thursday, May 11, 2006

Maximum Impact Media Advertising

Maximum Impact Media Advertising by Andrew James

If you sell a product or service, and want to be successful quickly, you must tell people about it through advertising and marketing.

TV, radio and newspaper are still considered the major media for effective marketing off-line.

However, a lot has changed with these top three marketing vehicles in the past 15 years.

In this article some critical changes are revealed that have occurred and how you can get the maximum impact for your advertising dollar.

Television is primarily an entertainment medium. Research shows the average person spends more time with television than with radio and newspaper combined. For many years, TV was considered the most powerful advertising choice because of the huge audience it provided. Even today, nearly everyone watches some TV every day.

There are three things you must consider before spending money on TV advertising - limited lifespan of your ad, audience fragmentation, and ad avoidance.

Keep in mind that once your ad has aired, it is gone for good. There is no way your potential customer can refer back to it. This fact makes it imperative that you run your ad many times to embed your message in the mind of the viewer. Frequency is important with any advertising, but especially broadcast.

Audience fragmentation is one of the major problems local broadcast television faces today.

At one time, a huge TV audience was split over only a few local channels. Community businesses could reach a large majority of their potential customers very quickly. Large national companies, such as Coke, only had to choose from the three major networks - ABC, CBS or NBC - to reach over 80% of the population.

Today, with cable and satellite TV, this same audience is now fragmented over 200 or more channels. The percentage of viewers on local TV has dropped dramatically. Yes you can run ads on cable and they will spread them out over ten or more channels. This shotgun advertising has not worked well for small businesses because many of these stations have only a half percent or less of the total viewers. And, what are the odds that they will be watching during the 15 or 30 seconds that your ad is presented?

Ad avoidance is also a very rapidly growing problem for TV today.

Because the public watches TV primarily for entertainment, they see advertising as an unwelcome interruption - not unlike the hated telemarketing. This was true 30 years ago but there was nothing a person could do about it except channel surf or leave the room. As you know this was, and still is, often done. Today, with TIVO, pay-per-view, public broadcast stations, and the multitude of satellite and cable channels, the public has shown a willingness to pay for reduced interruption from advertising.

Radio has similar problems. It is also primarily an entertainment medium. As such, advertising is also considered an interruption. Satellite radio is one of the fastest growing industries today primarily because people, again, are willing to pay to avoid commercials. In fact, most new cars have satellite radio built in.

Additionally, radio has evolved into an entertainment source for primarily driving, and background noise at work. If you buy any radio advertising, it should only be aired during drive time.

At home, radio use drops off. People can play CD's or listen to satellite radio. This way they can choose exactly the music or programming they prefer without commercial interruption. The radio industry understands that folks do not want to be interrupted with advertising. Many times radio stations promote themselves by offering "more music, less commercials".

Newspaperes have had their ups and downs, but have steadily maintained their local readership base and strength for local marketing. Even when radio, then TV, came on the scene, people still were loyal in reading their local newspaper.

Unlike TV and radio, advertising in a newspaper is not viewed as an interruption. In fact, one of the reasons people buy newspapers is for the advertisement content. Surveys have shown among 15% and 23% of those buying a newspaper do so primarily for the advertising.

You see, people do want to see and read advertisements. They do want to - and need to - buy products and services. They just want the ads on their terms.

TV's best day of the year is Superbowl Sunday, delivering nearly 40% of U.S. households. In striking contrast, newspapers consistently deliver well over 50% of your community households. They do it every day, 365 days a year. Now that is some serious marketing power.

Another advantage over broadcast that only newspapers can deliver is engagement of the consumer at the moment they are making a buying decision. When a person is reading your ad, it is because they choose to. At that time you have their full and focused attention. And the working life of your newspaper ad is enormous because it is physical and static. Your potential customer can refer back to it anytime they wish, or even cut it out.

You may have heard on TV or radio that newspaper subscriptions and readership are dropping. This is true. But it is not to the degree they would like you to believe.

What they do not tell you is newspaper on line versions are growing much faster than the 7% or so losses in subscriptions. In fact, you will find newspaper web sites are usually the busiest web sites in any community. Be sure you take advantage of this.

Now you can see why today's trend among business people who are in-the-know is away from broadcast and back into the old, reliable newspaper. Most all the major stores are getting back to the basics and finding the print advertising to be the best return on investment. So will you.

Newspapers, of course, should not be your only advertising medium, but it is the solid foundation on which you build an effective marketing plan in today's environment

Mr James has owned The Cartridge Specialists (Melbourne, Australia) since 2004 selling ink & toner cartridges, fax rolls etc & regularly writes articles about his industry

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Chemical Skin Peels Defined and Benefits

Chemical Skin Peels Defined and Benefits. by David Maillie

A chemical skin peel is a popular procedure used to treat various skin problems and conditions from acne, age spots, wrinkles and even some cancerous and precancerous growths. A caustic acid or substance is applied to the skin to burn and usually slough off or remove the outer layers of the skin (epidermis) and allow new skin to grow. Some chemical peels may go deeper into the dermis (next layer of skin). The purpose of this chemical peeling is to remove damaged, blemished, sun-damaged, freckled skin and replace it with younger, healthier skin. After healing the skin will be tighter, thicker (due to increased collagen production – an added benefit of the stronger peels). Upon healing the skin may appear fuller, smoother with smaller pores and with less wrinkles and fine lines. Basically ones skin will look rejuvenated and more youthful following a chemical peel.

There are many types and varieties of these chemical peels. They are usually grouped and defined by their relative strength and depth of the peel that is achieved. There are basically four groups, the light peels (AHA), light oil-based peels (BHA), medium peels (TCA), and deep peels (Phenol).

AHA (Alpha Hydroxy Acids) - These are the mildest of the peels. They are usually sugar derived hence their names, glycolic, malic, lactic and other fruit acids. These peels are usually performed by a dermatologist or esthetician and have minimal healing or downtime. Downtime is referred to as the time when the skin is healing and may be uncomfortable to be viewed in public due to peeling and possibly discolored dead skin that is usually associated with a deeper peel. These lighter peels are usually done on an outpatient basis and are commonly referred to as a 'lunch time' peel. An occlusive dressing similar to plastic wrap or layering (more than one application at one time) may be used to drive the acid in further and result in a deeper peel. They are effective for light skin pigmentation problems, reduction of oil produced by overactive sebaceous glands, sun spots, light sun damage and other minor skin problems. Usually multiple treatments are required to have the desired effect as it is not a deep peel. AHA’s are easily dissolved in water and are prepared either as a liquid or a cream. Glycolic acid is the most popular and extensively used of these peels.

BHA (Beta Hydroxy Acids) – The main difference between these acids and alpha hydroxyl acids (AHA) is that BHA’s are only oil soluble. There is basically only one BHA, salicylic acid. This unique feature of being oil soluble makes this acid very effective in cleaning and removing bacteria, dead skin cells and sebum oil from deep inside the pores. Because of this solubility difference, salicylic acid is better suited for use on oily, irritated skin with postules, blackheads and whiteheads. It is available in numerous forms, cream, gel, lotions, shampoo and topical solutions. The latter two forms are primarily for treating the scalp as salicylic acid has also been found effective in the treatment of dandruff, psoriasis, and dermatitis of the skin and scalp. Same as with AHA peels, occlusive dressings and/or layering may be used to drive the acid in farther.

TCA (Trichloroacetic Acid) – TCA or trichloroacetic acid peels are deeper medium depth peels. TCA is a more effective and longer lasting peel than the sugar and citric peels as it goes deeper into the dermis and can therefore treat more skin ailments, conditions and problems. A TCA peel does not require layering or occlusive dressings (methods used to drive AHA and BHA peels deeper). TCA, being a deeper peel, is effective on more skin conditions and problems. Basically a TCA peel has the benefits of both AHA and BHA peels along with deeper penetration and longer lasting effects. Healing or downtime tends to be longer as much as several weeks or more depending on the depth achieved. Peeling is more severe and the results more dramatic. TCA peels are routinely used by dermatologist and plastic surgeons in office as recommended treatments for all stages of acne including acne vulgaris. Numerous clinical studies have found to be every bit as effective as Accutane without any of the side effects (Accutane has been in the news lately for some rather severe potential side effects). TCA peels have also been proven to remove and treat freckles, years of sun damage, bad pigmentation, scars, loose skin and wrinkles and fine lines. TCA has recently even been used by doctors to treat, remove and lighten tattoos.

Phenol Peels. Phenol peels are the deepest chemical skin peels. They commonly result in a permanent bleaching pigmentation effect as they reach deeply through the dermis.. Phenol is toxic when absorbed through the skin and can effect heart rate, function and cause arrythmias, so a phenol peel is always done in a doctors care and with anesthesia as it is the deepest and most painful of the peels. It is a last resort peel due to its harshness and bleaching properties. Phenol is rarely performed nowadays due to its toxicity and the advent of safer medium depth peels like the TCA peel. Phenol peels have a long healing process and can require extensive care.

There are various derivatives of each of these 4 groups, but basically these are the various chemical skin peelsl. Clinical studies published in the Annals of Plastic Surgery and elsewhere show the TCA peels are the most effective of the peels on the most skin conditions and problems. Regardless of the peel used, maximum sun protection must be used to protect the new skin from harmful UV rays that can cause cancer in unprotected skin. A high SPF (sun protection factor) sun block and protective attire (hats) are recommended.

David Maillie is an alumni of Cornell University and manufactures various skin peels for doctors offices and medispas. For more information on TCA peels please visit:

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Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Kapalabhati - A Breathing Exercise

Kapalabhati - A Breathing Exercise by Kevin Pederson

Kapalabhati is a very important asana and it should be part of your daily practice. This pose is also known as the Fire Breathing Pose, due to intake and outlet of air, with force. The exercise purifies your lungs and nasal passage. It is one of the powerful breathing exercises which help the entire body. It is one of a kind of the breathing exercises in Pranayama. Kapalabhati helps to make the motions of diaphragm very easy and controlled. This helps it to discard the muscle cramps present in bronchial tubes. Lot of force is used to do this asana. While exhaling the process is very strong and while inhaling it is done very calmly. It is a very energizing technique to re-boot all your muscles. It is a cleansing technique which emphasizes on cleaning your air passages and blockages in your chest.

This technique helps to remove the toxic air and takes in the fresh air. The breathing mainly takes place from the abdomen rather than chest which helps to remove the toxic air. Kapala means 'the skull' and bhati means 'brings lightness'. It lightens your skull by extracting problems like sinusitis. It is an invigorating and an energizing asana as it clears your stuffy skull with fresh air. It is one of the great exercises for asthma patients and people suffering from respiratory problems. It is useful in removing impurities from the blood. It is a very stimulating asana which can do wonders to every single tissue of your body. This asana invigorates your spine due to the breathing technique.

It clears your body from constant intake of toxins, thus detoxifying it. It is very useful for maintaining your blood pressure. The abdominal organs get strengthened due to the pressure applied on these organs while breathing and exhaling. It increases the blood circulation due to fresh supply of blood. It also improves the bowel movement which means getting rid of the basic troublesome diseases. The abdominal area is toned with the help of the breathing technique. A sense of calmness is achieved due to lightness of the skull. It helps you to think better and take decisions quickly. It also keeps your mind alert. It helps clear your entire nervous system which proves to be very useful in making your body fit and fine. It is a great breathing technique to help your mind and soul. It helps to awaken your spiritual power which heals many problems you keep facing most of the times.

Warning: The reader of this article should exercise all precautions before following any of the asanas from this article and the site. To avoid any problems while doing the asanas, it is advised that you consult a doctor and a yoga instructor. The responsibility lies solely with the reader and not with the site or the writer.

Kevin Pederson manages number of sites on Yoga which gives information on yoga asanas and how to make best use of it. Kapalabhati Yoga Asana Benefits helps to rejuvenate your mind, body and soul by the abdominal breathing.

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How to Plan a Wedding On A Low Budget

How to Plan a Wedding On A Low Budget by Sam Smith

Cutting costs associated with a wedding can typically be very difficult. People can be come very emotionally tied to a wedding looking and feeling a certain way. It is thus hard for them to let go of this and find place to cut costs. However, this guide will help you look at some general budget categories and give some beginning suggestions for saving big money!

The location that you will be married typically will be one of your most expensive costs. The overall price of this can value greatly depending on the location chosen. For example a small local church that the couple to be married attends regularly is going to be a lot less expensive versus a country club or other scenic location. It is best to call some of the potential candidates and go for a tour first. Get prices and find out what the costs associated with the site will be. This will help in deciding the location and in making up the budget. If you are on a tight budget and need a wedding that does not cost a lot of money then weddings done at home are typically great ways to cut costs.

Offciant / Priest
This is the person that will officiate or preside over the wedding. The costs can again vary widely among different offciants and if you are on a tight budget then it is always best to check out prices. Of course many people have someone they want to be the offciant already chosen regardless of price. For example a family minister that provided pre marital counseling.

There are often decorations and accessories that go along with the actual ceremony and these are often smaller costs but the category as a whole can add up quickly if they have not already been budgeted for. Do you want to have a Unity Candle, or a long white runner down the aisle? All of these things will cost money and need to be budgeted for beforehand. Review this area carefully because there are often items that can be left out to save money. However, some of the items might be crucial to the theme of the wedding or even personal preferences of the couple. So review this area for things that can be cut out saving even more money.

The Reception
This is a big broad category that can be the other second largest expense typically. In would include things like the location rental fees, chairs, tables, catering, and drinks. While this is the next biggest category or the second most expensive area it is often the place to cut. The actual ceremony is often so filled with traditional elements that it can be hard to cut corners and try to save money. However, the reception often provides lot of ways to cut the budget and

This is can be a very expensive category as well as some of the others. Women’s wedding dress can cost thousands of dollars alone. However, the good news is there are some big things that you can cut expenses with. For example you can often find wedding dress at outlet stores and save a bundle. Possible finding last years model at a store can help. The dresses for the bridesmaid and flower girl can also be found at discount prices if one looks hard enough. Do some comparison shopping for the tuxedo rental as this can create a nice savings also.

Decorations for the event are always important but don’t have to be expensive. It is a simple matter of how much work you want to do on your own versus pay someone.

Music Deejays and Photographers
You have to account for music at the wedding and the reception and of course you will want pictures of the big day. Some ways to save cost on this are talk to the Deejays or photographers ahead of time and do some comparison shopping. It is easy to call over the phone and talk with a bunch of Deejays and get estimates from them. Then go and interview the ones you are most interested in.

The major categories above give a good general idea for a wedding budget breakdown and can act as a starting point in developing your own wedding budget outline. Saving money often means being willing to do more of the work yourself instead of paying for it. By doing your own assembling of wedding favors, and decorations one can save a good deal of money on the overall cost of the wedding. Also doing comparison shopping can really pay off.

Free 5 day Wedding Planning email course. check it out now before the offer is
gone. Learn more about
Wedding Budget Worksheet

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Visit DirectoryGold Article Directory for more articles on Marriage And Weddings

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

TV,Radio and Newspaper Advertising Analysed

TV,Radio and Newspaper Advertising Analysed by Ian Williamson

If you sell a product or service, and want to be successful quickly, you must tell people about it through advertising and marketing.

TV, radio and newspaper are still considered the major media for effective marketing off-line.

However, a lot has changed with these top three marketing vehicles in the past 15 years.

In this article some critical changes are revealed that have occurred and how you can get the maximum impact for your advertising dollar.

Television is primarily an entertainment medium. Research shows the average person spends more time with television than with radio and newspaper combined. For many years, TV was considered the most powerful advertising choice because of the huge audience it provided. Even today, nearly everyone watches some TV every day.

There are three things you must consider before spending money on TV advertising - limited lifespan of your ad, audience fragmentation, and ad avoidance.

Keep in mind that once your ad has aired, it is gone for good. There is no way your potential customer can refer back to it. This fact makes it imperative that you run your ad many times to embed your message in the mind of the viewer. Frequency is important with any advertising, but especially broadcast.

Audience fragmentation is one of the major problems local broadcast television faces today.

At one time, a huge TV audience was split over only a few local channels. Community businesses could reach a large majority of their potential customers very quickly. Large national companies, such as Coke, only had to choose from the three major networks - ABC, CBS or NBC - to reach over 80% of the population.

Today, with cable and satellite TV, this same audience is now fragmented over 200 or more channels. The percentage of viewers on local TV has dropped dramatically. Yes you can run ads on cable and they will spread them out over ten or more channels. This shotgun advertising has not worked well for small businesses because many of these stations have only a half percent or less of the total viewers. And, what are the odds that they will be watching during the 15 or 30 seconds that your ad is presented?

Ad avoidance is also a very rapidly growing problem for TV today.

Because the public watches TV primarily for entertainment, they see advertising as an unwelcome interruption - not unlike the hated telemarketing. This was true 30 years ago but there was nothing a person could do about it except channel surf or leave the room. As you know this was, and still is, often done. Today, with TIVO, pay-per-view, public broadcast stations, and the multitude of satellite and cable channels, the public has shown a willingness to pay for reduced interruption from advertising.

Radio has similar problems. It is also primarily an entertainment medium. As such, advertising is also considered an interruption. Satellite radio is one of the fastest growing industries today primarily because people, again, are willing to pay to avoid commercials. In fact, most new cars have satellite radio built in.

Additionally, radio has evolved into an entertainment source for primarily driving, and background noise at work. If you buy any radio advertising, it should only be aired during drive time.

At home, radio use drops off. People can play CD's or listen to satellite radio. This way they can choose exactly the music or programming they prefer without commercial interruption. The radio industry understands that folks do not want to be interrupted with advertising. Many times radio stations promote themselves by offering "more music, less commercials".

Newspaperes have had their ups and downs, but have steadily maintained their local readership base and strength for local marketing. Even when radio, then TV, came on the scene, people still were loyal in reading their local newspaper.

Unlike TV and radio, advertising in a newspaper is not viewed as an interruption. In fact, one of the reasons people buy newspapers is for the advertisement content. Surveys have shown among 15% and 23% of those buying a newspaper do so primarily for the advertising.

You see, people do want to see and read advertisements. They do want to - and need to - buy products and services. They just want the ads on their terms.

TV's best day of the year is Superbowl Sunday, delivering nearly 40% of U.S. households. In striking contrast, newspapers consistently deliver well over 50% of your community households. They do it every day, 365 days a year. Now that is some serious marketing power.

Another advantage over broadcast that only newspapers can deliver is engagement of the consumer at the moment they are making a buying decision. When a person is reading your ad, it is because they choose to. At that time you have their full and focused attention. And the working life of your newspaper ad is enormous because it is physical and static. Your potential customer can refer back to it anytime they wish, or even cut it out.

You may have heard on TV or radio that newspaper subscriptions and readership are dropping. This is true. But it is not to the degree they would like you to believe.

What they do not tell you is newspaper on line versions are growing much faster than the 7% or so losses in subscriptions. In fact, you will find newspaper web sites are usually the busiest web sites in any community. Be sure you take advantage of this.

Now you can see why today's trend among business people who are in-the-know is away from broadcast and back into the old, reliable newspaper. Most all the major stores are getting back to the basics and finding the print advertising to be the best return on investment. So will you.

Newspapers, of course, should not be your only advertising medium, but it is the solid foundation on which you build an effective marketing plan in today's environment.

For More Offline Marketing Articles by Ian Williamson please visit

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Visit DirectoryGold Article Directory for more articles on Advertising

Pilates – A Complete Mind and Body Experience

Pilates – A Complete Mind and Body Experience by Charles Kassotis

Pilates (pronounced Pi-LOT-eez) is considered a mind and body exercise. It originated with a man named Joseph Pilates back in the early 20th Century. He was a German national living in England; he was also a boxer and performer. He had studied and apprenticed in learning yoga and Zen exercise techniques, as well as learning about the physical training regimens practiced in ancient Rome and Greece. He developed a set of exercise and invented special machines on which to do them. When he was interned at a camp during World War I, he began showing his fellow internees the exercises. After the war, he and his wife, Clara (a nurse), incorporated the exercises to help injured and ill patients. Much of the machinery remains the same today, and home videos offer simple exercises in Pilates that do not make use of the machines, or use bands to help imitate the use of machines.

One of the main focuses of Pilates is to work with balance, and with strengthening the core inner muscles of the abdomen and the back. However, there are Pilates exercises to strengthen every muscle in the body. Concentration on holding specific poses and working certain muscles ensures that you become stronger, helping you burn more calories and tone your body. Additionally, breathing is important in Pilates, as it helps you maintain your focus. As you do Pilates, you will notice similarities to yoga in some of the movements and concepts.

When one practices Pilates regularly, it yields many benefits. Increased lung capacity, from the steady, deep breaths that one takes as one exercises is one of these benefits. Circulation is also improved. Strength and flexibility are gained, as well as balance, posture, and strength in the body’s core. Pilates can also help build bone density and improve the health of one’s joints. Mental benefits include an increased awareness of body, stress relief, feelings of well-being, more energy, and sharper thinking skills.

While many people go to the gym to work on machines with professional instructors, it is also possible to receive some of the benefits at home. Poses and exercises done sitting, standing, or laying down can help you increase strength and balance. However, you should be careful when doing the exercises at home with a video or DVD. You might sustain injury if you do not do the exercises correctly. Working with a trainer initially and then moving to doing exercises in your home can help you get an idea of the proper way to exercise, and allow you to do so on your own without sustaining hurt.

Pilates has been used among sports trainers and by dancers for years. It is only recently that it has been widely used among the public. Additionally, some of the techniques are used in physical therapy and rehabilitation, as the resistance can help patients regain strength and balance. Because of its focus on mindfulness of the body, and because of its ability to increase mental alertness, Pilates is considered a mind-body exercise program. However, unlike yoga, tai chi, and Zen practices, it does not have a spiritual element.

Learn more about the origins of Pilates, and how to find Pilates instruction by visiting Pilates Intro

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Visit DirectoryGold Article Directory for more articles on Exercise

Friday, May 05, 2006

Ultimate Fat Burners

Ultimate Fat Burners by Jeffry Weiss

Thyroid boost: When you consume less calories, the body slows down metabolism making fat loss that much more difficult Levels of thyroid hormone, which help support metabolism, drop off when calories decline. The following three products support thyroid levels so you can continue burning the maximum calories while dieting.

a) Phosphates. Phosphates salts of sodium, calcium, potassium keep thyroid levels up while dieting. A study showed that women eating as few as 1,000 calories per day increased their metabolism by 12%-19% when taking a supplement that consisted of sodium phosphate 25mg., potassium phosphate 107 mg., and calcium phosphate 537 mg. Several manufactures offer this balanced supplement: MuscleTech Caffeine-free Hydroxycut, FSI Nutrition Phosphate Edge.

b) 7-Keto. This is a precursor to DHEA that supports thyroid levels. A study showed that overweight women taking 200 mg. daily lost more weight than those not taking the supplement.

c) Guggulsterone. This is a plant derivate common to India that supports thyroid hormones. Guggulsterone has been used for hundreds of years in Asia as a weight-loss remedy. It helps burn fat and can help lower cholesterol. Take 500-mg. daily.

Thermogensis. Mildly increasing core body temperature, causing more calories to be burned rather than stored as fat. When dieting, thermogensis often declines. The following four ingredients help.

a) Capsicum. Red pepper. They incite the sympathetic nervous system, causing the body to burn more calories. Research shows that peppers boost metabolic rate. 100 mg. three times a day.

b) Green tea. Green tea contains a small amount of caffeine, which increases calorie expenditure. But it is the polyphenols that stimulate calories burning brown fat that surrounds the organs and spinal column. Combining green tea and caffeine boost the metabolic rate and thus fat-burning potential for a full day. Green tea also contains strong antioxidants that prevent the development of some forms of cancer. Dosage: 400-mg. daily.

c) Citrus Aurantium. Also called bitter orange or Zhi shi, this fruit is common to Asia. Extracts stimulate special parts of the nervous system called beta-3 receptors, resulting in calorie-burning. It burns calories without “wiring” you. It prolongs the effects of caffeine. One study showed that caffeine and citrus Aurantium added to the herb St. John’s wart was extremely effective in shedding fat. Dosage: 15 mg. daily.

d) Forskolin. The main ingredient of the herb Coleus Forskolin, it initiates fat-burning by activating an enzyme called adenylate cyclase, which encourages the use of fat for fuel. It is a member of the mint family and is used in herbal medicines to treat indigestion and some heart aliments. Dosage: 30 mg. daily


a) Fenugreek. This is an herb that may control the rise in blood sugar associated with heating. Controlling blood sugar levels helps you stay out of a fat-storing mode and keeps your appetite under wraps. Dosage 500 mg. twice daily

b) Yohimbe. Is an herb derived from the Carynanthe yohimbe tree common in
West Africa. It blocks the release of alpha-adrenergic fat-cell receptors, which in turn upgrades fat-burning. Dosage: 20-30 mg. daily.

c) Garlic. Garlic is known as stinking rose. It stimulates adrenaline and UCP (uncoupling proteins). UCPs are located in brown fat, the metabolically active fat surrounding the spine. UCPs cab increase calorie-burning. Garlic may help regulate blood-sugar levels, preventing the crash from eating carbs. Dosage: fresh garlic daily.

d) Calcium. Dietary calcium triggers hormones that prevent fat production and boost fat breakdown. Calcium helps control body weight by reducing the amount of fat absorbed after meals. Non-fat dairy products (stick to the cheese and yogurt – many are allergic to milk) help maintain blood sugar longer. Adequate calcium intake is important for bone health and weight control. And calcium, it seems, helps overweigh intervals lose weight primarily from their waste lines. Dosage 200 mg. daily.

Tid-Bit: when is a calorie not a calorie?
One of the most basic rules we learn in any nutrition class is caloric balance – calories in vs. calories out – determines whether you gain or lose weight. Why is it then that some people lose more weight on high protein diet than a high carb or high fat diet?
Researchers think they’ve found the reason. It takes energy to digest food. Consuming one gram of protein (5.65 calories) yields only 4.0 calories of energy. One gram of fats (9.4 calories) yields 8.9 calories of energy. One gram of carbohydrates (4.1 calories) yields 4.0 calories of energy. You lose nearly 30% of the energy when consuming protein, but only 7% from fat, and 2% from carbohydrates. This accounts for about half the weight loss difference from people on a high carb vs. low carb diet. The other half is due to water loss in people on a low carb diet. Every gram of glycogen (stored carbohydrate) is stored with three grams of water. Low carb diets deplete the muscles and liver of glycogen, which releases water and causes weight loss.

Dr. Jeffry Weiss gets to the heart of why you haven’t been able to lose weight or keep it off. Limited time offer: Get your FREE copy of Dr. Weiss“Why We Eat” ebook a $37.00 value at: Why We Eat ebook Downloads

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Visit DirectoryGold Article Directory for more articles on Weight Loss

Article Writing - How to Use Duplicate Content to Put Your Article Marketing into Orbit

Article Writing - How to Use Duplicate Content to Put Your Article Marketing into Orbit by Keith Longmire

Article writing and distributing articles is still the best way to increase the web site traffic and search engine ranking for just about any web site. Spend anytime on internet marketing forums though and you will find no shortage of gurus telling you that duplicate content has killed article marketing dead.

Let’s get one thing straight – duplicate content should be a central plank of your article marketing strategy.

Stop. Shock, horror. An article extolling duplicate content – off with his head.

To put a couple of other matters into context – I have no patience for the duplicate content generated by the myriad of auto site generators, article spinners or site scraper software. The sooner that sort of content is removed from the internet the better.

Private label rights (PLR) articles have a place in providing useful web site content but have no place in an article marketing strategy.

To see how duplicate content should be used to turbo boost your article marketing an example is in order.

I have a web site on Goal Setting – Obviously I want to promote that site. Equally obviously I want to use article writing and marketing.

The techniques used in goal setting are very simple and almost universally applicable. So I write an article called something like “Goal Setting – 5 Techniques That Everyone Should Know”. It’s a good article – fresh, original and packed with good, solid techniques and information.

And it bombs. Very few web sites take it as content. Very little web traffic is generated.
What has gone wrong?

There are quite a few reasons. The headline is hardly a benefit laden ‘must read’ for one. But that’s not the biggest issue. The big problem is that while goal setting may be a universal problem all of us think of ourselves as individuals. Our problems are unique. Anyone who doesn’t understand ‘my’ problem can’t possible be able to help me.

So if you want your article to be read you have to show that you understand ‘my’ problem and tell me how your solution solves ‘my unique problem’.
Goal setting is simple and based on a few universal principals. So wholesale changes to the body of the article are not required. What are needed are changes to make it appeal to specific target audiences.

For instance you could change the title to “Goal Setting: 5 Techniques Proven to Transform the Live of Busy Teachers”, or “Goal Setting: 5 Techniques Proven to Transform the Live of Busy students”. Or auto mechanics, accountants, solicitors, chiropractors,…
There really is no end to the possibilities for making this article call out more to specific target markets.

Simply changing the title/headline alone won’t do the trick on its own. You would also need to change the opening paragraphs a little too. How about something like:

“As a busy teacher you don’t need me to tell you how tough it can be to balance the competing demands of students, parents, colleagues, administration and the curriculum. Every day there are fresh demands, new legislation, new subjects to learn. It is a never ending treadmill. Goal Setting has been proven to transform the lives of teachers just like you…”

That becomes:

“As a busy auto mechanic you don’t need me to tell you how tough it can be to balance the competing demands of customers, colleagues, vehicle manufacturers and government red tape. Every day there are fresh demands, new legislation, new subjects to learn. It is a never ending treadmill. Goal Setting has been proven to transform the lives of auto mechanics just like you…”

You get the idea. The interesting thing is that for a 600 word article you will have only changed 20 or 30 words at most. If the search engine gurus are to be believed that will mean all of your articles will get rejected by the duplicate filter monster. Yet this is simply good marketing practice.

Every marketer has done exactly this since marketing began. You tailor your basic message or offering to appeal to specific niche markets. Every salesman does it pretty unconsciously.

Give it a try. I guarantee that you will get each article on many more web sites and gather much more traffic than you would with the original article. It doesn’t take long to do either.
All we need is a little common sense among the article directories.

Keith Longmire specialises in helping small businesses grow using the web. Article writing and distribution is a core concept. Discover more at Article Writing for Web Traffic

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Visit DirectoryGold Article Directory for more articles on Writing Articles

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Safest Ways to Invest in Uranium Companies

Safest Ways to Invest in Uranium Companies by James Finch

Now that the spot uranium price has sustained above $40/pound, after a 20-year drought and a bottom of $6.40/pound at the end of December 2000, hundreds of junior exploration companies have thrown their hat (and possibly your money) into the ring. Both Canadian and Australian junior uranium companies hope to raise the big money required to bring a uranium property into production. A perceived uranium supply crunch has added to the frenzy. As occurred with previous uranium cycles, only the strong will survive.

While numerous Canadian junior exploration companies hope to find a new discovery in various uranium-prospective regions through Canada, one of the safest investment strategies is to speculate on those companies, whose properties were drilled during the previous uranium bull market (1974-1980). Many of those properties had uranium deposits delineated by major oil and uranium companies, who did not blush at spending tens of millions of dollars to find uranium.

Some of these companies acquired the drilling databases and the properties, which were abandoned over the past twenty-year uranium depression. Some of those companies have been actively moving their projects forward to production, using a more environmentally friendly mining method than the conventional mining of an open pit or underground mine. It is called In Situ Leach (ISL) mining, or solution mining. An ISL uranium operation is much like a water treatment plant, where oxidized, or carbonated, water is pumped into a uranium orebody and uranium is flushed into a uranium-treatment plant. These are relatively inexpensive to install, possibly for as little as $10 million, and can be economically operated during the current uranium boom.

There are pitfalls when investing in those companies which plan to establish ISL operations. During the initial phase of this bull market, a common myth circulated among investors had been “pounds in the ground.” How many pounds of uranium oxide, or U3O8 for short, does a company have in the ground? The more pounds a company claimed, the higher its market capitalization ran. Bigger is always better in most cases, but recovering uranium through an ISL operation, like any other mining operation, has its problems. Once you can sift through the companies with very real prospects from those who are cheerleading their “pounds in the ground,” you will have narrowed down your list of potential investment vehicles.

These are the four key questions that must be answered if you wish to minimize your risk when investing in uranium stocks:

• How permeable are the ore bodies you plan to mine?
• What is your average grade?
• Over what area does your rollfront extend?
• What is the depth of your ore body?

One of the most important factors to consider, once you believe there may be a uranium-mineralized orebody on the company’s property, is the permeability of the sandstone, from which the uranium will be mined. Permeability is the flow rate of the liquids through the porous sandstone. Knowing what the permeability of the orebody will let you know how much water you can get through the sandstone formation. Uranium Energy Corporation Chief Operating Officer Harry Anthony, an internationally recognized ISL expert, noted, “You need higher grade ore for tight formations. With high permeability, you can space your wells further apart.”

The make-break point for a formation’s permeability is its Darcy rating. How high is the Darcy? A typical Darcy can range from minus 1000 to plus 3. The higher the Darcy, the more permeable the formation. This helps determine how economic the orebody is. An acceptable range would be one-half to one Darcy. What is a Darcy? Uranerz Energy Chief Executive Glenn Catchpole, who is also a hydrologist, said, “It is gallons per day over feet squared.” He added a pure hydrologist would calculate the feet per day or centimeters per second to get a more accurate permeability assessment. However, the Darcy is a widely accepted measuring unit in the industry.

With low permeability in a tight formation, you may need to space more wells in a typical well field pattern. How much does each well cost? That depends upon the depth of the roll front deposit. While explaining that costs are fixed and variable, Anthony computed the cost of a production well for a 500 foot deposit at $15,000. An injection well could cost $11,000 to install. By comparison, in New Mexico, where the deposits are wider and of higher grade, a 2000-foot production well might cost $27,000 and the injection well could cost $18,000, and it would still be economic. Obviously, the deeper the deposit, the more it will cost to extract the uranium. Not only will the capital costs increase, but operating costs will be greater.

Uranium grades can be a contentious point. “Grade is the driving force,” Harry Anthony shot back. We asked him about companies which said they could run an economic ISL operation with grades as low, or lower than 0.02. Anthony laughed, “They are crazy. They’d be out of business before they started.” Catchpole was more reserved in responding, “It probably wouldn’t have an economic recovery.” Strathmore’s David Miller offered a more technical analysis, “Frankly, that will not likely have enough recoverable pounds. The operating grade feeding the plant will be too low.” What is the best grade? Miller wanted to see properties with deposits that average on the order 0.5, 0.10, or 0.15. “It depends upon the deposit,” Miller added.

Uranium grades can impact the cost of operating an ISL plant. Anthony gave an example of an ISL plant operating at 5000 gallons per minute. Running 24 hours daily, the plant would process 7.2 million gallons of water. That’s more than 2.6 billion gallons of water processed every year. Operating costs are based upon cost per thousand gallons of water. “This includes electricity, reagents and labor,” said Anthony. On a daily basis, it would cost more than $21,000 to run an ISL plant, based upon Anthony’s calculations of $3.03 per thousand gallons of water. Using a 5,000 gallon per minute scenario, a plant might produce 2360 pounds of U3O8 every day or 80,000 pounds monthly. The cost to produce each pound would be $8.18. Using that math, the uranium grades would be about 44 parts per million (ppm) or 0.08. Anthony said, “I like to see 70ppm or higher.” That comes to a uranium grade of 0.13.

Another way to evaluate a company’s uranium property is looking at each part of its development costs. In a well field pattern, Strathmore’s David Miller can determine the economic viability of the ground. “The keys to what is recoverable are: (a) how many pounds are recoverable per pattern? And (b) what does it cost to install a pattern?” Miller explained. “If you have 10,000 pounds in place and can recover 8000 pounds, your well field development cost can be $8/pound, if it costs you $80,000 to install that pattern. Add your operating cost, capital amortization and restoration cost, and you would have a total cost.”

Finally, the cost to install a pattern also depends over how much territory your uranium deposits run. “Ten million pounds over an area of one-half mile will cost less than those same pounds over an area of two to four miles,” remarked Terrence Osier, senior geologist for Strathmore Minerals. “That means more injection wells and more production wells.” Depth of the wells influences its installation cost, as mentioned previously, and impacts its daily operating cost. “When uranium costs were very low, a few years ago, a company needed 70,000 pounds per pattern,” Harry Anthony commented. “Now a company might only need 20,000 pounds per pattern to make it economic.”

There are many variables within the above advices provided by these experts. However, the important point to realize is the time of hyperbole and hoopla over “pounds in the ground” has passed. As more uranium development companies move closer to establishing an ISL operation, the go/no-go consideration, as UR-Energy Chief Executive William Boberg aptly described it, will come down to permeability. After that, the economics of a project will either make it viable or not. Using the criteria we’ve provided, you can avoid the hysteria by speculating with the odds stacked more in your favor.
James Finch contributes to and
other publications. Feedback to James Finch is welcome and encouraged. Please contact him at

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Visit DirectoryGold Article Directory for more articles on Investing

Writing Ads and Effective Advertising

Writing Ads and Effective Advertising by Edward Rizzo

When advertising, you need to sell your opportunity, your products and yourself. What sets you apart from everyone else? Maybe you produce a newsletter with a specific content where there is a demand from a particular group of people, or you promote your own special product that no one else has seen. That’s a huge benefit! That’s what you need to sell in your ad campaign, and those are the things you need to do in order to become successful.

You don’t have to be worried that network marketing prosperity is difficult. It isn’t. In fact, it has never been so easy to make a decent second income or even a full time. But it takes time, persistence and uniqueness.

The people looking at your ads and reading your follow up letters are going to judge you and your whole business not only by what the materials have to say, but also by their appearance.

Be sure you send a powerful, positive and convincing message. Invest some time and money on your marketing materials, the payoff will be well worth it. Look at others ads on the Internet, see what’s attracting you, this will most likely attract others too.

Do you see what I have in mind? Your advertising campaign will be the first approach to your business success. By now you think "How do I create one of those successful ads" After all, It’s the words that sell your opportunity. Write a good ad and it’s taking you to the top. Read others ads, get some good ideas from it, don’t copy it, that’s theft. Just get some inspiration from it. Think about what makes you click on an ad. What sparked your interest. Did it make you curious enough to want more information? .

When I sit down to write a new ad, the first thing I do is think about the product. Jot down some features. What it will do for you prospects. Try to come up with a few headlines. Remember, you are not trying to make a sale from an ad. Your primary concern is to get your prospects to your website and let the website make the sale. Most times you have a limited space for your ad. You need to make the prospect curious, excited and you have a small space to accomplish this.

I try to come up with at least 5 different headlines. Then I come up with the body of the ad. Try changing or re-wording the body a few times. Use different headlines and see what makes you want to click on the ad. Have a friend look at one of the ads you came up with. See if it sparks their curiosity. Than change something in the ad, the headline or body and send that ad to another friend and get their reaction. Now make a decision from their and do some testing. You may need to change a headline or sometime all it takes is one key word. It doesn’t take very long to see what ads work. That is the beauty of the internet. You can test your ads daily.

I also never scrap an ad. I have files with hundreds of ads that I have used and I can take them, make a few changes to suit what I’m promoting and a new ad is created. In time, you will be writing ads with ease!

Now where to put your ad? Make sure you target your ad to the audience that has an interest in what you are offering Placed in the right publication it will be a winner. It’s very important that from the beginning, know exactly where to put your ad. Just think about you having spent hours on that ad and then you put it in the wrong publication and get no response at all, that’s a big waste of time and effort.

My best advise is that you always work on your ads. Write them down, leave them for some time, go back to look at them again, let others look at them and after a while you will see the picture of your ad and you will see if it’s working or not. If not then you have to start from the beginning and write a new one and follow the same procedure again. But now it’s easier because you are deeply involved in the process.

Think about what you've read so far. Does it reinforce what you already know about online advertising? Or was there something completely new? The Internet is full of ads, start clicking around and read others ads, this is the best way to learn what is working or not. You probably can tell instantly when an ad is good or not, at least after a while.

Now you can be a confident expert on online advertising. OK, maybe not an expert. But you should have something to bring to the table next time you join a discussion on online advertising.

Ed Rizzo is a professional internet marketer, copywriter who makes it simple for you to get more knowledge to start your own Home Based Business. To learn more about internet marketing visit his website at

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Visit DirectoryGold Article Directory for more articles on Copywriting

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

10 MUST KNOW Astral Projection symptoms. DON’T attempt Projection without these!

10 MUST KNOW Astral Projection symptoms. DON’T attempt Projection without these! by Abhishek Agarwal

Remember the story of a drowning man who lost hope because he couldn’t see the land? He stopped swimming…even though the shore was just a mile away! Unfortunately, he didn’t know how close he was!

Most people quit too soon because they don’t see immediate results. But if you know what signposts to expect along the way, you will know that you are right on track.

Hmm…so you have read scores of Astral Projection techniques, tried some of them and still haven’t experienced a conscious Projection? Don’t quit too soon. You may be close…very close!

Below, I have listed some common pre-Astral Projection sensations. The more knowledgeable and prepared you are about the initial sensations associated with out-of-body exploration, the more success you are likely to achieve.

1. Vibrations
Vibrations are probably the most common of all pre-Projection sensations, and you should be fully prepared for it.

You might feel as if a part, or all of your body begins to "vibrate". These vibrations normally start slow and gradually intensify. If you experience this for the first time, you might get startled and feel that your entire body is being electrocuted from head to toe! Although the vibrations can be very intense, they are not physical vibrations because nothing physically vibrates.

Vibrations are a sure-shot indication that you are very close to a successful Astral Projection..

2. Sleep Paralysis / Catalepsy
Sleep Paralysis or Catalepsy is another very common symptom that you might experience during your Astral projection practice.

Sleep Paralysis is a state when you may suddenly find yourself unable to move or speak.
Your physical body will feel so completely "paralyzed" that you simply cannot seem to budge any part of your body at all.

If you don't know what's going on, it can be quite scary. But do not be alarmed when this occurs because this condition is perfectly safe. Astral Paralysis means you are very close to the actual exit.

3. Buzzing And Other Sounds
Most common sounds that you can hear are buzzing; whooshing, rushing, roaring, explosions or bird squawking, a chime being struck, knocking, thumping, voices of people conversing with each other, gunshot, loud bell.

Out of all these, buzzing seems to be a very common pre-Astral Projection symptom and can intensify so much that you feel there are hundred helicopters in your ears!

These sounds are temporary and subside once the separation process is complete.
Recognition of such sounds is an important step because they prove to you that you are on track.

4. Visual Hallucinations
While practicing, you may also see geometric patterns, pulsating colors and lights, specific scenes, visions of paradise or hell or anything imaginable.

5. Rapid Heart Rate
Rapid heartbeat is a very common pre-Projection symptom.

The exact reason for this is unknown. But probably the racing-heart phenomenon is because of the opening up of the heart Chakra. Or maybe it is a side effect of fear or excitement. Either case, you need to remain passive and calm.

6. Breathing Changes
This is an apparent shortness of breath. You need to keep cool and the feeling would soon subside.

7. Movement Sensations
You may experience sensations of dizziness, vertigo, falling or flying up at great speeds, rocking or even swaying. These occur because it is the start of the Astral Projection sequence as the Astral body starts to separate from the physical. A very positive symptom proving that your Astral body has “loosened” from the physical confines!

8. Weight Changes
Changes in feeling of weight can occur.

You may suddenly feel that your body has become very heavy. Or you may feel very light, as if you are weightless.

9. Proportion Changes
You may also feel that your body is changing in proportion. You might have the sensation that you are growing or shrinking in size.

10. Temperature Changes
This is again a very common phenomenon. Your body temperature might drop and you will feel a cool breeze blowing over you.

People are different. Therefore, the sensations you experience will be based on your personality and individuality. The intensity of some of these sensations will vary from person to person.
Each Projection attempt may yield different sensations, in a different sequence.

These were some of the sensations you might come across. There are many more. Just be aware of them so that next time you experience something similar, you know you are on the right track!

Copyright Abhishek Agarwal.
Abhishek has had a keen interest in Astral Projection and the Paranormal since the last 12 years. Want to know more about Astral Projection ? Download his exhaustive FREE 167-Page eBook on Astral Projection from his website

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E-mail Marketing: Increasing Your Conversions and Exploding Your Sales

E-mail Marketing: Increasing Your Conversions and Exploding Your Sales by Brad Semp

The world of internet marketing has opened doors for businesses in more ways than one. In general, the internet has destroyed traditional boundaries by connecting businesses with client prospects and potential customers from around the globe. Unfortunately, the worldwide exposure doesn't necessarily translate to increased sales.

In order to take advantage of the increased exposure that the internet offers, the key component to improving your sales revenue is to convert your site visitors to customers. The percentage of the visitors to your site that buy your product or services is referred to as the conversion rate. Understanding, tracking, and improving your conversion rate should be the goal of any online business.

For this reason, business owners will place a heavy emphasis on those items that entice a person to buy. These items often include but are not limited to website graphics, sales copy, and sales mechanisms necessary to close a transaction. Although all are important and vital to the success of your online business, most businesses will only convert somewhere between 1 - 4% of visitors (for sales transactions).

To better illustrate this situation, let's look at an example of a site that receives 1,000 unique visitors per day. We'll assume a fairly high conversion rate of 4%. This means that 40 of your visitors are purchasing your product or service and are converted into a customer. The other 960 visitors leave your site without a completed sale.

What happens to the 96% of visitors who leave your site without making a purchase? In most cases, you've lost this person as a potential customer.

Yes, it is true that some will bookmark your site and return at a later date to make a purchase. However, most of the visitors to your site will leave without making a purchase.

Are you resigned to the fact that not everyone will make a purchase? Is there something that you can do to increase your overall conversion rate of visitors?

The solution is e-mail marketing. E-mail marketing is important because it provides you with a way to contact many of those who left your site without making a purchase.

How? All you have to do is entice your site visitors to provide you with their name and e-mail address. As soon as they do, you will begin to grow an e-mail list which is often considered to be the single most important asset in marketing your business online.

There are two main advantages of using e-mail marketing as part of your business strategy. First, you gain the ability to sell future products to those people that have purchased from you in the past (i.e. your customers). This is an extremely effective way to increase your sales by selling to your "warm market". The first sale is always the most difficult; subsequent purchases are usually easier as the customer knows and is familiar with your website and products.

The second advantage of e-mail marketing works directly to improve your conversion rate. E-mail marketing enables you to contact those visitors who did not purchase from you but who did give you their name and e-mail address. Why is this important? Many statistics show that people often will not make a purchase until sometime between the 5th - 8th time that you contact them. Consistent contact and follow-up with those visitors through e-mail marketing techniques will help to convert additional site visitors to buying customers.

Using e-mail marketing to promote and grow your business is no longer an option; it is absolutely imperative if you want to maximize your business by using the internet. E-mail marketing is the hidden internet gem that many businesses overlook or avoid.

Brad Semp is the founder of the CashMap Marketing System and shares his simple, step-by-step solution to get started and grow profits using e-mail marketing. Download a FREE copy of his MLMCashMap e-book at

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Monday, May 01, 2006

AS400 Web Development

AS400 Web Development by Vince Lewis

This is one man's explanation of how to get your AS400 serving web pages quickly, with the least amount of learning curve, and for free. This is based on months of painful learning experience, so I'm writing this down in the hope that others don't have to go through the pain that I did.

What you will find in this article:
-A strategy for going forwards
-Important lessons to learn
-links to reference material
-Links to the best AS400 RPGLE web development tool - which, coincidentally, is free

What you will not find in this article
-Sample code - although we do link to some
-An HTML lesson

Which way forwards for existing applications ?
With the benefit of hindsight, this is easy. For existing applications, leave them alone, and buy some kind of nasty screen scraping tool. There are loads out there, take your pick based on budget etc. There's been free options from IBM from the beginning - eg at V4R5 you had Workstation Gateway, but this was quite nasty and got dropped once the world went to V5 where it was replaced by the web facing tool.

Why am I saying this ? Well, two major reasons. First, cost. It takes a lot of re-engineering to take an RPG program and convert it to Java, or .Net, or whatever. Even if you get an automation tool to do it. Besides that, you need to totally re-test everything afterwards to ensure the business rules have not been broken, which is no mean feat.

The second reason is that web pages follow the CGI methodolgoy, which is a set of standards across both web servers (ie web sites) and web clients (ie browers) for how information is exchanged between the two. OK, so say you don't want to have to learn Java, but you do want to work from your existing apps. You could stay with RPG and web enable it, which is perfectly acceptable and removes much of your learning curve, but then most interactive applications simply are not geared around the CGI methodology, they expect that when a screen is displayed the program stays open until it gets the input and then carries on. With the CGI methodology the client requests information from the server. The server then sends the information back to the client, but then frees up the program on the server - job done.

This type of client server approach is stateless, ie the server forgets all about the client once it's served the data. This is far more akin to the mainframe model, where you get a screen of input into a program which then deals with it.

Which way forwards for new applications ?
Now this is a whole new kettle of fish. Web and HTML is really good for new applications. Particularly useful for reports, and drill down reports. For example, you get an initial page of summary financial data, let's say by cost centre. You could then click on the cost centre to see by department, then click on department to see individual cost codes, etc. And, for new interactive systems, you can give people a much more familiar interface to use, with drop downs and radio buttons and some nice fluffy images.

So which technology to use ? Again, there are a myriad of ways you can go.

There's the Websphere / Java servlet route, the problems of which are well documented.
There are also a number of "RPG web server" application generators that can build sites for you from templates.
There's NetData, the IBM AS400 scripting language.
Did I mention earlier that you can write web pages in RPG ?

So you've heard about NetData for AS400.

Well, this is a real interpretive scripting language, similar to PHP or ASP, which is part of the AS400 operating system, even at V5R2M0 and above. This has many advantages. It's built into the OS, free, resides on your AS400, fast to develop in since no compile is required, and flexible. The disadvantages are only two. Most importantly, it's no longer supported on anything but an AS400 - so how long till IBM drop support completely ? The second disadvantage is that since it's interpretive it's much slower than an RPGLE program, for example. For simple examples, and easy reports etc, this really wont matter, but for complex number crunching stuff then it will. I have in the past had to rewrite certain netdata scripts into RPG for performance reasons, and the compiled RPG version run typically 7-10 times faster.

It's certainly worth considering for simple web pages, especially simple reports because the speed to delivery and learning curve is probably the shortest out of all the non-RPG routes. However, you will need to be able to write SQL statements to extract the data off the 400, but since uou are reading this page I'm sure you wont have a problem. IBM has some excellent redbooks on this, so go look them up.

Also, if you want to get seriously into this, then there is a piece of code editing software called UltraEdit. Put simply, it is the best bit of software for editing I have ever found, it'd really really cheap, and it works across HTML, javascript, and even NetData by means of a softcoded reference file which tells the editor what the syntax for each language is. So go to download ultredit, then visit my website to download the NetData extension (free). When downloaded, save it in the UltraEdit program folder, overwriting the current version

Lastly, a company called ATS have produced a hands-on Net.Data course for AS400, and are the only people to have done so we believe

So how do you write an RPG Web page?
Hold your horses ! Before we jump headlong in to this, some very brief web explanation is required. I'll keep this short, since if you're reading this page you probably know a bit about this kind of stuff anyway.

A web page consists of a big pile of text, delimted by "tags". HTML stands for "hypertext markup language", as you all know, but have you considered what the word "markup" actually means to you ? Well, I'll tell you. It means that the HTML does nothing but layout the page. All you have effectively done is move the presentation layer from being a DSPF showing on a dumb terminal to an HTML page showing in a browser.

So, to be clear on this, you don't actually need a program until you start doing something dynamic, and in your case as an AS400 programmer this means retrieving or storing data from the database. Your traditional "hello world" program in the web world is not actually a program, it's just a pile of text standing in a flat file that you send to the browser. It is static information.

When you come to writing your first web program in RPG (or any other language) you'll soon discover that all you are actually doing is generating HTML text on the fly to be sent to the client. Also, unlike interactive programs running on green screen, you'll effectively be writing one program per screen.

Do I need to buy a good book on this ?
You will notice that there are a number of books on "E-RPG" or "RPG for Web" that you can go and buy. You will also notice that, in particular, there is one person whose name you'll see associated with "E-RPG" and this guy has successfully turned himself into the self proclaimed RPG Web Guru. Well, fair play to the guy, he's made a fair living off the back of it. But, in my humble opinion, the only books you will ever need are a good HTML book and a really good Javascript book.

Scared ? Well, to an extent you shouldn't be. Think about it - you know databases, you know RPG, you know AS400s, and dynamic web pages on the AS400 are simply RPGLE programs. And you know how to write those already. What you don't know is HTML and, far more importantly, javascript. These are things you really will need to learn.

I am now about to explain why you do NOT need any RPG books. This is the important bit on this page. If you take nothing else away, take this.

The important steps are :

to understand the CGI model - ie one page at a time, and then the program closes.
to keep the application layer separate from the presentation layer.
to realise where your responsibilities lie
The last two steps are easy. The problem you are likely to have is in your brain. You are an AS400 programmer, writing RPG, you can do anything. HTML is, after all, just plain text - not even code ! Surely as a seasoned programmer I can do this ....? Well, yes and no. Yes, you could write an HTML page. Yes, it will display data in the browser. No, it'll look like crap. I mean, it'll look like a green screen converted to a web page, purely because this is what you are used to.

So, realise where your responsibilities lie. Your job is to generate the dynamic parts of the site, to make the right data appear in the right place upon request. Your job is not to design the look and feel of the site. This is simply not your remit, and with good reason - coders and designers are a different breed. So, keep the design of the site and the code that puts dynamic data separate. That is, keep the application layer separate from the presentation layer.

Keeping the code and the base HTML page separate is key to getting a maintainable website under development.

So first off go find a designer. Expectations will be higher. So, grab your designer and get a mock up page done in HTML. Make a note to your designer that they will be using absolute not relative paths for images etc, since that's what an AS400 uses.
Next, for any pages where data is to be sent to the AS400 from the client, ie an "input screen", go away and find a javascript programmer. (Your web designer may or may not be able to assist here). You need a javascript programmer to perform client side checking before it gets to the server, for obvious things like mandatory fields, checking that a number is in fact a number, dates, etc. Yes, you could do this on the server, but it's less CPU intensive to do it on the client, and you get an instant response back to the customer which is a whole nicer experience.

Okay so what about the RPG ?

This bit is easy, and free. Go to Easy400, and download the CGIDEV2 library. Install it on your AS400 and away you go. Want more help ? There is loads on this site. Tutorials, code samples, whole sites, etc, etc. It's a real gem, go visit and learn !

This is, simply put, the best and most useful advice I can give. This set of free libraries from IBM encapsulates all of the functions required into a service program that you simply bind to your RPGLE program. Since your application layer is separated from your presentation layer, the methodology is simple.

Stick your HTML file from your designer on the AS400.
Build a program that reads in the HTML file, possibly a section at a time, and substitutes the values the designer has used in the mockup for the real values from the database.
Send the result back to the browser

Sounds scary ? Shouldn't do. Loading a section of a web page is a single function. Replacing some text with a value is another single function. Sending the resulting HTML back to the client is a single function. Getting a value passed to the AS400 from a web page is, you've guessed it, a single function. So basically with this set of libraries you will have abstracted out the CGI bit into a service program, leaving you to concentrate on the business tasks required by the program.

I realise this sounds totally unglamourous. That's because it is - it's still coding after all !

Vince Lewis is an IT professional of 15 years. He has more information on AS400s and Testing at his site,

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