Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Seven Tips for Proper SEO

Seven Tips for Proper SEO by scott gallagher

When you're trying to compile a small business marketing plan in today's world, it is inevitable that the internet and search engine optimization are going to be a major part of your plan. In order to achieve your goals, follow these tips for proper and successful SEO when implementing your small business marketing plan.

1. Have a usable and effective website: It is amazing how many people make the mistake of spending a load of money and time driving traffic to their site, only to have an unattractive, difficult to navigate, or slowly loading site.

2. Focus on content first: If you focus on creating a lot of quality content on your website, the links, the hits, and the traffic will follow. If you just try to create a site that the search engines will love without worrying about the quality of your content, you may gain hits, but no one will stay on your page for long.

3. Focus on local keywords: If you are a small business, there is a good chance that you deal with a majority of customers that reside in your immediate local area. By targeting your SEO and PPC efforts in that direction, you are raising the likelihood that you are going to be driving qualified traffic to your site.

4. Focus on Quality Links over quantity: Never forget that Google and other search engines take into account the site or origin of you links in the search engine ranking systems. Higher quality links will yield more positive results in the long term.

5. Expand your focus: One of the most important tips you can give someone who is entering the muddy waters of SEO, is to never focus so much on your search engine rankings that you forget all of the other important and essential online marketing methods, such as email campaigns and social marketing media. Never forget, SEO is a great tool, but just one tool among many.

6. Stay Current: Many people always try to stay up with the latest changes to the Google search algorithms, and there are a number of high quality SEO blogs and newsletters out there that can help to keep you up to date with the latest in SEO tips and hints.

7. Use your headings, titles and tags: This is one of the most basic, and yet most often overlooked elements of good SEO. Use your web page titles, your title tags, your headings, and any image tags strategically to help drive some qualified traffic to your site.

Scott Gallagher is an author of an internet marketing ebook. With exceptional knowledge of small business online marketing, Scott is also becoming an expert with Courier Marketing Solutions.

Article Source: http://articles.directorygold.com

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3:38 AM  

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