Thursday, April 03, 2008

Internet Marketing Tips for Going Social

Internet Marketing Tips for Going Social by Jack Humphrey.

When you can't think of another thing you could do to promote your site just remember this: There is always something else you can do to promote your site!

I am going to let readers in on a very big secret known only to select internet marketing experts before today. It is one of the most powerful, overlooked internet marketing methods for Web 2.0.

It all started back when Web 2.0 started. I quickly realized how beneficial it would be for my web presence to get on social sites and begin branding myself. While other internet marketers were glossing over Web 2.0 as a fad or as a useless tool for marketing, I was digging in and checking out what was behind the curtain.

The links I gained were invaluable. The traffic and search engine rankings I enjoy now are a direct result of diligent study and application of techniques I developed for a new internet marketing method called "social marketing."

Social marketing was proving to be an extremely important part of my overall marketing and branding for our properties.

Then one day it hit me. Why not use the same techniques on sites that mention one of my products, my blog, or any number of my sites?

I experimented with sending traffic and links to possible joint venture partners. They responded. They really responded!

I figured most professionals were as addicted to checking their stats every day as I was. So I sent key people a powerful message of traffic. When they logged in to see a big burst of traffic had occurred above their normal daily traffic, they back tracked where it came from and found my profiles on all the social sites I sent it from.

I began to get emails thanking me for this traffic and asking how I did it. They saw the sites that I was using to send them traffic, but they thought there was something magical about the way I did it and wanted to know the secret.

All of the sudden people who were paying no attention whatsoever to me were picking up the phone and emailing trying to figure out what I was up to and why I would send them traffic for free.

I wasn't sending them links and traffic for free exactly. I did it to get their attention. And once I had it and started telling them what I did to get it, they were all ears when it came to my products which teach people how to do the same.

I got every joint venture I wanted because of this tactic. No one ignores my emails anymore and I enjoy being able to get joint ventures or even totally free mails from some of the biggest names in the business. (Some of them even mailed about my products without affiliate links!)

So I went on to develop around this idea and came up with, in hindsight, was a monstrously brilliant idea: Why not "buzz" everyone who links to or mentions one of my sites or products?

Not to get their attention necessarily. But simply to improve their rankings and link popularity so that their links to me would increase in value!

To say that this has worked wonders for our companies is a gross understatement. Since you cannot trust that people who talk about you on their blogs or in social sites are any good at promoting themselves, I simply started buzzing every single page on the web that linked to one of my sites.

I know about every new mention of my name or my sites because I use Google Alerts. When someone writes a post with my name in it, I get an alert and the direct URL to that page.

With alerts set up for all your keywords (product names, your name, websites you own, or anything related to your business you want to track) you will be the third person on the web to know when something new has been put out there.

The first person is the person who wrote about you. The second is Google. The third is you!

So after I get an alert, I immediately check out the new content, wherever it is, and if it is buzz worthy, I apply social marketing tactics to that URL and get that page some serious attention.

Over time, no matter how bad others are at marketing their own sites, you can have a huge network of popular pages pointing to your domain, sending you traffic and increasing your rankings.

Don't blow off new content or blog posts simply because they have no page rank because they are brand new. Instead, make absolutely certain the entire niche knows about those pages and increase the value of them yourself far more rapidly than the website owners will themselves.

Side Effects: Everyone you buzz and make popular comes into your circle. You will notice an increase of repeat links and mentions by those people who have benefited from you buzzing them. Traffic is the #1 way to make friends online. Friends who will send you back exponentially more traffic collectively than you ever sent them.

Your site isn't the only thing you need to focus on when promoting on the web. You should promote every site on the web where your links are found!

Now you will never get stuck wondering what else you can do to promote your business online.

To find out how to "buzz" sites and conduct a real, social internet marketing campaign, download Jack Humphrey’s Authority Black Book at It is responsible for millions of links and visitors for the over 45,000 people who have read it!

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For more articles on Traffic Building visit the DirectoryGold Article Directory

For links to sites on Promotion visit the DirectoryGold Web Directory



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